Chinese New Year
Celebrating Joy · Igniting Hope · Preserving Culture

Welcoming Lunar New Year of the Auspicious Snake
Celebrate the joyous spirit of Chinese New Year at our temple, where vibrant traditions are imbued with Dharma essence. Join us in lighting fragrant incense, making heartfelt aspirations, and participating in ceremonies to invoke divine blessings and accumulate abundant merits — an auspicious way to begin the year of the snake!
At Thekchen Choling, surround yourself with the love of our community and open your heart and mind to the valuable wisdom we have to share. Engage deeply with the transformative teachings of the Dharma, and uncover the strength and inspiration that will guide you toward personal growth, success, and inner tranquility.
We warmly invite you and your loved ones to join us in celebrating a joyous and meaningful CNY at Thekchen Choling Singapore. May your Year of the Snake be filled with joy, abundance, and spiritual inspiration!
Chinese New Year's Eve
Invocation Prayer 迎财神纳福法会
28 Jan 2025 (Tue), 大年除夕 10pm
Want to receive the Wealth Deities
for a year of abundant blessings?
Join us in the joyous, fun and high spirits on the Eve of Chinese New Year on-site, as we countdown to the Year of the Wood Snake!
We welcome everyone to join us in the festivities as we usher in the year of the Wood Snake! At the stroke of New Year, wave your wealth arrows along with Singha Rinpoche to invoke the presence of all Wealth Deities to bestow blessings, and magnetise wealth, abundance and auspiciousness into your life and your family!
If you already have a wealth arrow, do remember to bring it along for this ceremony. If you wish to acquire one, they are also available at our reception counter!
* This ceremony will also be broadcasted on Facebook live.

Upcoming Activities

Chinese New Year Sangha Blessing Session
29 Jan - 2 Feb 2025
Buddhist mantras and prayers will be recited during the session, dedicated to the happiness, wellbeing, and prosperity of everyone, followed by the sprinkling of holy nectar to bestow blessings. The ritual usually takes up to two minutes to complete.
All devotees and visitors are warmly welcome to receive blessings, do bring your family members and pets too!
*Registration is not required. You may make an offering as you rejoice.

Auspicious Pujas on Lichun
3 Feb 2025 (Mon)
6.00am - Naga Incense Puja (Tib)
9.00am - Gyana Lhapsang Puja (Tib)*
Li Chun or the “Start of Spring” marks the beginning of a new astrological year. On Lichun Day, our resident Sanghas will be performing two special blessing pujas to gather heaps of auspiciousness for the Year of the Wood Snake!
*This Puja will be broadcasted via Facebook live.
➤ Register Now

Chinese New Year's Greeting to Singha Rinpoche
30 Jan 2025 (Thu), 5 - 7pm
On the 2nd day of Chinese New Year, the most formal and ceremonial tribute to Guru and the Triple Gems will be offered, known as ‘3 bowing and 9 kowtow’ (三跪九叩) to express our utmost respect and reverence.
Bring your family and loved ones (pets included) along to receive blessings from Rinpoche in person! Don’t forget to exchange well-wishes with our resident Sanghas and catch up our Dharma family too!

Celebrating Lord Indra’s Birthday
5 & 6 Feb 2025 (Wed & Thu)
The 8th day of Chinese New Year is regarded as the Eve of Lord Indra’s Birthday. J
oin us on-site in the Recitation of Great Repentance to 1000 Buddhas of the Fortunate Aeon (Chinese) at 8pm.
As the 24 Heavenly Kings, including Lord Indra (affectionately known as Tee Gong 天公), are strong supporters of Buddhism and Dharma practitioners, abundant offerings are made on this day to create the cause for success and the flourishing of Buddhadharma!

Wealth Bestowing Day of Yellow Dzambala 黄财神开库赐财
22 & 23 Feb 2025 (Sat & Sun)
The Five Dzambalas are revered manifestations of Buddha's boundless generosity, each offering profound blessings to benefit all beings. Among them, the Yellow Dzambala stands out as the most well-known and venerated, often known by devotees as the Tibetan God of Wealth or 黄财神. He is recognized for his golden yellow body, which is adorned with radiant jewels and a distinctive five-pronged crown. In his left hand, Yellow Dzambala holds a mongoose, which spews forth precious jewels, symbolizing the bestowal of spiritual and material wealth. His right hand grasps a pomegranate, representing the granting of health, vitality, and the blessings of prosperity.
To invoke Yellow Dzambala's wealth blessings for financial success, abundance, and prosperity, it is essential to cultivate a deep sense of Bodhicitta motivation and articulate your aspirations with clarity and conviction. Praying for the flourishing of Buddha’s teachings, and for the spiritual and material well-being of others, amplifies the power of your requests. Wealth manifestation and financial abundance come through the sincere invocation of Dzambala's energy.
Join us as we celebrate Yellow Dzambala's birthday in a two-day prayer event, specially dedicated to honor Dzambala and invoke his blessings for wealth, success, and good fortune. This joyous occasion offers a unique opportunity to attract abundance into your life and deepen your spiritual practice. Don’t miss out on this transformative celebration of Yellow Dzambala’s wealth and his blessings for prosperity!
➤ Check out our exciting programme for Yellow Dzambala's Birthday!
Special Prayers

