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Buddhist Ways of Benefitting Animals

03/05/2024 09:38:38 In Blogs
compassion for animals, benefitting animals, animal welfare
Discover Buddhist teachings on compassion towards animals, advocating for their welfare and supporting beneficiary organizations.

Cultivating Mindfulness for Mental Wellbeing

03/05/2024 09:29:21 In Blogs
mindfulness, mental wellbeing, depression
Discover how mindfulness can help with depression and anxiety. Cultivate mindful habits to help with depression and anxiety.

How to Cultivate Patience

11/04/2024 10:23:50 In Blogs
patience, inner peace, spiritual grow, cultivate patience
Discover the essence of patience: its Buddhist perspective, benefits, and practices for everyday life.

Embracing Death without Fear: A Buddhist Approach

11/04/2024 10:23:39 In Blogs
embracing death, life's impermanence, buddhist perspective on death
Embrace the inevitable: Explore the Buddhist perspective on death and life's impermanence. Find courage in letting go and journey through the river of life.

Parenting with Bodhicitta

28/03/2024 08:41:43 In Blogs
bodhicitta, parenting, nurturing children, compassion
Understand how to parent with Bodhicitta. Embrace compassion, wisdom, and kindness for a fulfilling journey raising compassionate children.

Discovering Metta: Cultivating Inner Peace with Loving Kindness

27/03/2024 11:55:07 In Blogs
metta, inner peace, loving kindness
Discover the transformative power of loving kindness (metta). Cultivate inner peace, compassion, and joy amidst life's challenges.

Remembering Your Loved Ones during Qing Ming

06/03/2024 11:46:52 In Blogs
qing ming practices, compassionate samadhi, tomb sweeping festival, qing ming festival
Experience the vibrant Qing Ming Festival in Singapore, a captivating display of filial piety and tradition at Buddhist temples and Chinese cemeteries.

Letting Go and Embracing Freedom

06/03/2024 15:24:14 In Blogs
letting go, embracing freedom, gratitude, clarity, forgiving, letting go is fearless, taylor swift's quote
Explore human attachment and its consequences. Delve into upādāna in Buddhism, revealing the pitfalls of clinging for lasting happiness.

The Dharma in Money: How to be financially and spiritually abundant

14/02/2024 11:04:51 In Blogs
wealth, dharma, abundance
Discover how embracing Dharma transforms wealth into purpose. Cultivate compassion and positive change in your relationship with money for a meaningful life.

How to Practice Unconditional Love

14/02/2024 11:05:08 In Blogs
unconditional love, inner peace
Discover the true essence of love this Valentine's Day. Move beyond expectations and conditions to embrace unconditional love and inner peace.

Embracing Dharma Essence amidst Lunar New Year Celebrations

30/01/2024 15:55:57 In Blogs
dharma, lunar new year, chinese new year
Lunar New Year's vibrant festivities offer a chance for meaningful beginnings. Infuse Dharma to cultivate merit and wisdom, making celebrations profound.

Embracing Compassion: The Heartbeat of Volunteerism

30/01/2024 15:55:26 In Blogs
compassion, heartbeat, volunteer, volunteerism
Amid individual pursuits, compassion echoes in volunteerism—a selfless embodiment of service, intricately weaving into the meaningful fabric of life.

Nurturing the Soul: How Parents Can Introduce Children to the Dharma

16/01/2024 14:40:48 In Blogs
Discover the profound impact parents have as the first teachers, shaping a child's character with essential values, morals, and social skills.

Practising Generosity – Giving and Receiving

16/01/2024 14:40:37 In Blogs
thekchen choling, buddhist teachings, practicing generosity, giving and receiving, six paramitas, six perfections, practice of generosity or dana, act of giving
Generosity is the universal act of selfless giving, transcending cultures. Though not innate, practices like Buddhist generosity counter feelings of emptiness..

The 7 Types of Rest for a Balanced and Healthy Life

23/11/2023 17:41:13 In Blogs
Explore the 7 crucial types of rest, from physical and mental to emotional and spiritual. Learn practical tips for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Easy Self-Care Tips for Exam Success

01/11/2023 08:47:27 In Blogs
Self-care is key to effective studying. Use these tips to clear your mind and study with confidence for midterms and finals.

6 Ways to a Meaningful Life

20/10/2023 15:53:34 In Blogs
Buddhism offers insights for a fulfilling life with fundamental principles that can be applied daily.