Dharma Courses

Learning with Thekchen Choling

Our courses aims to provides the knowledge and understanding that helps you discover your Buddhist journey


Our courses are thoughtfully designed to give you quality teachings,
providing you with the knowledge and starting your Buddhist journey. 


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      Mandala Offering Course 

      by Geshe Jigme

      Ready to deepen your practice and accumulate boundless merit? Join us as Geshe Jigme leads a 2-session course on the Mandala Offering—a powerful practice that brings swift realizations of bodhicitta and emptiness.

      In this session, Geshela will guide us through the meaning and significance of the 37 heaps of the mandala offering, unlocking profound insights into this sacred practice.

      Introducing Our Dharma Instructor:

      Geshe Jigme is a distinguished practitioner in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, holding the esteemed title of Ngarampa, equivalent to a master's degree in tantric studies. He has trained extensively, with five years at Sera Monastic University and twenty years at Gyudmed Tantric College.

      Don’t miss this opportunity to enrich your spiritual journey! Register now and take your practice to the next level.

      Course Details:

      Dates: 22/12 & 29/12 (Sun)  

      Time: 10AM to 12PM

      Duration: 2  lessons

      Venue: 147 Tyrwhitt Road Level 2 Classroom  

      Suggested Course Donation: $20

       Register Now

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      奢摩他,梵語 Samatha即「止」,是一种能一心专注于一个对境的禅修方法。缺乏奢摩他,显教的空性与密宗等高级“修所成”的证悟就无从生起。就像倒水需要有盛水的容器,任何显密三摩地功德的生起都离不开奢摩他。为了斩断轮回之根、获得解脱,需要证悟空性的毗钵舍那「观」;而生起毗钵舍那的前提是坚固的奢摩他。明见空性之义,首先要有稳固的“住分”,就像在黑夜中看清壁画需要一盏既明亮又不会熄灭的灯。奢摩他禅修不仅能改善修行中的暇满、难得、无常等证德,还能成就各种神通。




      持称格西于1991年到印度和尼泊尔参访学习,并于尼泊尔柯槃寺(Kopan Monastery)剃度,同年进入印度色拉杰学院(Sera Jey Monastic University)学习佛法哲学与心理学,在负笈十八年的光景里学习了因明学、心类学与五部大论:现观庄严论、入中论、释量论、戒论、俱舍论。中间也到过哲蚌寺、甘丹寺等其他寺院参访学习。 2009年,完成所有学习并且得到格鲁派传承认可的格⻄学位(佛学博士学位),之后也进入上密院学习密乘教法与仪轨。目前格西主要于香港、台湾等地教导佛学。  


      日期: 每逢星期三 : 11/9 (实体), 18/9 (实体), 25/9 (实体), 2/10 (线上), 23/10 (线上)30/10 (线上)6/11 (线上), 13/11 (线上)




      课费: S$50 (全数捐予本寺弘法基金)



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      Daily Prayers

      Initiating our Daily Dharma Practice

      Are you new to Buddhism and recently took refuge to the Triple Gem? Are you uncertain about how to begin your daily Dharma practice?

      We invite you to join an introductory class on Daily Prayers, guided by Venerable Losang Dechen. Suitable for beginners, this session will assist you in establishing your daily prayers, including the Shakyaumuni Buddha Morning Prayers. Gain a deeper understanding of the significance of prayers and mantras.

      Introducing the Instructor:

      Ani Losang Dechen was ordained in 2006. Since young, Anila has always been interested in religion and spiritual matters. After she came to Thekchen Choling, the urge became more pronounced and she became more dissatisfied with the householder’s way of life. Upon consultation with Singha Rinpoche, Rinpoche suggested her to consider the monastic path. From then, she became a nun at the temple. Anila has since then been active in organizing Dharma activities of chanting, prayers, pujas, house & company blessings and animal liberations. She is also involved in the translation of texts and sutras.

