Grand Sanctification Ceremony of Cundi

18 to 20 October 2024


Shine brightly by connecting with Lhamo Cundi through this sublime spiritual experience; gain abundant merits and dispel immense inauspiciousness!

As advised by H.E. Jhado Rinpoche, Lhamo Cundi is the patron deity of Thekchen Choling. He had especially transmitted the esoteric lineage of Lhamo Cundi to our Spiritual Director Singha Rinpoche, thus establishing a direct connection between our temple and Cundi practice. 

During the Grand Sanctification Ceremony of Cundi, we make strong supplications to Cundi as a group. Throughout the entire ceremony lasting three days and two nights, Lhamo Cundi’s short mantra “Om Tsale Tsule Cundi Svaha” will be chanted continuously. Practicing collectively like this greatly magnifies our efforts, bestowing multitudes of blessings and benefits. Through this powerful ceremony, we pray for the happiness of all sentient beings, long and stable lives of our Lineage Gurus, as well as the quick fruition of all our virtuous wishes and that of our sponsors’ and devotees’. 

Come participate in this prayer ceremony with us—for those who cultivate a strong link with her, through effective practice she will lead us all the way to enlightenment. 


Our Patron Deity - Lhamo Cundi

In this short clip, Singha Rinpoche shares how Lhamo Cundi came to be the patron deity of Thekchen Choling.


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Cundi has been highly revered since ancient times for her powerful blessings in granting spiritual and worldly successes. Hence, one may request Cundi to gain Dharma realizations, growth in businesses or personal careers, having a harmonious family, or having good interpersonal relationships through making offerings and supplicating to Cundi in this ceremony. 

Through sincere cultivation with Arya Cundi, we can purify mountains of negative karma, including karma accumulated from our broken vows. Cundi helps to dispel misunderstandings and hatred within us and towards others that has risen from holding onto wrong views. Also, Cundi protects us from life obstacles caused by non-human entities and is able to transform all adverse conditions into auspicious ones. 

More about Lhamo Cundi    


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Date: 16/10/2024 (Wed) 

Time: 8.00pm (Singapore Time, GMT +8) 

Venue: Thekchen Choling Singapore 新加坡大乘禅寺 


Prior to the Grand Sanctification Ceremony of Cundi, a Lhamo Cundi Initiation will be conferred by Vajra Master Singha Rinpoche at Thekchen Choling Singapore.

If you wish to engage in Cundi practice, do treasure this rare opportunity to receive the immense blessings of this unbroken lineage through Singha Rinpoche.  

- Have taken refuge in the Three Jewels.  
- Have faith and respect towards the Vajra Master and Tantric Teachings.  
- All participants are to observe pure vegetarian diet from 16 Oct 2024 (Wed) 6.00am (SGT, GMT +8) till completion of the initiation.  

*Devotees are requested to register online prior to attending. 

➤ Register here or find out more!   


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Join Us On-Site 现场参与   

The annual Grand Sanctification Ceremony of Cundi is held on-site at Thekchen Choling Singapore’s main hall, where we recite a sadhana led by a member of the sangha within our allocated two-and-a half hour time slots. The key section of the sadhana is where we recite Lhamo Cundi’s long mantra 100 times and then proceed to accumulate Lhamo Cundi’s short mantra. 

The opening of this ceremony starts on 18 Oct 2024, followed by overlapping sessions staggered in a relay format all the way to its auspicious completion on 20 Oct 2024. Participants can choose to join any of the sessions to be part of our continuous supplication to Lhamo Cundi.

At the final session of this ceremony on 20 Oct 2024, a Nectar Offering to Dharma Protectors ritual will be held to mark the auspicious completion. 

Click here to register!  

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Join Us Online 线上参与   

If you are not able to attend this ceremony at our temple in Singapore, we welcome you to join us in these online sessions via ZOOM, scheduled as follows:  

Day 1: 18/10/2024, 8pm - 10.30pm (Zoom Session in English)
Day 2: 19/10/2024, 8am - 10.30am (Zoom Session in Vietnamese)
Day 2: 19/10/2024, 2pm - 4.30pm (Zoom 中文线上念诵时段)
Day 3: 20/10/2024, 8am - 10.30am (Zoom Session in English)

Your mantra recitations will also count towards our grand total tally. The QR code/link for mantra count submission will be provided during the Zoom sessions. 

