Amrita Year 2020 - Surviving Corona
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14. HIGHLIGHTS OF 2020 2020 亮点回顾
1. © Copyright 2020 Enjoy your FREE complimentary copy AMRITA Together Stronger... We Emerge RECEIVING THE PRECIOUS NECTAR Surviving Corona YEAR 2020
8. When 2020 Happened... 当2020发生时.... THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 8
10. We must be the light in this darkness 愿做暗世明灯 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 10
27. Qing Ming & Ullambana 清明节与盂兰盆节 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 27
30. The Great Thekchen Vesak Monlam 大乘卫塞祈福大法会 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 30
26. 当阻断措施期开始时,我们的大 乘青年需要面对的是如何适应各 种生活上的改变。例如,不能见 到平时经常往来的亲戚朋友。这 段日子对于他们来说,特别地煎 熬。 我们的青年团导师意识到,我们 的青年团友需要更多精神上的支 持,以度过这段充满未知的日 子。这使青年团导师们策划了一 套全新的方案,通过每周的线上 趣味活动来与青年团友们互动。 当阻断措施进入第二阶段时,由 于举办活动有人数的限制,青年 团导师们又进入了一个全新的领 域——线上授课。导师们通过视 讯平台给青年团友们上了一套课 程,宣导了“自我意识“ 的重 要性。这个课程让团友们加深了 对自我与他人的了解,让他们未 来能够更妥善地处理人生中的难 题。 虽然在线上与青年们互动的体验 不同于实体的青年团聚会,但感 情的交流与精神上的支持却使团 友们的宅家时光变得更充实。 佛法青年班 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 26
29. 清明节与盂兰盆节是中华文化里 的重要节日。人们会在此时敬祖尊 贤、表达孝道。佛陀也曾教导孝顺 父母的功德,也同传授了慷慨布施 的法门,如布施予鬼道众生等等。 由于受到疫情的影响,本地多数庙 宇只能暂时关闭。大乘禅寺转而另 辟蹊径,开辟新的渠道让信众们得 以继续遵行孝道。 为了让信徒们可以与仁波切和僧侣 们同步念诵,我们通过脸书直播所 有的诵经法会。在盂兰盛会期间, 有些信徒选择亲自到寺院祭拜。为 了保障他们的安全,我们要求信徒 通过上网登记预定祭拜时段,以防 止祭拜人数在同一时段里超过指定 数额。与此同时,我们也向信众提 倡由常住法师们代为他们祭拜祖先 或已故亲人。 大乘禅寺正是通过这些举措,在确 保信众安危的同时,也尽力圆满信 众表达孝思、慈悲布施的善愿。 清明节与盂兰盆节 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 29
54. Special Thanks to Singha Rinpoche 感恩鑫和仁波切 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 54
16. #TCCares 大乘关爱行动 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 16
36. Healing Inner and Outer Worlds Vaidurya Healing Festival 药师琉璃光胜会 疗愈内心与外在世界 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 36
38. 今年,全球各面临巨变、损失惨重。这样的局面凸 显了疗愈自我和周遭环境的重要性。 在大乘禅寺 的主尊药师如来的加持下,本寺积极推广以期提高 信众对疗愈的认识,并鼓励大家以实际行动,即通 过念诵祈愿、忏悔净障及慷慨行善的方式,来达到 内外疗愈的目的。 2020年度药师琉璃光胜会的亮点之一,是累积念 诵10万遍药师七佛长咒的共修活动。在为期49天 的药师琉璃光胜会期间,来自澳洲、文莱、新加 坡、马来西亚和美国的信徒与弟子们,共同累积了 166,642遍的念诵。所修功德皆回向于众生身体健 康、内心安定。 此外,大乘禅寺也与尼泊尔的柯磐寺合作举办药师 如来火供,作广大回向利益无边众生。 药师琉璃光胜会 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 38
39. Stop. Breathe. Live 暂停·入禅·重生 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 39
56. Special Thanks to Sangha 感恩常住僧团 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 56
21. Zoom Zoom with Dharma Junior (DJ) 儿童班的ZOOM ZOOM时光 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 21
23. 纵使分隔全岛各地......我们心心 相连...... 疫情期间,我们无法让儿童佛法 班(Dharma Junior)的孩子们 如常在课堂里进行实体课程。因 而,儿童班的教师们集思广益, 通过Zoom视讯与孩子们进行了 8堂课的创意互动,给留守在家 的孩子们带来喜悦、乐趣及佛陀 的教法。 对我们的教师来说,这是一个全 新的体验。他们必须探索各方式 来与孩子们进行既有意义又有乐 趣的线上活动,例如:线上挑 战、寻宝游戏、讲述佛陀故事、 教导正念饮食等等! 儿童班的老师们出于对孩子们的 爱与用心,让不可能成为可能。 但愿孩子们的胸怀更加宽广、思 维更加成熟,在成长的道路上成 为互爱互助的善友。 佛法儿童班 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 23
24. Zoom Zoom with Youths 青年团的ZOOM ZOOM时光 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 24
42. Other Virtual Events 其他线上法会 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 42
64. Special Thanks to Staff 感恩工作人员 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 64
20. 非常感激大乘禅寺的网上早课和法亮法师活泼的介 绍! 一睡醒,就查看手机,看我们大乘禅寺的佛菩萨和 听见喇嘛和僧尼们的诵经声音和法会讲解。这已经 成为了我的日常一部分。 参加早课提醒了自己还活着和要念一点经文和回向 功德。尤其在今年,一些我认识的人突然过世和生 病。我很肯定的说比起我自己来念,通过这些早课 诵经,这些诵经和回向的力量更胜于个人的诵经。 最近,我的一位亲人过世,于是我通过早课要求回 向功德予亲人。法师很快的就在脸书的佛法家庭群 组里要求大家回向功德予这位亲人,这让我万分感 恩。 这个早课让我更坚定自己的信念,让我更珍惜大乘 禅寺这个佛法家庭。 我希望法师能持续主持此直播频道。 法师,我们早上见。 ~ Evelyn Choh 信徒的心语 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 20
33. One Voice. One Prayer. Infinite Blessings. Grand Guru Bumtsog Ceremony 莲师荟供大法会 众善一心·同声祈愿 ·无尽加持 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 33
69. Special Thanks to Volunteers 感恩志工团队 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 69
72. Special Thanks to Management 感恩管理委员会 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 72
82. Future Plans THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 82
18. 突如其来的疫情,让新加坡在为 期两个月的阻断措施期间,顿时 陷入恐惧与不安的气氛当中。大 乘禅寺在此期间开展了#大乘关 爱行动,目的在于通过网络科技 与宅在家中的信徒们联系,让他 们即便不外出,也能感受到寺院 的爱与关怀。 新加坡大乘禅寺推出了一系列的 线上活动,法亮法师主持的《早 课直播》,法喜法师主持的《法 喜教您煮》, 佛法导师张颢议 指导的线上禅修,志工邹胜清讲 述的《佛陀生平故事》,由志工 Sandeep Nath根据鑫和仁波切 的简短开示编辑并上载的“鼓舞 星期天”博客贴文,及其他为了 疫情而安排的祈愿活动。这些线 上活动心系社区,其中所流露的 关怀、安慰与陪伴,让您在度过 疫情的日子里倍感温馨。 # 大乘关爱 大乘关爱行动 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 18
48. 我们从贾多仁波切那里领受准提 佛母灌顶。我记得鑫和仁波切提 到这是我们寺院的密法,而他的 心愿就是能弘扬殊圣的准提佛母 法门。 仁波切对师公的虔诚依止启发了 我,我希望效仿他尊师如佛的美 德。当鑫和仁波切鼓励大家各自 累积念诵准提佛母长咒九十万 遍,以净化所有疫情的负面影响 时,我意识到通过集体共修绝对 可以达到这个目标。来自美国、 澳洲、马来西亚等地的弟子,每 周都会和我们(新加坡弟子)一起 持诵准提佛母长咒。看到每周都 有这么多人聚在一起共修,真是 令人振奋。这激励我继续弘扬此 法门,以造福更多的众生。 我也察觉到每次灌顶后,由于许 多人认为法门仪轨很长很费时, 也就没有持续修持。因此这个共 修组也作为一个支援团,让同修 们彼此之间互相勉励精进修行。 通过电报Telegram手机应用程 序的频繁互动,我们每天都激励 彼此成为更好的自己。这就是本 尊共修组诞生的故事,欢迎大家 加入我们! ~ 魏敋鋠 Deity Practice Group 本尊共修组 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 48
49. Benefitting Others Through Our Actions 以行动回馈社会 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 49
45. 众所周知,鑫和仁波切常常给予许多人忠实的建 议,因此许多信徒都会寻求仁波切的指引,尤其在 这个艰难时期。 为了帮助信徒,我们开始采用上线咨询的方式让信 徒们与仁波切交谈,并命名简称为O.A.R。 仁波切线上咨询 (O.A.R) 什么是O.A.R? 犹如船桨(OAR)帮助小船驶向正确的方向一 样,仁波切就是我们的桨。当我们感到迷茫和困顿 时,只要得到仁波切的叮嘱并积极地付诸于行动, 终究能抵达光明的彼岸。 在上师的睿智分析与建言下,许多人所面临的人生 困境或难题,都能得到出路或妥善的应对方案。 与仁波切的一对一 线上咨询每个月安排两次,每 次只限10名信众报名。 在尊贵上师的指引下,愿众生都能走出自己的一条 觉醒之路。 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 45
75. 大乘禅寺(新加坡)主席献词 随着大乘禅寺(新加坡)社团的解散,我身为主席 的任期也告一段落。 大乘禅寺(新加坡)这些年来已逐渐发展成为一个 充满活力的团体。寺院的成员们在上师鑫和大乘南 都仁波切的智巧引领下,秉持大乘教法,凝聚成心 心相连、互相扶持的社群,体现了本寺“心系慈爱 心”的精神。 面临突如其来的考验时,要同时兼顾寺庙需求与预 算管理并非易事。在我出任主席的期间,我们充满 活力的工作人员、董事会及两位执行董事长一同承 担、排除万难,完成了许多具挑战性的任务。他们 在保持深思、审慎的同时,力求跳脱出惯性思想的 窠臼,以至能果断地作出大胆而艰难的决定来重新 构思大乘禅寺接下来50年必行而可行的新蓝图。 即使面临新的挑战,尤其当前的冠病疫情,我深信 新的机构体制——大乘禅寺新加坡有限公司——将 成为闪亮的典范,为往后大乘禅寺的发展提供了重 要的借鉴! 我衷心感谢鑫和仁波切给予的智慧启发及无数的建 议与鼓励。我很荣幸能得到我们前任主席杨庆才先 生、管理委员会成员、桑雍拉姆、庞方贵先生、全 体工作人员(现任与前任)以及志工们的指导。大 乘禅寺(新加坡)各成员的集体力量,使我们得以 维持运作、茁壮成长并坚守了许多个年头。也正是 这种集体力量,促使许多共同的目标与设想得以实 现。 我很感激能与本寺的董事会成员们一起共事。他们 用了大量时间来参与规划和会议,并最终做出艰难 的政策决定,以确保大乘禅寺(新加坡)继续成为 一个充满活力、账目清晰、充满爱心的团体。我非 常荣幸能在过去的两年里担任大乘禅寺的主席。我 会以感恩之心,来回味这段充满温馨、关爱与慈悲 的旅程。 我谨此向大家与大乘禅寺(新加坡)的新团队献上 最美好的祝愿。 余秀珍 大乘禅寺(新加坡)主席 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 75