      Date: 6 Apr 2024 (Sat)

      Time: 2pm to 5pm

      Venue: Onsite at 147 Tyrwhitt Road Level 2 Classroom

      Language of instruction: English

      Suggested Course Donation to Dharma Propagation Fund: $10

      Registration is Closed.
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      参与者回家后必须持戒至隔天清晨 (总共持戒24小时)


      持称格西于1991年到印度和尼泊尔参访学习,并于尼泊尔柯槃寺(Kopan Monastery)剃度,同年进入印度色拉杰学院(Sera Jey Monastic University)学习佛法哲学与心理学,在负笈十八年的光景里学习了因明学、心类学与五部大论:现观庄严论、入中论、释量论、戒论、俱舍论。中间也到过哲蚌寺、甘丹寺等其他寺院参访学习。 2009年,完成所有学习并且得到格鲁派传承认可的格⻄学位(佛学博士学位),之后也进入上密院学习密乘教法与仪轨。目前格西主要于香港、台湾等地教导佛学。  


      日期:  28/9/2024 (星期六)



      地点:地点:新加坡大乘禅寺,大雄宝殿 @2 Beatty Lane Singapore 209945

      课费: S$40 (包括素食午餐)

      截止日期:2024年9月25日 晚上11.59分


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      念诵法器共修 2023

      念诵法器共修班将于7月8日开课了。课程是为了培养与栽培后起之秀参与念诵佛经,学习法器与助念 。   欢迎各位同修踊跃参与。


      • 法器班的宗旨

      • 学习念诵经文

      • 学习法器的修持利益

      • 如何穿海青与曼衣

      • 导师的心得

      • 实践修行

      开课日期: 2023年7月8日 每逢星期一

      课程次数: 20 堂课

      时间: 傍晚8点至10点

      地点: 大乘禅寺大殿

      费用: 免费

      负责人与导师: 师兄林楠凯, 謝適安. 石亮彬, 林再吉


      1.  已皈依三宝之本寺佛弟子  

      2. 发心学习赞诵与持奏法器

      3. 愿意参与初一、十五共修,或常年法会与佛事。


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            37 Practices of Bodhisattvas

            by Geshe Jigme

            Discover how to practise dharma in your daily lives with teachings from the 37 Practices of a Bodhisattva. These teachings provide practical methods to overcome everyday challenges and cultivate a compassionate heart.

            Join Geshe Jigme as he leads us, offering insights and learnings to integrate into our daily practice.

            Introducing Our Dharma Instructor:

            Geshe Jigme is a distinguished practitioner in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, holding the esteemed title of Ngarampa, equivalent to a master's degree in tantric studies. He has trained extensively, with five years at Sera Monastic University and twenty years at Gyudmed Tantric College.


            Course Details:

            Commencement Date: July 2 (Tuesday)

            Dates: 2/7, 9/7, 6/8, 3/9, 10/9, 17/9, 24/9, 1/10, 8/10, 15/10

            Time: 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM

            Duration: 10 lessons

            Venue: Temple Main Hall

            Suggested Course Donation: $50

            Suitable for Beginners.

            Registration is closed.

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            Exploring Buddhism Module 2

            The Exploring Buddhism Course provides learners with a basic understanding and appreciation of Buddhism. Building on the foundation of Module 1 as a basic introduction, Module 2 will go into further details of the following topics:
            - Wheel of Life & 12 Links of Independent Origination - Four Noble Truths
            - Introduction to Mahayana Mind Training 

            Introducing our Dharma Instructor: 

            Dorje Tenzin, a senior student of Singha Rinpoche, was not born into a  Buddhist family. Some 20+ years ago karmic causes and conditions has led him to Singha Rinpoche and the teachings of Buddha. At the direction of  Guru, Singha Rinpoche, he will play the role of student sharing what he has learnt and experienced from his teachers. 

            Lessons will via onsite Face-to-face sessions and online Zoom lessons.

            3 Onsite face to face sessions: 11am to 3pm (with 1 hr break for lunch at own expense)

            6 Zoom sessions: 11am to 12.30pm

            Dates: Saturday

            • 20 Jul: Onsite 11am to 3pm (1 hr break for lunch)

            • 27 Jul: Zoom 11am to 12.30pm

            • 3 Aug: Zoom 11am to 12.30pm

            • 10 Aug : Zoom 11am to 12.30pm

            • 31 Aug: Onsite 11 am to 3 pm (1 hr break for lunch)

            • 7 Sep: Zoom 11am to 12.30pm

            • 14 Sep: Zoom 11am to 12.30pm

            • 21 Sep: Zoom 11am to 12.30pm

            • 28 Sep: Onsite 11 am to 3 pm (1 hr break for lunch)

            The class will be conducted in English.

            Venue for face-to-face onsite: 147 Tyrwhitt Road Level 2 Classroom

            Suggested Course Donation to Dharma Propagation Fund: $60

            Course details and zoom link will be sent via email upon confirmation.

            Registration is closed.

