Meaningful Life

Changing Lives Through A Great Experience, Changing The World In and Around You



O ur temple engages people from all walks of life through teachings and courses, catering to the different needs and levels of understanding of Buddhism. The various programmes are conducted in an informal, vibrant manner with lots of open-minded discussions. This allows our community to support one another in our journey as we gain a deeper appreciation for the Buddhadharma. Together, we get to witness the power of the Buddha’s teachings in being able to change our minds and lives, making our paths more meaningful as we strive together to become great Bodhisattvas.  

Orientation 2024

Feeling new and lost?
Keen to know more about Thekchen Choling?
Want to learn more about basic Buddhist practices?
Discover how you can start your Dharma Journey with us!

Our orientation programme is specially crafted to help familiarise you with our temple and what we have to offer. Through participating in this programme, you will get to satisfy your curiosity about Thekchen Choling and the people who make up the heart of this vibrant community.

  30 Jun 2024 Sunday


Thekchen Choling Main Hall

Click here to sign up for our Orientation Programme

Donate here to support our programmes

Do you have a burning question?

Share your questions with us via the google form.
Rinpoche may answer them in our weekly Dharma Teachings!

Help us keep our beneficial courses running for more people!

Help us reduce the cost of running the various courses and the materials needed.