55. We would like to give our heartfelt thanks and gratitude to our Spiritual Father, Singha Rinpoche. Without him, Thekchen Choling would not exist today. Without him, many of us would be lost in the maze of Samsara. Without him, many would not know the taste of freedom and liberation from the poisons of our mind. Thank you for showing us the way out of Samsara. Thank you for giving us hope in our darkest times. Thank you for loving us unconditionally. To our most kind, loving and compassionate guide, Singha Rinpoche, we pray that you will live a long, healthy and stable life, and that all your Dharma activities be quickly and swiftly fulfilled. 由衷感激我们的修行导师大慈悲父,鑫和仁波切。 没有他,就没有大乘禅寺。没有他,我们将继续迷 失于娑婆世界的虚妄里。没有他,我们无法让多世 深受五毒熏染的心,尝到自在与解脱。 感谢您,苦海里指引出路。 感谢您,绝境中带来曙光。 感谢您,给我们无私的爱。 致我们最尊贵最慈爱的师父,鑫和仁波切:我们祈 愿您法体安康、圣寿永固、一切佛法事业迅速圆满 成就。 Special Thanks to Singha Rinpoche 感恩鑫和仁波切 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 55
86. 展望未来,我们希望能够扩大这个 群体,并以开阔的胸怀广纳任何对 弘法利生持有兴趣与热忱的有志之 士。我们也希望建立一个具持续性 的社群,及一座让众生能有所依靠 的曼达拉圣城。 通过这座曼达拉,我们愿继续兴显 佛法,让佛法能顺应时代所需,焕 发日久弥新的光彩。这座曼达拉将 会是一个给人重生与希望的道场, 所有的课程和活动都为生命的提升 与优化而设,让参与者都能从中发 现一个更好的自己。 这座曼达拉圣城更宏伟蓝图,是集 合了购物中心、文化中心及供信众 居住的私人养老公寓。并且,这座 曼达拉能够自给自足地持续运作, 成为信徒们及普罗大众的社区活动 中心。圣城将建于交通便利的优越 地段,内设有停车空间、超市、幼 儿托管中心,并汇集各项零售与服 务体验,与玲琅满目的餐厅与餐饮 选择。除了上述,圣城也将提供社 区所需的其他服务。 这座曼达拉将给周边地区的民众、 学生与工作人士提供便利。我们希 望能让部分的商店以社会企业的模 式经营,以此作为回馈社会的方式 之一。 愿未来的这座曼达拉能造福下一 代,并成为后世人们的灵感泉源! 未来计划 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 86
13. 大家好!吉祥如意! 一年又过去了。我相信大家都会 同意2020年是个让人晕头转向 的一年。然而,往好的一面看, 这一年也给了我们创造了许多探 索、创新与革新的机会,让我们 完成了许多自己未曾做过的事。 当然, 这并非易事。 因为,我 们需要竭力地从旧有的框框里跳 脱出来, 用不同一般的思路去设 想各种方案,将佛法呈现给分隔 各处各地的信众们。 这是一项艰难的挑战,但秉持着 一股乐观进取的态度,一颗奉献 的心,还有大乘禅寺这个大家庭 及我国政府所提供的助力,我们 有幸且满载收获地度过了这困难 重重的一年。 在这个脱离了舒适圈的环境中, 我们的工作人员比以往更加互爱 互助。我们也通过新的方式,持 续一整年与信众们保持凝聚力。 可以这样说,我们大乘禅寺的大 家庭,已愈发茁壮、愈发团结。 我们在开拓新领域及缔造历史的 同时,也在欢乐的氛围中坚毅地 成长。 只要有信念,没有什么是不可能的! 从我们第一次推出的线上法会与 供养,到接下来的卫塞节线上 传灯、大唐卡揭幕、首届莲师 十万荟供大法会、首次“暂停· 入禅·重生”21天重新设定生 命程序线上活动、首个线上早课 直播、还有线上助学金颁发仪 式及#大乘关爱行动等等线上活 动,其目的是造福人群,并给这 个被疫情笼罩的世界带来阳光和 正能量。更重要的是,通过数码 科技,我们与海外的寺院及信众 互联互通,乃至跨越宗教的藩 篱,集合众人同心为世界祈愿。 这是新加坡大乘禅寺有史以来第 一次举行这么多大型的线上活 动。可以说,我们在这次疫情 中最大的获益是,它让我们创造 了一个学习的机会,让我们学习 如何以创新的方式,突破时间与 空间的限制,将佛法带给每一个 人。 抱持一颗感恩的心,我谨向所有 一路陪伴我们度过这一切的人, 表达由衷的谢意。虽然今年过得 不容易,但工作人员、志工朋友 及各个成员的大力的支持、奉献 我们如何蜕变 精神及超出职责范围的牺牲,让 这一年过得更具意义及使命感。 今年,我们的大家庭展现了超越 性的关爱、扶持与突破。看着 大乘禅寺各个家庭成员凝聚在一 起,感情比以往更好的景象,我 的心里不禁感动。 最后,献上我最喜欢的格言之 一:“没有错误,只有教训。只 要有信念,没有什么是不可能 的! 我深信我们还有许多未开发的潜 能,正等着我们去发掘。这些潜 能,往往隐藏在常规的思路以 外。要发掘这些潜能,就要勇敢 地与众不同、大胆梦想、发光发 亮! 祝愿大家2021年幸福满载,尽未 来际与新加坡大乘禅寺度过更多 精彩的时光!同心同德,就能成 就一切,愿大家一切吉祥! 致以爱与祈愿, 桑雍南都拉姆 洪诗意 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 13
58. Due to the pandemic, TCCL's resident Geshe – Geshe Tenzin Nyima – is unable to return to Singapore from his visit to Nepal in March 2020. However, he has been supporting the temple and its devotees from afar. Through his efforts in coordinating with Kopan monastery, he has helped ensure that pujas are being conducted for devotees by the monks there. He has also personally conducted pujas that were requested by devotees. His advice to all devotees of Thekchen Choling is to always stay positive and healthy. His wish for us is to have good health, happiness and success in 2021. Thank you for all your efforts, Geshela! We hope to see you back in Singapore, soon! Geshe Tenzin Nyima - Supporting the temple and devotees from afar 格西天津宁玛 - 在遥远国度继续的扶持 寺院与信众 由于疫情严峻,大乘禅寺的常住格西 - 格西天津 宁玛自去年三月回尼泊尔后就无法回来新加坡。尽 管如此,他还是在那遥远的国度里继续的扶持寺院 与信众。格西拉也致力与柯磐寺协调,确保所有由 本寺信众所委托的祈福法均由当地僧众顺利执行。 同时,他也亲自主持信徒们委托的祈福法会。 格西拉给予大乘禅寺信徒们的建言是:保持乐观, 维护健康。他希望我们大家在2021年能拥有健 康、快乐与成功。 感谢您的付出,格西拉!希望尽早与您在新加坡再 次相会! THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 58
71. 致所有疫情期间默默扶持的志工 们: 感谢!感激!感恩! 如果没有你们的坚持与付出,协 助我们一起散播佛法的正能量, 我们将无法如此顺利地渡过这次 的疫情。感恩有你们作为大乘团 队的一份子。携手同心,我们必 能共创高峰以利乐更的多众生。 感恩志工团队 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 71
85. 愿景: 心系慈爱心 使命: 携手创造有意义的人生 鑫和仁波切的愿景是希望我们所有弟子以实际行动 来实践‘心系慈爱心’。这代表什么?他希望所有 弟子能实修佛法,了悟殊胜的菩提心,并与众生心 心相系以广利一切有情。仁波切强调,“以人为 本”是弘扬佛法不可或缺的关键。我们应该珍惜人 与人之间的关系,并营造和睦亲善的氛围,永不舍 弃彼此在寺院与佛法的环境中下所培养的凝聚力。 作为鑫和仁波切的弟子,我们修持佛法以冀成为体 现大乘禅寺愿景与使命的鲜活例子。目前,我们致 力于通过各种活动来实现“携手创造有意义的人 生”这项的使命。这包括了: 1. 弘扬佛法并传承多彩的佛教传统,诸如佛教文 化和佛教建筑。在建筑方面,我们谨延续了融合了 大乘佛教与汉传佛教特点的传统建筑风格。同时, 我们也依据上师的指示修造了殊圣的佛法圣物和金 身。为了传承珍贵的佛法,我们也翻译了重要的佛 法书籍。在我们创建的“阿难陀的藏经阁”资料库 里,我们贮存了上师佛法教学的珍贵笔录与录像。 2. 关注学众与信众的心灵成长,并促进与其他宗 教信仰的和谐共处。我们希望了解信众们的需求, 以助于培养互爱互助的精神,进而通过各种方案与 活动来满足各种需求。通过共同学佛的经历,以及 贴近生活的凝聚与联系互动,我们希望能招募并保 留更多的信众群,同时给予我们的关怀与扶助,与 他们携手踏上改善人生的希望之旅。 3. 不分种族、言语与宗教,向弱势群体给予关爱 与支持,以创造社会影响力。仁波切时常教导我 们不要成为仅注重于形式的佛教徒,即只会念经的 人。我们的修持也应包括以行动来实践佛法。因 此,我们寺院每年都积极参与回馈社会、造福人群 的活动。 我们希望每个人都加入这个由上师鑫和仁波切所引 领的大乘之旅,一同来成就大觉者佛陀般的慈爱 心。我们希望将这种精神传承给下一代,让佛法恒 久成为众生的光明与希望。 创造大乘坛城福泽后代 未来计划 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 85
92. Special Thanks to Amrita Sponsors 感恩所有法露功德主 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 92
94. See You in 2021! 我们2021再见! THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 94
43. Even after the end of Circuit Breaker, there existed restrictions on the number of visitors to the temple. Hence, to ensure that devotees can still take part in dharma activities and learn the dharma, the weekly English and Chinese teachings by Singha Rinpoche went online. The monthly Guru Puja is also now being streamed online, so that disciples and devotees can continue to participate in such meritorious acts, and bless their own homes too. 就算阻断措施的限制期限已过,来寺庙的访客人数 也还是有所限制。因此,为了让信徒们还是可以照 常参与佛法活动和修学佛法,每星期由鑫和仁波切 所主讲的的英文和中文的佛法讲课全程上线。每月 的上师荟供也同时上线直播,这样所有的弟子和信 徒们都可以继续参与这些善举,同时加持他们的住 家。 Online Teachings & Pujas 线上佛法讲座和法会 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 43
