The 7 Types of Rest for a Balanced and Healthy Life

When was the last time you had a proper rest?
In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to neglect rest in our daily routines because we prioritise work, responsibility, and constant productivity. However, rest is crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle and well-being – incorporating rest into our daily routine can improve productivity, enhance creativity, and boost our overall quality of life.
What’s interesting to note is that our bodies require seven types of rest to recover from physical exertion, reduce stress, and restore mental clarity. According to Dr Saundra Dalton-Smith, a physician-researcher and author of the book ‘Sacred Rest’, she identified seven types of rest we need for a balanced and healthy life.
Let’s look at what they are.
1. Physical Rest
Physical rest is one we are most familiar with. It involves caring for our bodies through adequate sleep, proper nutrition, and regular exercise. When you consistently feel tired or lack energy, your body needs physical rest. Listen to it.
Some restful activities you can consider:
Quality sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep to help your body and mind function at their best.
Napping: Short power naps are the way to go when you need to recharge your energy.
Yoga or stretching: Relax and release muscle tension with low-impact yoga or stretching.
2. Mental Rest
In today's digitally connected world, our minds can become overwhelmed with constant thoughts, worries, and distractions, leading to irritability and difficulty concentrating. To quiet the mind and relieve stress and overthinking, take a few moments to stay still and do nothing. If this seems challenging, you can try engaging in some light activities instead, like:
Meditation: “Resting is the first part of Buddhist meditation,” according to Thich Nhat Hanh. Relax your mind with mindfulness meditation, an ancient Buddhist practice that gives you clarity and peace. You are better equipped to face life’s challenges through a calm and centred mindset.
Journaling: To declutter your mind, write. Writing helps you explore your emotions, identify patterns and gain insights into your inner world.
Digital Detox: Take breaks from screens and social media. Give your brain a rest by listening to your favourite music, strolling in the park, or engaging in arts and crafts.
3. Emotional Rest
Even our emotions need a break because they impact our happiness, but we tend to ignore our feelings, which is crucial to achieving emotional resilience. Managing our emotions through activities such as meditation promotes healing and self-care. When we take care of our emotions, it is an act of self-love that allows us to show up fully for ourselves and others around us.
Some ways to attain emotional rest include:
Talking with Loved Ones or a Therapist: Talk to someone, share your feelings and challenges, and gain insights or perspectives of your emotional state.
Emotional Release: Cry if you need to. Crying releases endorphins that can help soothe and calm you.
Self-care Activities: Meditate, practice mindfulness, or participate in activities such as attending healing talks.
4. Sensory Rest
Our senses are constantly over-stimulated in this modern world – bright screens, noisy environments, and constant notifications. Sensory rest becomes essential when you feel overwhelmed or irritated by stimuli.
Recharge your senses through:
Silence: Silence allows us to reflect and connect deeply with ourselves and the world. Give your ears a break by taking a few moments of silence.
Darkness: Close your eyes for a minute or two during the day to calm your mind and relax your muscles and organs.
Retreats: Treat yourself to a rejuvenating retreat where you can rest, quiet your mind, and appreciate nature's beauty while sleeping and eating gratefully in the present moment.
5. Social Rest
Socialising with people is important, but it's also tiring. We spend a lot of time with people who demand things from us all the time, whether they are our spouses, children, or colleagues. While human interaction is crucial to our overall well-being, even the most outgoing person needs a break occasionally.
Strike a balance between social interaction and resting through the following ways:
Set Boundaries: Healthy relationships need boundaries. Don’t be afraid to say ‘No’ when you need alone time. It is important for your well-being and happiness.
Solo Activities: Allocate time to engage in hobbies or interests you can enjoy alone, such as floral arrangements or nature walks.
Balance your Time: Make sure to balance social activities with alone time for self-reflection and self-care.
6. Creative Rest
We need creativity in our lives, but constant output can deplete it. If you're stuck in a rut or experiencing burnout, take a break and give yourself some creative rest. Let your mind wander, appreciate beauty, and recharge your creative spirit.
Take a creative break with these activities:
Creative Expressions: Draw or write aimlessly and enjoy the process to spark your creativity.
Daydreaming: Allow your mind to wander and let your thoughts drift to alleviate stress and anxiety.
Sabbaticals: Take sabbaticals to reconnect with yourself, refresh and explore. And yes, sabbaticals can be as short as a 30-minute visit to an art gallery or a museum.
7. Spiritual Rest
Dr Dalton-Smith believes that spiritual rest is about feeling seen, belonging, and finding purpose in our lives. We all need connection, love, acceptance, and meaning. When we feel empty or disconnected from our values and beliefs, it may mean we need spiritual rest.
To achieve spiritual rest, consider:
Spiritual Activities: Engage in practices that align with your spiritual inclinations, such as prayer, meditation, or volunteering for a cause that aligns with your values.
Nature Contemplation: Spend time in nature to connect with your inner self and the world around you.
Reflection: Allow time to reflect on your values, beliefs, and purpose regularly to nurture your spiritual well-being.
To truly rest, remember, it's not just about physical relaxation. To truly rest, have a more fulfilling life and overcome challenges, pay attention, and listen to the signals your body sends you. Take time to pause, rest, and find balance on your journey. It’s okay to take breaks and recharge because it’s important for your well-being.
And if you need more tips on ways to rest or find inner peace, consider exploring our Dharma courses or weekly teachings.