Educare Fund

Thekchen Choling Singapore Educare Fund provides educational support to students whose parents are devotees of our temple, or participants of Thekchen Choling Dharma Junior and Youth Group. These devotees are either staff or volunteers who have at least served our temple for 2 years. 


List of required documents for the Application 申请必需文件:

1. Passport Size Photograph of the Applicant. 申请学生的护照型照片

2. Latest School Examination Results of the student applying for the Educare Fund. 前年学校年终考试成绩表的影印本

3. Student Certification Form from the respective educational institution. (Download Appendix A below) 所属学府盖章的学生证明文件

4. Latest Pay-Slip or Income Tax Notice of Assessment of all contributing members towards the Gross Household Monthly Income. 家长/监护人最新的收入证明文件或所得税评估通知书

5. Any Relevant Documents to support the application. 其他有助于助学金申请的文件

Download the Application Form

Download the Student Certification Form(Appendix A)

How to apply:

1. Online Registration via or;
2. Scan the QR Code provided or;

3. Download the Application Form given above or;

4. Approach our Service Counter for a Copy of the Application Form.  


1. 请点击 网上申请或;

2. 扫描以提供的 QR 码或;

3. 下载以上申请表格或;

4. 亲临本寺领取表格。


• Applicant must be a Singapore Citizen.

• Applicant must be full-time students studying in local government institutions from Primary 1 to Tertiary.

Two-parent family
- Total gross monthly household income must not exceed $5000*; or per capita income must not exceed $1250**

Single-parent family
- Total gross monthly household income must not exceed $2500*; or per capita income must not exceed $800**

• Applicant must have good conduct and satisfactory academic performance.

* Total amount of gross income of all the working people in the same household. 
**Per Capita Income = Gross family income / Total no. of family members living together with the applicant. 

• 申请者必需是新加坡公民。

• 目前就读于政府学校或教育学府,从一年级至大专学府。

- 家庭每月总收入不超于 $5000* 或家庭成员个人平均收入每月不超于 $1250** 

- 家庭每月总收入不超于 $2500* 或家庭成员个人平均收入每月不超于 $800** 

• 申请者必有良好的品德与学业成绩。

**申请者家庭所有工作成员的总收入 / 与申请者同住的家庭成员总数 。 


• Get a copy of the Application Form either through online application or physical copy. 

• Write clearly and legibly on the application form.

• Attached all supporting documents together with the application form mentioned above in the "List of required documents" section.

• Send the completed application form and all supporting documents to:

The Educare Fund Committee
Thekchen Choling Singapore
2 Beaty Lane
Singapore 209945

Or hand the application form personally to our Service Counter Staff. 

• 通过网上或亲临本寺领取一份申请表格。 

• 请在申请表格上清楚的填上所需的资料。 

• 附上所有必需文件。 

• 请将填写的表格与附属文件邮寄至: 

Thekchen Choling Singapore
2 Beaty Lane
Singapore 209945 


Closing Date: 29 Jan 2021, 7pm.

Only successful applicants will be notified. 