59. Although I was not able to go back to Nepal to visit my family, I was still able to talk to my family members on the phone, so there was no real worry. I also knew that since my village is quite high up and isolated, if there are no tourists or people passing by, my family will be relatively safe. However, talking with them on the phone isn’t the same as being able to see them face-to-face. I also wasn’t really worried about myself here in Singapore. During the Circuit Breaker, I was well taken care of by the temple. I continued to do my daily practices and prayers. I hope that things can get better soon for everyone around the world. Lama Phuntsok - Separated by Distance, But Not by Heart 喇嘛朋措 - 分隔两地亲情不变 虽然我不能回尼泊尔探望家人,但我还是能通过电 话与他们联系,所以就没什么可担心的。由于我老 家那个村庄位于偏远的高山上,加上没有什么路人 或旅客经过,因此家人的处境相对来说比较安全。 当然,用电话与家人通话远不及面对面交谈来得亲 切。 而且,我身在新加坡也没什么可担心的。在阻断措 施期间,寺院都很照顾我们。我一如往常地进行我 的日常修法和祈愿。我希望每个人乃至整个世界都 能趋向晴好。 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 59
95. Dedication 回向 May the Precious Bodhi Mind Not Yet Born Arise and Grow May that Born have no decline But increase forever more! As long as space remains, As long as sentient beings remain, So do I remain To dispel the misery of the world. May anyone who sees, hears or touches this magazine be free of all suffering and immediately receive the amrita of the great bliss of awakening! 菩提心妙宝,未生者当生, 已生勿退失,展转益增长。 乃至有虚空,以及众生住, 愿吾住世间,尽除众生苦。 惟愿此书见闻者,乃至触及面底页, 顷刻解脱诸恼苦,大乐法露降加持! 95 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020
32. Virtual Vesak 线上的卫塞节 The start of Circuit Breaker was truly unsettling. Then magically, during the Vesak Monlam celebration I was watching all the familiar faces and reading the comments that were on social media on how awesome Adam was in hosting the event, and it filled me with so much joy. The passing of the ‘Lamp of Light’ virtually was such a WOW moment too! Seeing the beautiful display of lights on social media from all those who participated was a truly memorable experience. ~Gelen Yong 阻断措施开始实行时,的确令人 感到不安。然而,奇妙的是,当 我在线上参与卫塞祈福法会时, 看见许多熟悉的脸孔,看见许多 人在社交媒体留言称赞主持人 Adam的出色表现,顿时让我内 心装满了喜悦。线上举行的‘传 灯’仪式是多么让人惊叹不已! 看见人们在社交媒体上秀出各种 绚丽的灯盏的,实在让人难以忘 怀。 ~杨慧玲 自疫情登录新加坡的那一刻起, 我们精心策划的卫塞节美食展与 嘉年华就必需搁置一旁。 由于大众不能亲临寺院参与法 会,筹委会决定让卫塞节庆典全 面转型为线上活动让大众参与, 以感受释迦牟尼佛对众生的广 大慈爱。同时,为了在这个非常 时期里给予大家希望与精神上的 鼓励,也出于功德主们的慷慨护 持,所有的法会活动一律免费参 与。 这次卫塞活动的其中一个亮点, 是鑫和仁波切在卫塞节前连续四 周所开示的《四圣谛》。仁波切 的解说,向我们揭示了释迦牟尼 佛给众生指引的正觉之路,及如 何将佛法融入我们的生活里。 另一个亮点,是我们首次举行的 线上传灯法会。传灯仪式象征了 传递智慧之光来破除无明与恐 惧。由于传灯活动在阻断措施期 间举行,这使鑫和仁波切所传递 的灯盏更具意义——它象征了将 佛法之光带到每家每户及每个人 的心中,愿此灯照破疫情笼罩下 的黑暗气氛。 随之而来的是振奋人心的压轴节 目——首次于卫塞节当天线上揭 幕如意大唐卡!当卫塞节的主 题音乐在直播时段缓缓响起时, 我们才深切地感受到自己是多么 地想念大乘一年一度的卫塞节庆 典。 最后,大乘卫塞祈福大法会以度 母法会圆满回向,祈求圣救度母 在这非常时期里护佑一切有情众 生离诸苦难。 大乘卫塞祈福大法会 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 32
19. I really appreciate the TCCL morning prayers and Ani Chodron for being so chirpy in the morning! It’s now a routine for me: once awake, check mobile phone, see our TCCL Buddha and hear the familiar sounds of Lamala and Anila chanting and speaking about the day ’s prayers. It reminds me that I am alive and reminds me to say my little prayers and dedications. It is especially so this year, there are people I know well who have passed on and a few fell critically ill suddenly. Through these morning prayers, I am sure that these prayers and dedications are more powerful than if I just did it myself. When my uncle passed on recently, I had asked for a prayer dedication on the morning prayer session. Anila was very quick to send out the FB notification to the Dharma family for prayers to Uncle, for which I am ever grateful. The Morning Prayers session is another activity that reinforced my conviction that this TCCL Dharma family is something I cherish and hold dear. I sincerely hope that Anila can continue to host this Channel for a long time to come. See you in the Mornings Anila. ~ Evelyn Choh Hear What Our Devotees Say THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 19
46. Our first ever online refuge ceremony! This was done virtually and participants from South Africa and Malaysia could join us to participate in this ceremony. Truly rejoice that there are no boundaries in this virtual space for all to seek refuge in the Triple Gem! 这是我们首次举办的线上皈依仪式! 来自南非和马 来西亚的皈依者,通过视讯科技全程参与了这场皈 依仪式。网络世界打破了地理与国界的阻隔,让大 家能够同时皈依三宝,实在可喜! Our First Ever e-Refuge Ceremony 首次线上皈依仪式 Taking Refuge Anytime, Anywhere! 何时何地都可以皈依三宝! THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 46
57. Our Frontline Heroes... 我们的前线英雄... Our deepest and most heartfelt appreciation to our Sangha who has constantly contributed tirelessly behind the scenes. We thank you for your dedication and passion towards serving and benefiting all sentient beings. You are truly our frontline heroes! Without you, Thekchen Choling would not have been able to touch the hearts of many both on and offline, especially during this pandemic. Let us hear from our shining stars what they have to share! 我们由衷感谢一直在幕后孜孜不倦,默默付出的僧团。感谢僧众们充满热忱,尽心尽力地为服务众生、利 乐众生。您不愧是我们的前线英雄!没有僧团的辛勤努力,大乘禅寺尤其无法如此全面地,在诸多限制 的疫情期间,仍然牵动着线上线下那么多人的心,去散播关爱的种子。让我们一起来看看法师们的分享 吧! THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 57
70. To all our dearest volunteers who had silently supported us during this pandemic: THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! Without your support and dedication in propagating the Buddhadharma to empower all beings’ lives together with us, we would not have been able to sail through this pandemic with so much ease. Thank you for being part of Team Thekchen with us. Together, we can sail to greater heights and benefit more beings. Special Thanks to Volunteers THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 70
90. Special Thanks to Amrita Sponsors 感恩所有法露功德主 We would like to show our gratitude to the following sponsors: 我们要感谢以下功德主: Mr Ryman Ng Huizhi and Family Mdm Ling May Choo and Family Mdm Eve Yip and Family Mdm Serene Cheng and Family Mdm Yoong Yew Foong and Family Mr Lim Thiam Soon and Family THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 90
