IMPORTANT- Things to note when booking your Time-Slot for Qing Ming Private Praying Session


e-Booking for Qing Ming prayer session is now open!

To e-Book for the private praying session, please read below:

✅To ensure your safety, Thekchen Choling will be implementing an online e-Booking system for those of you who had signed up for Qing Ming Festival 2021.

✅Please e-Book a preferred time-slot for the private praying session to pray and pay respect to your dearly departed & ancestors during this Qing Ming Festival period.

✅All private praying session during this period are strictly by appointment through this e-booking system. First come first serve basis only.

✅Each private praying session are capped at 30mins.(maximum 5 pax per family).

✅Only a maximum of 5 pax per family are allowed when e-Booking.

✅After the e-Booking is successful, an SMS e-ticket will be sent to you. Please show the SMS to our staff/volunteers upon entry

✅You are advised to arrive on time and keep the praying session within 30 mins.

✅Please adhere to the safe distancing measures during your visit at the temple.

✅Devotees who are late for more than 10mins will have their appointment cancelled automatically.

Safety Measures:
🔸You are required to wear a mask at all times.
🔸Temperature Taking will be done upon entry to the temple. If you are feeling unwell, please rest at home.
🔸You are required to Check-In and Check-Out of your SafeEntry/TraceTogether App.
🔸If you do not have the SafeEntry App or TraceTogether device, please bring along your Identification Card for us to assist you to Check-In.

e-Book your private praying session here:

📣 重要通告!





✅所有清明法会的参拜时段将严格以预约的方式来安排。信众需要通过网上预约系统报名, 每个时段的名额先到先得。



✅ 若成功预约,寺院将通过电邮或手机简讯给您发出电子参拜门票。抵达寺院后,请于入口处出示门票进入寺院。