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            Dorje, Bell & Hand Mudra class 

            Mastering Vajrayana Ritual Implements

            Have you received initiation into Vajrayana practice but find yourself unsure about using ritual implements such as the dorje and bell? Are you eager to find out more of the hand mudras.

            Discover the profound significance of these implements in ritual practices and learn the art of utilizing them with guidance from Geshe Jigme and Venerable Thubten Chodron.

            Introducing our Dharma Instructor: 

            Geshe Jigme is a highly accomplished practitioner in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. He holds the esteemed title of Ngarampa, which is equivalent to a master's degree in tantric studies. His extensive training includes five years at Sera Monastic University and an additional twenty years at Gyume Tantric College.

            Date: 20 Apr & 27 Apr (Sat)

            Time: 2pm to 5pm

            Venue: On-site at Thekchen Choling Singapore Main Hall

            Language of instruction: English

            Suggested Course Donation to Dharma Propagation Fund: $20

            Requirements: Participants must have taken refuge and Vajrayana initiations.

            Registration is closed.

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            Introduction to Meditation

            Embark on a journey of serenity and self-discovery amid your bustling life with our Introduction to Meditation class. Are you ready to calm your mind and discover inner peace?

            In this 3-session class, participants will learn fundamental techniques to practise concentration and mindfulness, introducing breathing methods, sitting and walking meditation.

            Introducing our Instructor:

            A disciple of Singha Rinpoche since 2005, Keith's expertise as an entertainer was put to good use when he was invited by Thekchen Choling Youth Group in 2012 to coach them in singing, dancing and acting. This experience ignited his passion in teaching. He then started to teach our yearly Basic Buddhism courses from 2014. Having a keen interest in meditation, Keith actually started attending retreats in Thailand even before he became a Buddhist; and has led and facilitated meditation practices and retreats with Thekchen Choling Singapore and Melaka since 2016. 


            Dates: 21/4, 28/4, 5/5 (Sunday)

            Time: 2pm to 3.30pm

            Venue: Onsite at 147 Tyrwhitt Road Level 2 classroom

            Suggested Course Donation: Free of Charge

            We welcome any amount donation, contributing towards the Dharma propagation Fund.

            Registration is closed.

            If you are keen to attend a meditation & yoga retreat, do click on this link to find out more of our upcoming retreat in May 2024: https://www.thekchencholing.org/page/enrichment

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            Exploring Buddhism Module 1 (Eng)

            Keen to learn more about Buddhism? Join us!

            The Exploring Buddhism Course provides learners with a basic understanding and appreciation of Buddhism. Then it further explores the teachings of Buddhism in the Mahayana context, and empowers the learners with the necessary knowledge and understanding that is beneficial for entering the Vajra Vehicle of Buddhism.

            Module 1 will cover the following topics:

            • Buddha’s Life Story

            • The Essence of Buddhism, Traditions and their Spread

            • The Four Noble Truths

            • The Preliminary Teachings of Mahayana Buddhism

            • Taking Refuge

            • Practicing Buddhism in Daily Life for Beginners

            • Introducing Thekchen Choling

            • Buddhist Ethics and Qualities of a Disciple

            Introducing our Dharma Instructor: Keith Cheung

            A disciple of Singha Rinpoche since 2005, Keith's expertise as an entertainer was put to good use when he was invited by Thekchen Choling Youth Group in 2012 to coach them in singing, dancing and acting. This experience ignited his passion in teaching. He then started to teach our yearly Basic Buddhism courses from 2014. Having a keen interest in meditation, Keith actually started attending retreats in Thailand even before he became a Buddhist; and has led and facilitated meditation practices and retreats with Thekchen Choling Singapore and Melaka since 2016.

            Date of Module 1 (6 lessons):  10/3, 17/3, 24/3, 31/3, 7/4 14/4 (Sun)

            Time: 2pm to 6pm

            Venue: Onsite at 147 Tyrwhitt Road Level 2 Classroom

            Language of instruction: English

            Suggested Course Donation (contribute to Dharma Propagation Fund): $50

            Registration is closed.

            “The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”


            Join Us for Our Weekly Teaching!

            Dharma Teaching (English) – Every Thursday, 8pm
            Dharma Teaching (Chinese) – Every Friday, 8pm

            To View Teaching Live On Facebook, Just Follow Us On Facebook

            *Rinpoche specially remind students in Singapore that attending the teaching in person is more beneficial.

            Find Out More