25. When Circuit Breaker started, our Dharma Youths were trying to adapt to the change. It was a challenging time for them to be physically separated from friends and relatives who they see on a regular basis. The Youth facilitators recognised the need to provide emotional support for the youths during this period of uncertainty. This led them to come up with a whole new approach to connect with the youths through fun online group activities weekly. Later when Circuit Breaker went into Phase 2 with group size restrictions, the Youth facilitators went into another unknown territory to conduct lessons virtually and introduce the youths the importance of self-awareness. This allowed the youths to develop greater understanding of self and others to better handle difficult situations in life. While engaging the youths online isn’t the same as seeing them in person, the emotional connection and support for them was truly fulfilling. Youths THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 25
28. Qing Ming and Ullambana are significant festivals for the Chinese. Filial piety is a highly regarded virtue that is practised and observed during these festivals. Buddha taught about the merits of being filial and other practices where we can demonstrate generosity, for example, by making charity offerings to the wandering spirits. This year, most temples were closed due to the pandemic. TCCL opened new doors for devotees to continue fulfilling their filial duties. Chanting sessions were streamed Live on Facebook for devotees to follow the prayer and chant along with Rinpoche and Anilas. During Ullambana, a registration portal was introduced to keep our devotees safe if they wanted to make physical offerings at the temple. We also added a new initiative where the Anilas would help to pray and make daily offerings on the devotees' behalf to their ancestors/dearly departed. Through such means, TCCL ensured that people were still safe while still being able to show their gratitude during Qing Ming and practise great compassion for all beings during Qing Ming and Ullambana. Qing Ming & Ullambana THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 28
73. Special Thanks to Management 感恩管理委员会 From its humble beginnings nearly two decades ago to the temple that it is now, Thekchen Choling (Singapore) has transformed enormously. The temple has grown and evolved steadily with the support of a group of great leaders in the Management Committee. Most of them are long serving devotees of the temple while still achieving excellence in their careers. Thank you for devoting your time and precious resources tirelessly and unconditionally for the growth of the temple! 从当初的寂寂无名至今天的成就,新加坡大乘禅寺 在这20年来经历了巨大的转变。在寺院的成长与蜕 变背后,是一群优秀的管委会领导们所付出的辛勤 与努力。他们绝大多数是服务寺院多年的弟子,并 同时也在各自的领域里继续取得卓越的成就。感谢 你们为寺院的成长所无私付出的宝贵时间与资源! Phyllis Gee - President Denise Chiang Serene Cheng Christina Choh THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 73
37. This year, with so many losses and changes in the world, the act of healing oneself and the environment became even more important. With the blessings of Medicine Buddha as the patron deity, TCCL sought to raise awareness in everyone about this message, and to encourage everyone to take action through prayers and acts of purification and charity. One of the highlights of Healing Festival 2020 was the 100,000 recitation of the Seven Medicine Buddha Mantras. Through the collective efforts of devotees and disciples from Australia, Brunei, Singapore, Malaysia and USA, 166,642 mantras were recited during the 49 days of the Healing Festival, with all merits dedicated to the mental and physical health of everyone. TCCL also collaborated with Kopan Monastery in Nepal to conduct the Medicine Buddha Fire Puja for the benefit of all beings. Vaidurya Healing Festival THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 37
34. A retreat to supplicate to Guru Rinpoche to seek for his Divine Blessings while deepening our faith. This year due to the outbreak of Covid-19, there was great fear, tension and much uncertainty as everyone had to adapt quickly to changes and the unpredictability of things. Guru Rinpoche said "I'm never far from those with faith, or even from those without it, though they do not see me. My children will always, always be protected by my compassion." Physical separation did not stop us from gathering to recite in one voice. Using technology, we streamed the retreat Live on social media, connecting with overseas monastery Namgyal Jyangchub Choeling and devotees around the world. Together, we recited 100,000 Guru Bumtsog prayers to Guru Rinpoche, seeking his divine blessings to overcome the pandemic faced by the world. With the wonders of technology, we could truly connect all with Divine Hearts and receive the blessings from our Guru who is our embodiment of Guru Rinpoche! 启建法会祈请莲花生大士——降 赐殊胜加持、令生坚固信心 今年由于新冠病毒疫情爆发,大 家都必须迅速适应变幻莫测的环 境,因此内心存在着巨大的恐 惧、紧张和忐忑不安。 莲花生大士说: “我不曾远离那 些信仰我、甚至不信仰我的人; 虽然他们无法亲睹我,但我的这 些孩子们,将永恒地受我慈心覆 护!” 距离上的阻隔无法阻断我们的 同声祈愿。 我们通过科技在社 交媒体上直播法会,与海外寺 院南嘉蒋楚却林寺 (Namgyal Jyangchub Choeling) 及世界 各地信众连线,一同向莲师祈 愿,同声圆满念诵了10万遍莲 师荟供祈愿文,祈请莲师降赐殊 胜加持以战胜肆虐全球的冠病疫 情。 有了奇妙的科技辅助,我们可以 说是确确实实地践了心系慈爱心 的愿景,让各地的信众领受来自 上师与莲师无别的大加持! Our very first Virtual Guru Rinpoche Retreat 我们首次举办的线上莲师荟供大法会 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 34
