T1 Grand Memorial Tablet for the Ancestors 堂上历代祖先莲位
T2 Memorial Tablet for the Dearly Departed 往生者莲位
T3A Grand Dedication Tablet for the Past Creditors 累世冤亲债主大莲位
T3B Dedication Tablet for the Past Creditors 累世冤亲债主莲位
T4A Memorial Tablet for the Unfortunate Unborn (Abortion) 堕胎婴灵莲位
T4B Memorial Tablet for the Unfortunate Unborn (Miscarriage) 流产婴灵莲位
T5 Dedication Tablet for Wandering Spirits 善施无主孤魂莲位
T6 Memorial Tablet for Animals 爱宠莲位
G1 Gratitude & Remembrance Package 敬恩配套
G2 Offering of Paper Treasure Chest 供先人衣箱
G3 Blessed Food Offering
M1 Bountiful Food Offering 供佛回向十方法界
M2 Exquisite Ceremonial Offering 内坛御供
M3 Support the Recitation of Great Liberation Sutra 护持圣大解脱经法会
M4 Charity Sur Puja 烟供施食法会
M5 Namgyalma Puja 尊胜佛母法会
M6 Marichi Puja 摩利支天法会
D1 Event Donations QM 法会捐赠
Manjushri Yearly Light
1000-Armed Chenrezig Yearly Light
Yellow Dzambala Yearly Light
Medicine Buddha Yearly Light
Cundi Bodhisattva Yearly Light
Green Tara Yearly Light
Guru Rinpoche Yearly Light
Kurukulle Yearly Light
Guru Rinpoche Gold Pendant
FR-PP-T2 Perfection of Wisdom Pillar (J)
FR-PP-T1 Perfection of Generosity Pillar
FR-TRO-V2 - Victory Banner
FR-TRO-V3 - Victory Banner
FR-TRO-V4 - Victory Banner
FR-TRO-VB1 Power Banner
FR-TRO-VB2 Power Banner
FR Stupa on Temple Roof
FR Bricks
FR Sand
FR Cement
Wisdom Light 慧光宝灯
Medicine Buddha Shrine Light Offering
Dzambala Shrine Offering
Ganapati Shrine Light Offering
Merit Oil
Golden Nectar
Lotus Light 莲花灯
Wisdom Light - AD
Vitality Dragon Light - AD
Ritual: Dorje, Bell & Hand Mudras
How to do Waterbowl Practice
Exploring Buddhism Module 3 (Eng)
Introduction to Meditation (Eng)
禅修入门(华)Introduction to Meditation (Chi)
Guru Puja Tsok Offering (Monthly)
Support a Prayer
Vajraland Fund
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