Latest Announcements


Qing Ming Festival 2025

☸️ Qing Ming is a cherished Chinese tradition where we honor ancestors and loved ones through prayers and offerings. Rooted in Buddhist teachings on the interconnectedness of all beings, this season invites us to extend love and merits to those karmically linked to us.

☸️ During our event, our Venerable Sanghas will conduct prayers and offerings for 11 consecutive days, dedicating merits to help the departed transcend samsara and swiftly transmigrate to Amitabha’s Pure Land. 

👉 Learn more about our Qing Ming Festival 2025 event here


Prayers to Guru Rinpoche for Requesting Benefactors

🗓 Date: 5/3/2025 - 23/3/2025
⏰ Time: 11am – 7pm daily

🧧 During Jingzhe or ‘Awakening of Insects’ period, it is Thekchen Choling’s yearly tradition to present offerings to Guru Rinpoche and request his blessings to bestow us with benefactors, transforming the negative characters in our lives into supporters as well. 

🧧 This special prayer needs to be performed on-site at the temple. Our staff and volunteers will guide you through the steps and procedures for making the requests to Guru Rinpoche. 

🔎 Check clashes with scheming characters for year of the Wood Snake here.

* This prayer is also beneficial for all animal signs.


March 2025
Auspicious Days

1/3 – Birthday of Ji Gong Bodhisattva

3/3 – Birthday of Singha Rinpoche

14/3 - Great Day of Miraculous Manifestations

18/3 – Birthday of Guan Yin Bodhisattva

29/3 – New Moon Day

👉You may offer light and dedicate merits here.

👉Register for Singha Rinpoche’s Birthday offerings here.


Amrita 2024: Altriusm - Serving with Bodhicitta from Generation to Generation

Amrita 2024, our bilingual e-book, is a time capsule of precious moments. Through captivating photos and heartfelt articles, it takes you on a journey back through the memories that defined our year — the challenges we overcame, the milestones we celebrated, and the connections we cherished.

This year’s edition shines a spotlight on Altruism, one of the pillars of Thekchen Choling. Discover how this value has inspired our community to extend love and compassion to all sentient beings!

👉Download or view 𝐀𝐦𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 e-book online here.




Today's Episode

Dharma Teaching by Singha Rinpoche


Life Quotes To Inspire You

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Qing Ming

Qing Ming is a cherished Chinese tradition, a time when filial piety is expressed through prayers and offerings to our ancestors and loved ones who have passed. Shakyamuni Buddha has long highlighted the deep interconnection of all beings, many of whom may have been our parents across countless lifetimes. In this season of remembrance, let us share love and compassion with those karmically linked to us.


Singha Thekchen Namdrol Rinpoche is not your average Singaporean. He wanted answers. The continual quest for answers brings him from one Buddhist tradition to another. Eventually in Nepal, he realised that the answers are were all buried deep in the memories of his past lives. Now he is here to guide on a quest, Path to Enlightenment

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Prayers & Sutras

Prayers and Sutras are of huge importance to the Buddhist traditions. They provide ways and means for one to train the mind within, to understand the world around, to comprehend the situations we are in and to fathom the unseen-able world. Read some of the important Prayers & Sutras online in our Dharma Library anywhere you are!

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