65. We have here our incredibly powerful and talented team that serves the temple with an enormous heart. They gave full support to the temple before, during and after Circuit Breaker. Despite the short notice about the numerous changes that had to take place, and the many decisions that had to be made about how to adapt existing operations, the entire team rose to the occasion and contributed tirelessly so that Thekchen Choling was able to remain operational and could continue to be a place for devotees to seek comfort and peace within. A big THANK YOU to all of YOU! We like to also take this opportunity to highlight some members in the team who demonstrated dedication and commitment beyond their work responsibilities. The leadership they demonstrated to propose and implement new initiatives benefitted the temple and our devotees greatly. Let us rejoice in their efforts and acknowledge their contributions! 我们拥有一组才华横溢的强大工 作团队,他们在阻断措施期间及 前后的这段时间里,尽心尽力地 支援着大乘禅寺。虽然计划往往 跟不上变化,但我们的工作人员 还是能在短时间内,以睿智的决 策能力及超强的适应能力,让寺 院能采取最适宜的应变措施。所 谓“时势造英雄”,正是因为这 个团队的不畏艰难与不懈努力, 让大乘禅寺得以维持运作,成为 信众寻求宁静与心灵慰藉的皈依 处。非常感恩,感谢每一位工作 人员! Special Thanks to Staff 感恩工作人员 我们借此机会特别介绍工作团队 里的其中几位成员。他们在这个 非常时期里展现了超越职责的敬 业与奉献精神。他们在倡议与执 行新举措方面,无不焕发具前瞻 性的领导能力。而这些举措,让 本寺及信众都深受恩惠。让我们 对这几位工作人员努力给予认 可,并随喜他们所作出的贡献! THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 65
17. The pandemic brought great fear and uncertainty during Singapore's two-month long Circuit Breaker period. #TCCares is an initiative that was created to reach out to our devotees, tapping into cyberspace to bring temple closer to them since travelling was not possible during the Circuit Breaker. Thekchen Choling (Singapore) launched a series of online activities such as the Online Morning Prayer with Ani Chodron, Jiak with Anila by Ani Chokyi, Book Reading Tuesdays - Buddha Life Stories narrated by our volunteer Audrey Choh, #TCCares Online Zoom Meditation Sessions with our Dharma Teacher Keith Cheung, Inspirational Sunday Blogs which are short teachings by Singha Rinpoche edited by our kind volunteer Sandeep Nath and some of the other adhoc prayers specially organised for this pandemic. These activities served the community well, bringing care, comfort and companionship - reminding you that you’re not alone in this. #TCCares THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 17
61. Circuit Breaker provided me with a chance to catch up on my Dharma studies, to concentrate on my online courses with Nalanda University. I am about to start on a Master’s course. However, it was difficult to transition into doing more deskbound work during the Circuit Breaker period. There were fewer opportunities to move about and do more physical activities as we were not allowed to go out then. My body started to ache a lot more. But I view these opportunities that I received as chances to deepen my knowledge of the Dharma, and that these chances will definitely help me to benefit others, especially in terms of Dharma propagation. Ani Dechen - More Time for Learning the Dharma 法乐法师 - 更多时间修学佛法 阻断措施给我呈现了一个机会,让我能够赶上学习 佛学的进度,专注地投入那烂陀大学的线上课程。 再过不久,我将开始修读佛学硕士班。 另外,我在阻断措施期间,职责方面转为处理更多 的内勤事务,这对我来说是个不容易适应的改变。 也由于疫情的限制,我少了许多户外活动和锻炼的 机会,造成了身体的酸痛和不适感。 然而,我将这一切视为加深佛法体悟的机会,而这 些必定能帮助我在弘扬佛法方面,更有能力去利益 他人。 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 61
44. Many devotees wish to seek advice and consultation with Singha Rinpoche as he is known for giving practical advice, especially during these trying times. To help our devotees, we started to allow those who seek help to have an online audience with Rinpoche, which we named O.A.R for short. Why O.A.R? Just like the OAR which aids the boat in the right direction, Rinpoche is like our oar, steering us to find the light and the path when we are confused and weary. Many people have tapped on our Guru’s wisdom and advice to find balance and solutions to challenging situations and personal obstacles. These online consultations are held twice a month with a limit of 10 pax for each one-to-one online consultation session. May all find their path of awakening with the aid of our precious Guru. Online Audience with Rinpoche (O.A.R) THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 44
93. 14.85cm 10.5cm ™ No. 51 Yishun Industrial Park A, Singapore 768726 Tel: (65) 6758 0080 (6 Lines), (65) 6759 0060 Fax: (65) 6755 0012 Website: Email: Wholesaler & Distributor for Food Packaging (e.g. Plastic Bowls & Cups, Paper Bowls, Cups & Lunch Boxes, Rubber Bands, Pet Bottles and Biodegradable Products) 遠揚私人有限公司 PACIFIC PACKAGING PTE LTD Special Thanks to Amrita Sponsors 感恩所有法露功德主 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 93
2. Thekchen Choling (Singapore) 新加坡大乘禅寺 2 Beatty Lane Singapore 209945 (65) 64663720 ThekchenCholing singha_rinpoche Thekchen Choling (Melaka) 马六甲大乘禅寺 40, Jalan Pandan Indah 1, Taman Pandan Indah, 75250 Melaka, Malaysia +606 2406986 ThekchenCholingMelaka Thekchen Choling USA (Syracuse) 美国大乘禅寺(锡拉丘兹) 109 East Ave, Minoa, New York 13116 USA +1 315 480 1088 ThekchenCholingSyracuse Thekchen Choling (Malaysia) 马来西亚大乘禅寺 Lot 691 Tai Hong Village 81900 Kota Tinggi Johor, Malaysia +607 8822391 ThekchenCholingMalaysia We would like to thank the following people who have made this yearbook possible: Singha Namdrol Rinpoche, Sangyumla (Emmeline Ang), Alexandra Pang, Gelen Yong, Zhou Meiting, Leong Jia En, Wong Wai Foong and Lim Hui Jun. Editorial Team 2 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020
22. Despite the distance...our hearts remain connected... During this pandemic, it was impossible for us to hold physical lessons for our Dharma Junior (DJ) children. Our teachers came up with creative ideas to engage the children over 8 lessons via Zoom to continue bringing joy, fun and Buddha’s teachings to them. It was truly new for our teachers to explore ways to engage the children with fun and meaningful activities such as virtual challenges, treasure hunt, Buddha’s teachings through storytelling, eating meditation sessions and many more! What was impossible became possible due to the love and dedication of our DJ Teachers. Our only wish is for all the children to grow their hearts and minds, and be virtuous friends for one another! Dharma Junior (DJ) THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 22
