Alternative Healing
While many trained medical professionals attribute the causes of various sicknesses to virus and bacteria, this is not necessarily the case in Ladakh. In the mountainous Himalayan region of India, it is not uncommon for patients to turn to a Healing Oracle when trained doctors are unable to effectively diagnose and heal them.
What is an Oracle?
An Oracle is a practitioner, who is either born by lineage, or chosen to be a blessed medium for a protector deity. The oracle is able to give advice, answer your personal questions and can even help to alleviate various body and mind conditions.
The Oracle practice is mystical for the rational and practical for the faithful.
Agu Lhamo, is probably the most famous oracle in Ladakh, India. Practicing as an oracle for more than 30 years in Ladakh and Europe, she has helped, healed and guided many people. Before being approved officially as an oracle by the highest ranking Lama of Ladakh, she had to undergo three years of intensive training under the guidance of a senior oracle, cultivate and learn the Buddhist scriptures, tantric practices and meditations, and healing methods for becoming a vessel for her deity.
While in trance, the oracle heals by sucking out disease-causing substances from the patients, using a straw or pipe and placing it directly against the ailing body parts for example, the chest of a patient suffering from asthma. She then spit the polluted substances, usually black, brown or yellow mucus or little tar like pieces into a pail and shows them to the patient.
Open your mind and come forth! Experience the mysticism, blessings and miracles!

Consultation Period 咨询期间:
24/10/2024 - 8/11/2024*
Evening Session 傍晚时段: 6.30pm
*Break every Monday. 每逢星期一休息。
Afternoon Session 下午时段: 4.30pm.
- Each registration is for one person to consult the oracle.
- Registration is inclusive of an offering set for one person.
- Please be at the temple 30 minutes before your time slot.
- Please bring receipt for verification of your registration.
- If consulting on stomach issues, come with an empty stomach.
- There will be no refund for any cancellations or no-shows.
- Reservation of time slot without registration is not allowed.
- 每名善信提交的报名仅限一人咨询降神者。
- 每名善信提交的报名包含一人的供品配套。
- 请在报名时段前30分钟到达寺院报到登记。
- 请携带您的收据以核实报名的日期与时间。
- 若咨询关于肠胃消化等问题,请空腹前来。
- 取消或缺席已报名的咨询时段将不予退款。
- 恕不接受不报名的情况下预留名额的请求。
Consultation with the oracle is strictly by appointment through registration only.
Ladakh has many interesting and mysterious aspects and one of the most well known institutions among the local population is the Oracle. The rituals of Ladakh Oracles are little known to the outside world, even though as many as 200 may be practicing in the region. Reactions to the oracles' healing rituals vary. Some patients claim to be healed immediately. Others say there is little improvement in their condition. Some visitors come only to be near a Lha-mo—which translate to "divine female person".
Healing Bodhisattva
Agu Lhamo is one of the more prominent traditional healers or Oracles in Ladakh. Having practiced for more than 30 years in Ladakh, Asia and other parts of the world, she has helped countless people with ailments and issues brought to her attention.
"I was 25 when i first felt a strong weight upon me - like an energy coming onto my body. I thought nothing of it and let it remain for two years." she shares. Whilst the two years passed, trips to the doctors were fruitless as nobody could identify the issue. Finally, she was asked to consult a Rinpoche. It was her moment of truth. "I was told that a deity had chosen me to be an Oracle." she explained.
Becoming a Suitable Vessel
Thereafter, Ama-la (an affection address to mother) had to embark on a rigororous series of training, including meditation, Dharma practice and spiritual retreats, before she become a suitable vessel for the deity to help sentient beings. Having been very spiritual even at a young age, Ama-la completed her training within four months. But before being approved officially as an oracle by the highest ranking Lama of Ladakh, she had to undergo three years of intensive training under the guidance of a senior Oracle, cultivate and learn the Buddhist scriptures, tantric practices and meditations, and methods for becoming a vessel for the deity.
As an Oracle, Ama-la, does not, under any circumstance, attempt to diagnose physical ailments in the way a doctor does. During the session, Dolma is in trance and essentially allows the healing deity manifesting in her to take over the entire time. She has no recollection of the details after each sessions.
"After each session, it feels like i have woken up from a dream."
Beyond Medicine & Science
In Ladakh, Dolma in her capacity as an Oracle is a name recommended to patients when doctors cannot find an answer to the ailments - underscoring the fact that some things do go beyond Science and Modern Medicine.
The Oracle can sometimes be seen performing healing by miraculously sucking out substances from patients with ailments through a thin copper pipe. Her aide, Bodhi has witnessed the Oracle sucking out all sorts of murky fluid and sometimes globs of blood-like substances from patients.
In her capacity, Ama-la's sense of respect for her patients' privacy is obvious. Not once does she ask about any of the patients she had seen as an Oracle, but as Dolma, she always had people thanking her for her help - which she attributes to the deity's compassion for sentient beings. There is always a line waiting to see the Oracle at every session and a variety of ailments were presented.