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Discovering Metta: Cultivating Inner Peace with Loving Kindness

04/12/2024 10:08:59 In Blogs
metta, inner peace, loving kindness
Discover the transformative power of loving kindness (metta). Cultivate inner peace, compassion, and joy amidst life's challenges.

Parenting with Bodhicitta

04/12/2024 10:08:21 In Blogs
bodhicitta, parenting, nurturing children, compassion
Understand how to parent with Bodhicitta. Embrace compassion, wisdom, and kindness for a fulfilling journey raising compassionate children.

Embracing Death without Fear: A Buddhist Approach

04/12/2024 10:06:23 In Blogs
embracing death, life's impermanence, buddhist perspective on death
Embrace the inevitable: Explore the Buddhist perspective on death and life's impermanence. Find courage in letting go and journey through the river of life.

How to Cultivate Patience

04/12/2024 10:05:56 In Blogs
patience, inner peace, spiritual grow, cultivate patience
Discover the essence of patience: its Buddhist perspective, benefits, and practices for everyday life.

Cultivating Mindfulness for Mental Wellbeing

04/12/2024 10:04:58 In Blogs
mindfulness, mental wellbeing, depression
Discover how mindfulness can help with depression and anxiety. Cultivate mindful habits to help with depression and anxiety.

Buddhist Ways of Benefitting Animals

04/12/2024 10:04:27 In Blogs
compassion for animals, benefitting animals, animal welfare
Discover Buddhist teachings on compassion towards animals, advocating for their welfare and supporting beneficiary organizations.

The Essence of Buddhist Pilgrimage: Visiting The Four Holy Sites

04/12/2024 10:03:53 In Blogs
pilgrimage, four holy sites
Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery through Buddhist pilgrimage, leading to great blessings and awakenings on the path to enlightenment.

How to Provide Emotional Support

04/12/2024 10:03:17 In Blogs
emotional support, supporting loved ones
Discover how to provide genuine emotional support inspired by Buddhist teachings and psychological insights.

Dealing with the Stress of Job Hunting

04/12/2024 10:02:37 In Blogs
stress finding a job
Job hunting can be emotionally and mentally draining. Learn how to reduce anxiety and maintain a positive outlook with these effective coping strategies.

The Miracles of Guru Rinpoche

04/12/2024 10:02:07 In Blogs
guru rinpoche, miracles of guru rinpoche, tibetan buddhism
Discover Guru Rinpoche's miracles and profound legacy in Tibetan Buddhism. Join us in "A Date with Guru Rinpoche" on July 13, 2024!

What Is Ullambana Festival?

04/12/2024 09:56:04 In Blogs
ullambana, lunar seventh month
The Ullambana Festival, celebrated in the Lunar seventh month, is a time for us to practice compassion to alleviate the suffering of beings in the lower realms.

Why Do We Make Offerings to the Sangha?

04/12/2024 09:56:34 In Blogs
sangha, make offerings
Make offerings to the Sangha to express gratitude, cultivate compassion, and accumulate merit. Making offerings also supports the propagation of the Dharma.

I Am A Good Person

04/12/2024 10:01:02 In Blogs
impermanence, emptiness, buddhanature, dharma in inside out 2
Inside Out 2 has many heartwarming Dharma moments that we can learn from such as impermanence, emptiness and Buddhanature.

How to Cultivate Healthy Self-Esteem

04/12/2024 09:55:12 In Blogs
Discover how Buddhism fosters self-esteem through inner kindness and self-acceptance. Boost your self-esteem with compassion, and gratitude.

Why Merits Are Important

04/12/2024 09:54:40 In Blogs
merits, path to enlightenment
Learn more about why merits are important on the path to enlightenment, and how to make merits for wisdom and realisations.

Practice Gratitude for Happiness

04/12/2024 09:54:25 In Blogs
practise gratitude, happiness
Discover how practising gratitude can change your life and make you happier. Learn about the ways in which you can incorporate gratitude into your life.

Making Virtuous Friends on the Path to Awakening

04/12/2024 09:53:54 In Blogs
virtuous friends, path to awakening
Discover the joy of cultivating spiritual friendships that uplift you. Virtuous friends are important on the path of spirituality and awakening.

How to Practice Forgiveness

04/12/2024 09:53:27 In Blogs
practice forgiveness, letting go
Practice forgiveness for inner peace and happiness. There are many ways to practice forgiveness and to let go.

The Story of Lord Ksitigarbha

04/12/2024 09:53:05 In Blogs
Discover about Lord Ksitigarbha, one of the most revered Bodhisattvas in helping to liberate sentient beings from the lower realms.

Benefits of Medicine Buddha Practice

04/12/2024 09:52:45 In Blogs
medicine buddha, holistic wellness, healing power
Discover the healing power of Medicine Buddha, a revered figure in Buddhism known for promoting holistic wellness through various practices.