62. We were supposed to have a second cookbook. However, people now prefer to watch videos than to look at a recipe book. I was encouraged by Sangyumla to share my recipes into videos and this was how Jiak With Anila started. I would record what I was cooking that day with my phone. I did the filming and the voiceover on my own due to the Circuit Breaker. There were difficulties at first because I was not familiar with the filming functions. I had to learn how to pause the camera while cooking and learn how to use different applications to send the recorded file to the staff and volunteers so they could edit the videos. We decided that posting it on social media would be more effective, convenient and interesting for others to watch and learn. Some people said that the recipes were easy to learn, and that they added their own twist to the recipe. I told them that cooking is a lively and creative process. As long as you think that it will taste good, it works! Ani Chokyi - Bringing People Together (Online) through Food 法喜法师 - 用美食在线上凝聚人心 原本,我们正准备出版第二本食谱。然而,现代人 喜欢观看烹饪视频多于翻阅食谱。因而,在桑雍拉 的鼓励下,我决定通过录像来分享烹饪技巧,这就 促成了《法喜教您煮》系列视频的诞生。 我我是用自己的手机来录下当天的烹饪过程的。由 于在阻断措施期间开始录制,我得亲自拍摄录像和 并配上旁述。始时时,我时常遇到困难,因为我不 熟悉拍摄功能的操作方法。我必需学会如何在烹调 食物的时候暂停摄影,然后在拍摄完毕完后,学会 通过不同的用途将整个视频发送给工作人员和志工 来进行剪辑。 为给观众提供便利,并有效地引起他们对烹饪的兴 趣,我们决定将视频上传至社交媒体。有些观众反 馈,这一系列的视频简单易懂,而且他们会在观看 视频后自己改良食谱。我告诉他们,其实烹饪是一 种具灵活性和创意性的活动,只要自己觉得这样煮 出来的食物好吃,那就行了! THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 62
81. 缘起 3. A vibrant and cozy co-sharing work space for staff to work and collaborate effectively 4. Relocating and revamping the Relic Hall within the current temple premise 5. Upgrading the electrical infrastructures to enhance the overall experience for on-site and virtual Dharma activities Do join us in making a positive difference in our continued efforts to impact lives. By contributing to the mandala expansion plan, we are offering immerse support to the Triple Gem. Do join us and be part of this meaningful journey. The fulfilment will be immeasurable! If you have any enquiries or would like to donate for this project, please contact our project manager Ms Ng Yizhen at +65 8181 3720. We would be most happy to assist you. 从早期一个简朴的租赁单位发展到拥有美智巷的寺 庙建筑,大乘禅寺已茁壮成长。经过前辈们的努力 耕耘,我们成功地将大乘禅寺建设成今日的庄严曼 达拉(诸佛菩萨的坛城)。 为了继承与弘扬佛教,我们举行多场法会与节庆, 让本地民众能更好地了解佛陀所阐发教义与价值观 并受其感染。我们每周恭请鑫和仁波切或到访大德 举行佛法开示,并进而主办闭关法会以深化我们的 修行。我们也通过儿童班与青年团等方式展开佛法 教育,强化年轻一代的心智,让他们立志成为菩萨 行者。 我们把握每个能够回馈社会的机会,而BESAR计 划就是其中之一。我们捐赠了粮食及许多实用的物 资,以扶助邻近社区的贫困者与弱势群体。这些善 举之所以能够实现,皆仰赖于诸位赞助者及志工们 的慷慨与善意。 曼达拉扩充计划 与其他受土地租赁条款所限制的寺庙相比,大乘禅 寺能拥有永久地契的宗教用途建筑,实属万幸。我 们希望这座寺院能长久地保留,继续为世世代代的 广大群众服务。 大乘禅寺管委会为了更好地保留寺院建筑并延续其 利生事业,决定展开“曼达拉扩充计划”。这项大 型的扩充计划旨在于改善、提升与优化本寺访客的 整体体验,并确保上述的佛法教育与公益活动能够 持续地进行。 曼达拉扩充计划将分阶段进行。第 一阶段是寺院建筑的改建与增建工程(A&A), 此项目被称为“寺庙扩充计划”。 曼达拉扩充计划将分阶段进行。第一阶段是寺院建 筑的改建与增建工程(A&A),此项目被称为“ 寺庙扩充计划”。 “寺庙扩充计划”的重点工程包括: 1. 增建更宽敞宜居的僧房,作为常住法师的居住空 间。 2. 通过重新规划功能空间,扩充大殿的面积以容纳 更多的法会信众。 3. 迁移办公室及志工与信众共用的多功能活动空 间。 4. 开辟新空间作为舍利宝殿的永久所在地。 5. 优化电气基础设施与科技设备,以提高本寺举行 闭关共修等大型法会的接待能力。 贡献于曼达拉扩充计划,即是大力地护持三宝。请 与我们一同积极参与这项对未来起着重要影响的计 划,让大乘禅寺能继续触动人心、改善人生。请与 我们一同踏上这趟极具意义的旅程,您必将得到无 可比拟的成就感! 若有任何询问或想捐助此计划,请致电+65 8181 3720与计划经理黄意珍女士洽谈,我们将乐于为 您服务。 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 81
84. 2. Engaging in the spiritual development of our students and devotees, and fostering harmony with other religions and faiths. We seek to understand the needs of our devotees so that we can create a supportive culture and design programmes that meet their needs. Through our journey of learning the dharma and through our lifestyle approach of bonding and connection, we aim to recruit, retain and expand our outreach to devotees, to walk this journey of transformational hope with them. 3. Creating social impact by providing care and support to the needy, regardless of race, language or religion. Rinpoche has always taught us not to be Buddhist that practice with only our hearts and lips, i.e. through chanting only. We should also practice the dharma through our actions. Hence, every year, our temple will participate in activities that gives back to our society and benefits humanity. We hope that everyone will join us in this Thekchen journey led by our Guru, Singha Rinpoche, and achieve the divine heart of awakening of the Buddha. We hope to pass on this legacy to the future generations so that the dharma can always be the light for all beings. The vision for the future is to grow our community, and make it open and inclusive for anyone who has the interest and love for the dharma and humanity. We hope to create a self-sustaining community and a mandala that feels like a safe refuge for all. Through this mandala, we want to continue to uphold the dharma and make the dharma relevant to the times. This mandala will be a place of transformational hope, and all the programmes and activities will be the foundation of change, to enable all to be a better version of themselves. The grander vision of the physical mandala is to create a mixed development that comprises of a mall, a cultural centre and private retirement homes for our devotees. This mandala will be self- sustaining and will serve as a community club for all devotees and the public. It will be strategically located and easily accessible by public transport. Carpark lots will be available, and there will be a plethora of food and beverage outlets and restaurants, a supermarket, retail and services, a childcare centre, and any other services required by the community etc. This mandala will serve the residents, students and working population around the vicinity of this mandala. We hope to create a social enterprise model for some of the shops in this mandala to give back to humanity. May this future mandala be a source of inspiration and benefit for the generations to come! Future Plans THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 84
