Vaidurya Healing Festival 2022
Healing Inner and Outer Worlds
26th September - 13th November 2022
➤ Register For E-Offering Now!
Join us in accomplishing 100,000 mantras globally, dedicating to the healing of our inner and outer worlds, and the wellbeing of all sentient beings with whom we share the world with. Do your part by contributing to our common goal!
Pledge registration:
5 Sep - 1 Oct 2022
➤ Mantra Text
➤ Audio Recording
➤ FAQ (English)
➤ FAQ (Chinese)
"If you pray to Guru Medicine Buddha, you will quickly accomplish all that you wish. Just hearing the holy name of Guru Medicine Buddha and the sound of his mantra closes the door to rebirth in the suffering lower realms. It is written in the scriptures that you should not have a two-pointed mind (doubt) with regard to these benefits."
~ Lama Zopa Rinpoche
Let's rejoice in our collective effort and merits!
Every year, during the Vaidurya Healing Festival (VHF), we come together to pray for the healing of Mother Earth and for all beings. The Medicine Buddha practice aids in the holistic healing of our mind and body. With deep faith, this practice enables us to have spiritual and material abundance.
This year, one of our highlights in VHF is to commission the construction of a Medicine Buddha Sand Mandala at our temple. A consecration ceremony for this Sand Mandala and a Sacred Lama Dance will be performed to avert obstacles of calamities and sicknesses during this turbulent period. Let’s come together for this special ceremony to uplift and revitalise the world with positive and auspicious energies! Relish this precious opportunity to witness and be blessed by Lord Medicine Buddha!
Medicine Buddha Fire Puja
Conducted by Singha Rinpoche, this fire puja helps us to purify negative karma and clears away obstacles and defilements. Improve difficult conditions and purify negativities that affect our physical and mental wellbeing through this puja.
7 Oct (Fri), 7.30pm
Stop.Breathe.Live Outdoor Meditation - Re-connecting with Mother Earth
In this morning session, join us in reconnecting with our inner self and sending our healing energies to Mother Earth. As part of our sustained efforts to improve our planet's health, the donations raised from this activity goes to tree planting efforts to mitigate climate change!
9 Oct, 9am
Recitation of 'The Life of Milarepa'
Jetsun Milarepa was a great Tibetan yogi who attained enlightenment in one lifetime. His life story of Guru devotion and transformation is not only inspiring, but also beneficial to bring about spiritual growth and the flourishing of Dharma when recited faithfully.
29 Oct (Sat)
Part 1 - 8am
Part 2 - 11am
Part 3 - 2pm
Part 4 - 4pm
H01- Vaidurya Infinite Blessings Tablet
Offer this year-long blessing tablet to receive great blessings from Medicine Buddha and the entire entourage. May this bring ever-growing good fortune, prosperity, happiness, and peace for all!
H02 - Light of Longevity and Healing
Offered in the Medicine Buddhas’ Shrine in our temple, this light helps to create the auspicious conditions for good health, strong and stable life, and great wealth!
H03 - Light of Victory and Vitality
Down on luck and feeling drained? Light this light to brighten your life with blessings of good luck and vitality! Magnetise good conditions and opportunities with this specially commissioned light by Singha Rinpoche.
H04 - Medicine Buddha Healing Tablet
Receive blessings from Medicine Buddha and entourage for health and success in all aspects of life.
This fund supports the needy with medical assistance and medication.
Any donation is appreciated.
28 SEP, 8PM
Festival Light-Up and Medicine Buddha Puja (Eng)
2 OCT, 5PM
Sacred Lama Dance
14 OCT, 11AM
Renunciation Day of Guanyin Bodhisattva
20 OCT, 8PM
Special Teaching:
The Benefits of Recitating 'The Life of Milarepa' (Eng)
24 OCT, 11AM
Medicine Buddha's Birthday
13 NOV, 2PM
The Grand Finale