Prayers to Lord Kalachakra
Those whose zodiac signs, lunar month or time of birth clashes with Tai Sui, are advised to pray to Lord Kalachakra for removal of obstacles and invite all auspiciousness from 4th Feb(Fri), 4:50am - 5th Mar(Sat), 10:42pm.

Prayers to Guru Rinpoche 供奉莲花生大士
For those whose zodiac signs, lunar month or time of birth are in conflict with Scheming characters, it is most beneficial to pray to Guru Rinpoche, requesting great benefactors and blessings to assist us along the way in 2022.
Join us from 5 Mar 2022 22.43pm to 13 Mar 2022 22.59pm to pray for blessings and auspicious conditions. You may come to the temple to pray, but will subject to the limited number of people in the temple and safe distancing requirements
Who is Guru Rinpoche?
Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava), the precious master was born from a lotus in the land of Oddiyana. Guru Rinpoche is known to be the Buddha of our time. Buddha Shakyamuni actually predicted Guru Rinpoche’s appearance. Nineteen different sutras and tantras contain clear predictions of his arrival and activities.
In the Mahaparinirvana Sutra, Buddha Shakyamuni announced his own mahaparinirvana to the students who were with him at the time. Many of them, particularly Ananda, the Buddha’s cousin and personal attendant, were quite upset upon hearing this, so the Buddha turned to Ananda and told him not to worry. “Eight years after my mahaparinirvana, a remarkable being with the name Padmasambhava will appear in the center of a lotus and reveal the highest teaching concerning the ultimate state of the true nature, bringing great benefit to all sentient beings.”– Buddha Shakyamuni “Eight years after my mahaparinirvana, a remarkable being with the name Padmasambhava will appear in the center of a lotus and reveal the highest teaching concerning the ultimate state of the true nature, bringing great benefit to all sentient beings.”
What is "Prayer to Guru Rinpoche" about?
In the Chinese Traditions, when the annual astrological influences brings difficult situations, we believe that it is because of a lack of 'Trusted Benefactors or a profusion of 'Scheming Villians". You might have known of this Chinese custom remedies called "Beating the Villians" and making offerings to the 'White Tiger Deity.
Here in Thekchen Choling, we request for benefactors from Guru Rinpoche to help us along difficult situations instead of beating the villains.
Guru Rinpoche a.k.a Dorje Drollo helps to neutralize negative influences by appealing to Guru Dorje Drollo for protection, blessings and clarity to transform negative influences into auspiciousness. He, who is the wrathful manifestation of Guru Rinpoche also helps us to subdue all our obstacles.
What are the benefits of praying to Guru Rinpoche (Dorje Drollo)?
- Attracts helpful benefactors into our lives
- Clear away diseases, plaques
- Brings Well-Being and happiness
- Eliminates obstacles and hindrances
- Guides us on the path of wisdom and compassion
- Fulfills our wishes