
Stories of Ullambana

Why do we make Ullambana offerings? 七月十五为什么要供养 “盂兰盆” ?

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
August 2020 — 2317 views

Why do we need to honour our ancestors? 佛教徒应该拜祖先吗?

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
August 2020 — 3559 views

The "King of Ghosts" is actually Guan Yin? 七月拜的 “大士爷” 或 “鬼王” 其实是观音菩萨?

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
August 2020 — 4786 views

The benefits of Ksitigarbha Practice 修持《地藏经》的种种利益

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
August 2020 — 4162 views

The Story of Master Wu-Da and the Water Repentance Sutra 唐朝悟达国师与《慈悲三昧水忏》的故事

Thekchen Choling (Singapore)
August 2020 — 2891 views