Being with a Guru is a profound and meaningful bond that extends through lifetimes, ultimately leading to enlightenment. A qualified Guru is a safe refuge, guiding us through the turbulent waters of samsara on our spiritual journey. This path is often filled with challenges, ego, illusions, and negative emotions that can easily cloud our minds. A Guru helps us break free from ego-driven beliefs and comfort zones, offering guidance and light so that we may find clarity and wisdom as we progress toward awakening.
Disciples of Thekchen Choling are incredibly fortunate to have Singha Thekchen Namdrol Rinpoche as our cherished teacher and guide. His kindness and compassion shine brightly, and as a loving father and wise spiritual mentor, he remains with us through all circumstances. His boundless love for all of us is immense. His wisdom dispels the confusion in our minds, planting the seed of Bodhichitta deep within us. Through his guidance, we are inspired to better understand ourselves, cultivate greater self-awareness, and live lives that are meaningful and beneficial to others!

- Calling the Guru From Afar
Singha Rinpoche teaches experiential Dharma, encouraging us to apply and practice the Dharma in our daily lives. Numerous disciples have received the heart of Rinpoche’s teachings, encouraging us to cultivate a Bodhisattva heart, as well as to dedicate our lives to benefitting all beings with love, compassion, and wisdom. To do this, we need to crush our self-cherishing mind and ego, so that we may realise the vast and boundless Buddha Nature that exists within all of us. Taming our minds on this path can only be achieved with a qualified Guru who can guide us to enlightenment.
Many of us have felt the essence of Rinpoche’s teachings by allowing it to transform our daily lives. We have witnessed the awe-inspiring means of his wisdom and skilful actions to awaken us. The vastness of his compassion and wisdom is indescribable.
Therefore, we pray that our Guru will live a long and healthy life so that he may be able to continue turning the wheel of Dharma to benefit all sentient beings. On this special occasion that marks the birth of our Guru, Singha Rinpoche, we dedicate a long-life Guru Puja to him and all lineage Gurus. Just as what Lama Zopa Rinpoche said about blessings, it is due to the kindness of our Gurus that we are able to receive blessings from Buddhas:
“It’s from the guru that we will achieve all the realizations, from liberation from samsaric sufferings all the way up to enlightenment.”
Let’s all come together to request Singha Rinpoche and all lineage Gurus to live a long and healthy life to turn the wheel of Dharma for all beings in this long-life Guru Puja.
May all our Guru’s Dharma wishes be fulfilled and actualised immediately!
May all sentient beings be able to enjoy the Dharma day and night and gain awakening through our Guru’s enlightened activities!
May all countries live in peace and harmony, and may all people enjoy stability, growth and success!

Gift of Devotion:
Collective Accumulation of
Heart Sutra
Let us join our hearts and collectively recite Heart Sutra together from now till
3 March 2025
, 2359hrs (SGT GMT +8)!
H.E. Kyabje Jhado Rinpoche specially advised that it would be greatly beneficial for disciples and students of Singha Rinpoche to recite the Heart Sutra to dedicate to the long life and good health of Singha Rinpoche. All are welcome to contribute as many mantras as you can to pray for our Guru!
The total Sutra count will be presented as a Gift of Devotion to Singha Rinpoche. We will also dedicate these merits to the long life of H.H. Dalai Lama, H.E. Kyabje Jhado Rinpoche and all lineage Gurus.
May all the holy wishes of all kind lineage Gurus be manifested quickly.
May all Dharma centres, especially Thekchen Choling Temples, have success and flourish the Dharma extensively for all disciples, students, sponsors, members, and all sentient beings!
Start of Accumulation 持经开始: 6/2/2025, 1900hrs (SGT, GMT +8)
Last Submission Date 持经圆满: 3/3/2025, 2359hrs (SGT, GMT +8)
Submission of Completed Sutra Counts