Click here to register! 

Dietary Observations

As a ritual requirement, we request all participants to kindly adhere to a ‘pure vegetarian’* diet, starting from the last sunrise that is before your session. For overseas participants in a different time zone from Singapore, please base the sunrise timing on your own time zone and not Singapore’s time zone. You may refer to more details when you register, a chart will be provided. 

*This diet specifically refers to avoid: meat, garlic, onion, leek, white radish, chives, egg and cheese. However, the following are allowed: milk, powdered milk, butter, yoghurt and margarine. 


We are offering the Lhamo Cundi Torma to devotees seeking to invite her presence into their homes or businesses, while the Lhamo Cundi Amulet is perfect for carrying wherever you go. These blessed treasures deepen your connection with Lhamo Cundi, bestowing continuous blessings, support, and auspiciousness in your life and surroundings.

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Lhamo Cundi Torma

Beautifully handcrafted by our resident Sanghas, these Deity Tormas are consecrated by Singha Rinpoche during the initiation ceremony as embodiments of Lhamo Cundi. Limited quantity available by preorder only.

 Register here

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Holy Amulet of Lhamo Cundi

The Cundi amulet has great all-encompassing benefits that will help its bearer to dispel harm and spiritual hinderances, attract success in business or personal career, and create conditions for virtuous aspirations to be fulfilled. Acquire all of Cundi’s blessings and benefits by bearing a special blessed emblem – The Holy Amulet of Lhamo Cundi. 

 Pre-order here


Honouring Lhamo Cundi through these devotional offerings allows you to accumulate merit and enhance your prayers for the swift fulfillment of your wishes. Whether you seek Dharma realizations, success in business, harmonious relationships, a loving family, or supportive benefactors, your offerings can greatly support your aspirations.

Click below to honour Lhamo Cundi and cultivate in her vast ocean of merits:

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Cundi Divine Light

In conjunction with the upcoming Grand Sanctification of Cundi Ceremony, Singha Rinpoche has specially commissioned Cundi divine light for devotees to receive the blessings of Lhamo Cundi and her entourage throughout the three days of continuous prayers. 

  Register here

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Luxurious Harmony  Flower Offering

In conjunction with the meritorious Grand Sanctification Ceremony of Cundi, the Luxurious Harmony Flower Offering is beneficial for overcoming unfavourable conditions, bringing peace and positive growth to your life and the world.

Register here

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Dragon Vitality Light

By offering light, we are able to: - Accumulate vast merits for success; Always see light, hope, and positivity; Create the cause to have great wealth.' Dispel ignorance and achieve wisdom. The Dragon Candle will burn continuously for approximately 14 days, thereby maximizing the benefits of the light offering.

Register here

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Cundi Shrine Offering

The contribution will be for joint-merit accumulation through the offerings around the sacred Cundi Mandala, such as food tormas, the eight offering sets (include four special ‘light of infinity’), and many auspicious emblems displayed and offered throughout the entire ceremony. We rejoice in your merits and practice of generosity! 

  Register here


 Embracing the Cundi Connection 

Hear from Ani Chodron and fellow Dharma friends as they share the profound blessings and transformative experiences that come from the practice of Lhamo Cundi.

Our annual Cundi Ceremony is coming! Treasure this precious opportunity to deepen your own connection with Lhamo Cundi and receive her powerful blessings for spiritual and worldly success!


 The Creation of Our Lhamo Cundi Amulet 

We are extremely fortunate to have received from lineage holder H.E. Kyabje Jhado Rinpoche the esoteric practice of Cundi, as well as a special Cundi mantra wheel for the creation of this exclusive Holy Amulet of Lhamo Cundi. 

This year, the amulets will be consecrated again through The Grand Sanctification Ceremony of Cundi, thus imbuing them with even more blessings!

Learn more about the creation of this special amulet through this video.

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