Prayers to Lord Kalachakra【礼拜时轮金刚】
Date: 4 Feb 2025 - 23 Feb 2025
𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙪𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮, 𝙞𝙨 '𝙁𝙖𝙣 𝙏𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙪𝙞' (犯太岁)?
In Chinese astrology, Taisui (太岁) is a star that moves directly opposite Jupiter, also known as the Grand Duke Jupiter. Each year, Taisui’s shift in position can result in clashes with Taisui, particularly with certain zodiac animals. It is believed that if your birth year, month, or time corresponds to one of the zodiac signs that clash with Taisui, it could have a significant impact or afflictions on zodiac signs, bringing negative influences on your fortune, career, health, and relationships for the year.
𝘼𝙣𝙮 𝙧𝙚𝙢𝙚𝙙𝙮 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙘𝙡𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙨 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙏𝙖𝙞𝙨𝙪𝙞?
To seek protection and mitigate the negative effects of these Taisui clashes, there is a powerful Taisui remedy advised by Singha Rinpoche, our Spiritual Director. It is to offer prayers to Lord Kalachakra, a Vajrayana deity who is the embodiment of the Kalachakra teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha. By praying to Lord Kalachakra, there will be blessings and good fortune for the year ahead. This prayer will help to mitigate elemental disturbances from all phenoma and unfavourable astrological influences, which includes any inauspicious conditions that arise from Taisui afflictions.
Devotees who come down to our temple to pray to Lord Kalachakra to mitigate any Taisui afflictions for the year of the Snake will receive a blessed Kalachakra protection card.
*Online registration option is available, prayers will be recited on behalf by our Sanghas.

Requesting for Benefactors【接引贵人祈福】
Date: 5 Mar 2025 - 23 Mar 2025
During Jingzhe or ‘Awakening of Insects’ period, it is Thekchen Choling’s yearly practice to present offerings to Guru Rinpoche and request his blessings to bestow us with benefactors, transforming the negative characters in our lives into supporters as well.
According to Chinese tradition, there will be certain astrological signs who are more susceptible to scheming characters (犯小人). While in folk religions, people practice ‘Villain Hitting’ (打小人), from a Buddhist perspective, as advised by Singha Rinpoche, we pray to Guru Rinpoche to transform adverse conditions like having scheming characters in our life, into auspicious conditions which is to have benefactors to benefit our life. Guru Rinpoche's power and remarkable skillful ability to transform harm givers into supporters is evidenced by his legendary feat of subduing demons and spirits to build Samye Monastery, Tibet's inaugural Buddhist sanctuary.
This special prayer is suitable and beneficial for all Chinese zodiac signs. It needs to be performed on-site at the temple. Our staff and volunteers will guide you through the steps and procedures for making the requests to Guru Rinpoche.
*This prayer is only available on-site for devotees.
➤ Check clashes with Scheming characters for Year of the Snake 乙巳蛇年冲犯小人查询

Home & Office Blessing Pujas 祈福法会
18 Jan 2025 - 12 Feb 2025
Looking to supercharge your home or office environment this Chinese New Year? Your opportunity has arrived! This festive season, you can honor the presence of the Sanghas at your house or business premises to perform Tibetan Pujas for the purification of negativities and to usher in auspicious energies for the Year of the Wood Snake. Whether you are seeking blessings for your home, office, or retail shop to bring good fortune, success, and prosperity, this is the perfect opportunity to imbue your environment with positive energy. These Tibetan prayers and rituals for wealth, health, and abundance can help to remove obstacles and attract divine blessings that promote growth and harmony throughout the year.
家宅/办公室祈福法会 - $688
Home/Office Blessing Puja
年度聚财宝瓶祈福法会 - $838
Yearly Wealth Vase Blessing Puja
安奉新聚财宝瓶祈福法会 - $1388
New Wealth Vase Blessing Puja
To register or inquire, simply call our Devotee Service Hotline by clicking here
or reach out to us at our reception counter.

Almanac Guide and Annual Forecast for the Wood Snake Year
Would you like to know what is ahead for you in the year of the Wood Snake?
Planning to spring clean your home? Choosing an auspicious day to start work for your new year? Our Almanac Guide is your key to unlocking auspicious date timings for spring cleaning and advice on prayers in the Year of the Wood Snake!
➤ Click here to download the Almanac Guide for Year of the Snake 请点击下载乙巳蛇年历算手册
➤ Click here to download the Annual Forecast for Year of the Snake 请点击下载乙巳蛇年流年事项
(Coming Soon!)
Special Blessed Treasures
Video Highlights
Prayers to Lord Kalachakra 2022
Find out why do we offer prayers to Lord Kalachakra on Chinese New Year!
Prayers to 24 Heavenly Kings
Find out who is 24 Heavenly Kings and why we make prayers to them on the 9th day of the first lunar month!
Celebrating the birthday of Yellow Dzambala
Find out the story of Yellow Dzambala and why we celebrate the birthday of Yellow Dzambala!
Attract Benefactors for the New Year!
Follow Gelen and Aloysius as they explain to us the meaning of praying to Guru Rinpoche for benefactors for the new year!
Living a Better & Meaningful Life
Come celebrate with us the most important occasion in the Chinese Tradition. Experience the fun and loving Thekchen Choling Singapore family spirit as you enjoy the festive season together with Singha Rinpoche and everyone! Get ready for a prosperous and meaningful New Year! Enjoy fun-filled lion dance performances and experience the splendor of spring celebrations!
A new year, a new beginning. There is no better way to start a new lunar year than to give the best to ourselves and our loved ones. Come share this journey of growth and development together with us, starting from this Chinese New Year!