Long Life Guru Puja for Singha Rinpoche
Date: 1 Mar 2025
Time: 3.30pm
(Singapore time, GMT +8)
Venue: Thekchen Choling Singapore, Main Hall
The Long Life Guru Puja is an important ceremony where offerings, prayers, and requests are made to our spiritual master for their continued health and long life. This practice purifies any mistakes in the guru-disciple relationship and creates the conditions for the guru to remain with us. Singha Rinpoche will be attending this puja.
We invite you to contribute to the collective tsog offering, which includes food and a birthday cake. These offerings will be presented to Singha Rinpoche, the Sangha, and all attendees. The tsog collected will be donated to charity after the puja. By participating, you will purify negativities, awaken and ripen good conditions that will deliver us into the Dharmakaya state.
Contributions of any amount are welcome.
➤ Register Now
*The ceremony will also be broadcasted via Facebook Live.
Join us in our collective efforts and practice of Guru Devotion. Contribute towards the sponsorship of the following prayers and offerings to pray for the good health and long life of our Guru, Singha Rinpoche.

Dharmachakra Mandala Offering
Offering date: 1 Mar 2025
Dharmachakra means turning the wheel of Dharma. Offering the Dharmachakra Mandala to one’s Guru signifies the disciple’s devotion and long life request for the Guru’s extended life span, and to turn the wheel of dharma for the benefit of all beings.
The offering of Mandala also signifies the offering of the universe and the disciple’s body, speech and mind to the Guru as our precious human rebirth is liken to a wish-fulfilling jewel. Through the Guru’s wisdom and skilful means, our Buddha Nature is awakened and ripens quickly. As such, this human rebirth becomes the cause for our enlightenment.
Disciples making this offering are invited to attend the Long Life Guru Puja Ceremony and offer the Mandala during this puja.
Note: Limited sets only.
➤ Register Now

Long-Life Prayer Flag
Offering date: Allocated by temple
We will be offering Long Life Prayer Flags at two special locations in Nepal, Tsum Valley and Sailung. These offerings will be dedicated for Singha Rinpoche and lineage Gurus to have a strong life force, a long and healthy life, and auspicious conditions for all their holy activities!
By making offerings of Long-Life Prayer Flags, one creates the causes for auspicious conditions to arise in one’s Dharma practice, to have a long and healthy life, and to purify obstacles on the path to awakening.
The flags will be hoisted on a selected day with prayers for merit-multiplying effects.
➤ Register Now

Auspicious Prayers and Offerings
Offering date: 1 - 3 Mar 2025
Sponsor the various prayers and offerings mentioned above as we pray for the good health and long life of our Guru, Singha Rinpoche. Join us in our collective efforts and practice of Guru Devotion!
Benefits of this practice: To accumulate merits and create the causes and conditions for our most precious Guru to remain with us in the world for a long time in order to turn the Dharma wheel, bringing countless benefits to all beings.
1. Offering of Eight Auspicious Signs, Seven Precious Royal Objects, Eight Medicinal Substances and many other auspicious offerings during the Long-Life Guru Puja.
2. A grand offering of 5,555 butter lamps, white-wash coating, prayer flags, shambu and painting the eyes of Boudhanath Stupa in Kathmandu, Nepal.
3. Various Pujas and meritorious activities that will be performed at overseas monasteries.
We welcome you to contribute any amount.
➤ Register Now

Divine Crown of Maha-Cundi
Offering date: 1 Mar 2025
This specially commissioned Divine Crown of Maha-Cundi is made according to Lhamo Cundi lineage transmitted by H.E. Jhado Rinpoche. Cundi has been highly revered since ancient times for her powerful blessings in granting spiritual and worldly successes.
Gilded in gold with the depiction of Five Dhyani Buddhas and Four Mothers, offering this exquisite crown will benefit the practitioner in having realisations and meritorious results in one's own Dharma practice, as well as to have virtuous aspirations swiftly fulfilled.
Making this offering also supports the beneficial activities of our precious Gurus, and creates the causes to realise the wisdom of Maha-Cundi.
Only 1 set available
➤ Offer this exquisite crown here
*Photo is for illustration purpose only.