63. During the Circuit Breaker, it was important for us to sustain the temple, to keep it going. Despite the lack of volunteers due to the restrictions, it was still necessary for us to upkeep it for it to be presentable. One of the most difficult tasks to upkeep in the temple was tidiness and cleanliness. However, I believe that every challenge is something that we have to take into our stride. Personally, I try to have no expectations and to remain flexible towards changes. As life continues to carry on, with or without Covid-19, we need to continue encouraging and supporting one another. We can help each other to ease the frustrations and difficulties that all of us face in different ways, like the obstacles that are present both inside and outside of us. Ani Kunsang - Remaining Flexible in the Face of Challenges 法贤法师 - 挑战面前保持灵活变通 在疫情阻断措施期间,继续维持寺院的运作是非常 重要的。碍于阻断措施的限制,志工人数大幅度减 少。即便如此,我们仍然得保持寺院的庄严整洁。 其实整理收纳、打扫卫生这些工作,正也是寺院里 最难持守的工作。但我认为,生活中无论遇到什么 样的挑战,我们都必须从容地应对。 就我个人而言,我尽量在不抱任何的期望前提下, 保持灵活应变的能力。无论冠病疫情存在与否,生 活还是要过的。因而,我们都需要继续互相扶持、 互相鼓励,才能够帮助彼此缓解愤怒与困惑。当面 对我们面对各自的人生难题时,例如内心与外在的 各种障碍显现时,我们就应该以这种方式来帮助彼 此。 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 63
60. The idea of live streaming the morning puja was brought to me one day as I am the Anila overseeing the rituals and pujas. I took on this task of bringing the morning puja into people’s homes. It started out as a form of sharing about how the morning pujas are conducted. Later, I thought it would benefit more people if different mantras are introduced to them. I also started inviting people to write the names they wish to dedicate the prayers to, so that these people receive the blessings after the completion of an auspicious puja. The feedback I received from live streaming the morning puja has been very positive and encouraging. Many shared how grateful they were that they could connect with the temple once again, especially during the Circuit Breaker period. There was this particular event I remember very clearly. I got to know this family whose young daughter is diagnosed with cancer through the comments during the live streaming. I messaged them later via Facebook messenger to find out how I could help and recommended them to consult Rinpoche and seek his precious advice. I could see the benefits this live streaming has brought, not only to people in Singapore but others Ani Chodron - Bringing Hope and Comfort in Times of Need 法亮法师 - 逆境中的带来希望与安慰 around the world! This initiative the temple is providing will continue for a long time, even beyond the end of this pandemic. 我在寺院里是负责安排法会仪式的出家众。有一天 我接到了网上直播早课的提议,便接下了这个任 务,把早晨的法会通过网络献给宅家的信众们。起 初,我们只是分享僧众们是如何进行早课念诵的仪 轨。接着,我想了想,不如也借此机会介绍不同的 心咒,以利益更多得人。后来,我也邀请收看直播 的信众们写下想要回向的名字,让我们在法会圆满 后为这些人祈福。 早课直播得到了非常正面及令人鼓舞的反馈。许多 信徒表示,他们非常感激我们在阻断措施期间提供 了一个新的渠道,让他们继续与寺院保持联系。 有一件事至今让我记忆犹新;我在早课直播的留言 板留意到一户家庭,他们年幼的女儿罹患了癌症。 我通过脸书聊天应用了解了他们的需要后,建议他 们向仁波切寻求宝贵的开示。 我真切地见证了,早课直播不仅利益着新加坡的信 众,也利益着世界各地的人!寺院推出的早课直播 将持续一段时间,甚至在疫情结束之后也会继续进 行。 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 60
47. A disciple’s devotion towards his Guru. – Singha Rinpoche This is a story about how this deity practice group was formed... “一位弟子对上师的虔诚依 止。” ——鑫和仁波切 关于本尊共修组之缘起的故 事...... We received the Chundi Initiation practice by Jhado Rinpoche and I remembered Singha Rinpoche mentioned that this is our temple secret practice and his wish is to honour and flourish the Chundi practice. I was inspired by his devotion to his own Guru and I wish to emulate his virtue of Guru Devotion. When we were encouraged by Singha Rinpoche to recite the Chundi long mantra 900,000 times individually to purify all negativities of the pandemic, I realised a group effort would definitely make this possible. Disciples from America, Australia, Malaysia and wherever they resided join us every week to recite the Chundi mantra. It was very heartening to see so many people gather every week to recite. It motivated me to continue and to spread this further to benefit more beings. Also seeing that many of us do not have a solid deity practice after each initiation, this group practice acts as a support group to encourage consistent sadhana practice which many deem as long and draggy. With frequent interaction in our telegram channel, we encourage one another to be a better version of ourselves every day. And this was how this practice group was formed. We welcome anyone to join us! ~ Robin Wee Deity Practice Group 本尊共修组 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 47
89. technology that allows us to see and connect virtually. Imagine if it were 30 years ago, where there was no internet, how much would a one-minute phone call cost? And we would never be able to see and interact with the person virtually. Lastly, I would like us to ponder on this – When we receive a gift from someone, it means that the person remembers us, right? So, is it the price of this gift or the value of the gesture of this gift that touches our heart? Let us reflect on what is the price of our life vs what is the value of our life that is important and meaningful for us. In this coming new year 2021, I pray we will treasure our lives and reflect on what we want vs what we need. Do we wish to go with the flow of life and live aimlessly to survive, or do we want to have personal breakthroughs and live well? May we all have breakthroughs and be a better person for ourselves and others from now onwards! Choose Inner Serenity, Always. With love and prayers, Singha Rinpoche 2020年刚过去,而许多人认为 2020是个不祥之年。而我认 为,我们所专注的任何事物,都 会被放大。尤其在这个情况中, 由于绝大多数人都感觉2020年 流年不利,因此大家就认定这是 个糟透的一年。然而,当我们换 个角度来看待事物时,我们会发 Amrita - Receiving the Precious Nectar 法露 - 承接佛法甘露 仁波切2021新年寄语 现疫情所带来的也不完全是坏 处。且让我与您分享我的一些观 察。 第一:我们终于体会到,我们好 好地过活其实也不需要这么多东 西,对吗?我们不需要很多的金 钱,很多的名牌货,很多的衣 服,很多的食物,很多的外出, 很多的娱乐活动来让自己感到快 乐。所以,我们领悟了这一点。 第二:我们开始珍惜与我们同住 的人,即家人。人与人之间是否 有血缘关系并不重要。既然有缘 住在同个屋檐下,我们就成了一 家人了。由于疫情关系让大家更 常聚在一起,这让我们开始赞 赏、珍惜并感恩彼此。这是多么 的棒的机会,让许多家庭体验了 家人之间的沟通,更从中进一步 地了解彼此,使大家的关系变得 更紧密。 第三:我们开始珍惜与重视我们 所居住的地方,即我们的家。许 多人习惯把家当成酒店。他们不 懂得如何珍惜自己的家。过去, 有些人对我说:“哦,反正我在 家里的时间很短,所以只要用廉 价的物品,劣质的家具等等,也 就够了。”结果在疫情期间,人 们开始重视自己的住所,并再次 审视自己的居住环境。他们开始 着手打扫卫生,重新摆设家具, 确保把家里布置得温暖舒适。例 如,觉得沙发坐起来很不舒服, 他们会想办法去处理。现今许多 人都居家办工。他们为了布置一 个适宜工作的环境而开始清除 杂物来安置适当的办公桌和办公 椅。为了让家人住得舒适,他们 也开始购买质量较好的家具和物 品。 当我们看看周遭,许多事物已经 历了迅速的改变与发展。在这 次的疫情中,我们开始珍惜彼 此并留意我们的环境。例如,我 们许多人发觉食物与商品包装方 面制造了许多垃圾。为了环保, 我们开始使用可重复使用的容器 而不是即用即丢的或塑料制成的 包装。除此之外,许多人也开始 在家里栽种与烹煮食材。回归淳 朴,我觉得这是非常有意义的。 我觉得有一点很值得我们大家来 省思。那就是,我们应如何选择 以什么角度来看待事物。不要凡 事都只用金钱来衡量。我们的生 活有许多的方方面面,而且我们 身为“社会人”是多么地需要彼 此,需要与朋友见面交流等等。 想象一下,如果阻断措施期间没 有互联网,而大家都得呆在家 里,外加种种社交活动和聚会的 禁令。没有互联网,我们犹如囚 禁在家的囚犯。所以,我们要感 恩并赞扬那些发明互联网的人, 还有发明所有相关科技的人。因 为科技,我们才能通过视频通话 来联系彼此。想一想如果是在30 年前,那个没有互联网的年代, 每一分钟的电话费需要多少钱? 更何况,那时候的电话是无法看 到对方面对面交谈的。 最后,我希望我们大家能用心思 索这点 - 当我们收到礼物时,这 表示送礼的人记得我们,对吗? 那么,感动我们的是这份礼物的 价格还是这份礼物的价值?让我 们来思维自己的生命有着什么价 格和什么价值,并衡量哪一个对 我们来说更重要,更具意义。 在这个崭新的2021年里,我祈 愿我们会珍惜自己的生命并思维 自己到底贪要什么,需要什么? 我们是否选择随波逐流,漫无目 的地度过此生;或是勇于寻求突 破,并活得更好? 但愿我们从今以后,都能突破自 己,为了自利利他而成为一个更 好的人。 恒久选择内心自在。 致以爱与祈愿, 鑫和仁波切 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 89
