The Thekchen Choling Education Bursary Award was established in 2010 to provide financial assistance to students from low-income families. It is open to Singapore citizens, regardless of race or religion, who are studying in government institutions. There are three categories – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary.
From 14 recipients in the first year to almost 50 students now, the bursary has benefitted a lot more of the future generation.
Bursary Award Values
1. Primary: $200
2. Secondary / JC : $300
3. Tertiary (Polytechnic/University): $400
1. Applicant must be a Singapore Citizen.
2. Applicants must reside in Kampong Glam Division for more than a year
3. Student of any Government-aided school or independent school in 2021
4. Total gross monthly household income must be less than $2750/month; or per capita income of not more than $690**.
4. Not a recipient of other Bursary or Scholarship Awards.
5. Only
1 applicant per household can apply.
*Total amount of gross income of all the working people in the same Household.
**Per Capita Income= Gross family income/ Total no. of family members living together with the applicant.
a) Completed application form
b) Certified true copy of all the followings:
1. Applicant’s Birth Certificate or Identity Card (both sides)
2. Both parents’ Identity Card (both sides)
3. Latest 3 months pay slips and CPF statement of all working members in the family
4. All 2021 results slip in report book
- For Primary 3 and 4 to Submit Mid-Year Exam Results.
- All Primary 6 applicants must submit PSLE results with their Year End Results Slips)
5. School testimonials, if any, as of 2021
c) Signed Declaration of Household Income by household member who is self-employed, working part-time, retiree or unemployed
*All information must be provided. Incomplete application will be disqualified for False particulars or wilful suppression of facts
*CPF Statement submission is compulsory. Without which, the committee will not consider the application
*CPF statement is a must can be obtained from CPF board
• Scan the QR code to download the form.
Please submit ALL completed application forms and documents to Jalan Besar CC or Kampong Glam CC or via email to
• Closing date: 16 April 2022 (Late submission or incomplete application forms will not be considered.)
• For families which are submitting multiple applications, please staple all application forms together
• The decision of the Selection Board is final, and no correspondence or telephone enquiry will be entertained
• The committee reserves the right to amend any of these rules and regulations.
• Applicants will be duly informed of the result of their application through letters.
• In lieu of the current Covid-19 restrictions, award ceremony details will be confirmed later .

800+ Submitted Applicants
Help us help more people
300+ Households & Families
Supporting families regardless of race and religion
500+ Full Time Students
Inspiring and encouraging learning
9 Years of Encouragements
Continuing the support for deserving students from all walks of life
544 Bursaries Awarded
Putting care into action and support