41. This programme opened my heart and made me own up to my demons. But it also gave me the grace and courage to strive along. It’s still a struggle but for a change I’m asking the right questions and hoping to take the right decision or direction in my life. Most importantly when I find that I can’t control a lot of it, I am finding the grace to surrender myself! May the universe/ god and your inner source be always your guide. Bless you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart!! And we have amazing stories to share and inspire one another. Blessings and rejoice to all! ~ Rashmi 这项活动敞开了我的心扉,让我 能面对自己的心魔,同时也教 导我如何带着从容与勇气去克 服它。这个过程虽然艰难,但我 已提出了正确的问题,希望在我 的生命中能选择正确的决定或方 向。最重要的是,当我发现自己 无法掌控很多状况的时候,我能 让自己从容不迫地接受它! 愿宇宙/神和你的内心本源永远 指引你。祝福你们,衷心感谢你 们! 我们有精彩的故事可以互 相分享,互相激励。 祝福也随喜 大家! ~ Rashmi Hear What Our Participants Say 信徒的心语 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 41
66. Our very own Mr Creative! Not only did he volunteer to stay in the temple for 2 months and be away from his family during Circuit Breaker, he was on the ground supporting the Sangha and the WFH team, and came up with many valuable initiatives to ease the constraints of the limited manpower when the extra measures were implemented. The SafeEntry Gantry, e-queuing/ registration system, Online Audience with Rinpoche (O.A.R.) and audio-visual assistance were the few priceless contributions he made. Online prayers and offerings were made possible because of him too! We are beyond thankful and grateful for his dedication to the temple. Bryan, you are truly a STAR! Through witnessing her tremendous transformation through the years and her contribution in the temple, she inspires us with her constant willingness and openness to embrace learning and change. Her willingness to improve and upgrade herself to gain access to fresh perspectives and ideas, bringing new ways to benefit the temple, she is our Boddhisattva- in-action! Mr Creative – Bryan Long 创意先生 - 龙俊铭 Miss Lifelong Learner – Ng Yizhen 勤学模范生 - 黄意珍 龙俊铭是我们第一无二的创意先 生!在阻断措施期间,他自发地 与家人道别,在寺院里居住长达 两个月,以支援我们的僧团及履 行居家办公的工作人员。在这期 间,他也提供了许多宝贵的方 案,帮助寺院解决防疫条例增加 后所造成的人力短缺问题。 我们的 SafeEntry 访客登记系 统闸门、线上排队/报名系统、仁 波切线上咨询及音响视频系统的 支援等等,都是俊铭弥足珍贵的 贡献。 线上法会和线上供养的安 排,也都是因为他才能得以落实! 俊铭在大乘禅寺完全发挥了尽忠 职守、兢兢业业的精神,我们实 在感激不尽。 龙哥,你真棒! 黄意珍在大乘禅寺服务了许多 年,也见证了寺院的极大蜕变。 面对一次次的革新,她一如既往 地以积极、开明的态度来应对、 学习及适应,因而激励了许多 人。她自我改进、自我提升的态 度,促使她能够获得全新的视角 与思路,以构思新的方法来利益 寺院。她就是一位活脱脱的行菩 萨! Thekchen Staff Awards 2020 大乘红星大奖2020 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 66
74. My term as President of Thekchen Choling (Singapore) has come to an end with the dissolution of the Society. Thekchen Choling (Singapore) has, through the years, evolved into a vibrant community with its members spiritually connected through their practice of the Mahayana Path under the wonderful wise guidance of our Guru, Singha Thekchen Namdrol Rinpoche, while imbued with our Motto "Connecting all with Divine Hearts". Balancing our needs with budgetary constraints is not an easy task, especially so when facing unexpected challenges. During my tenure as President, our dynamic staff, together with our board of directors and two executive directors, took on and resolved numerous challenging tasks. They were collectively mindful to think outside the box in all their deliberations and did not hesitate to make difficult, albeit bold, decisions to shape and reimagine what TCCL can and should look like in the next 50 years. Even with new challenges, especially in the midst of the current pandemic, I am confident that the new organisation of Thekchen Choling Singapore Limited will be a shining example of building tomorrow ’s TCCL today! My heartfelt thanks and appreciation to Singha Rinpoche for his countless advice and encouragement to me and his wisdom as well as inspiration. I am blessed to have the guidance of our former President Mr. K C Yeo, the Management Committee, Sangyumla, Mr. Richard Pang & all our staff (past and present) and volunteers who all singularly represent Thekchen Choling (Singapore). The collective energy of the team has allowed us to thrive, function and persevere through the years. It is this collective effort that facilitated and turned so many shared goals and ideas into realities. I am thankful to have served with the temple board who spent an enormous amount of time planning, attending committee meetings, and ultimately making difficult policy decisions to ensure Thekchen Choling (Singapore) remains the vibrant, fiscally accountable, and caring community we have become. It is truly my honour and privilege to be its President for the past two years. This experience has left a deep imprint in my heart, with grateful memories of cherished moments of warmth, love and compassion. My best wishes to all and to the new team of TCCL. Phyllis Gee President of Thekchen Choling (Singapore) Message by President of Thekchen Choling (Singapore) THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 74
40. This year, for the first time since its creation, Stop. Breathe. Live. 2020 went virtual due to the pandemic. Our intent was to continue providing our people with the support that strengthens the mind and overall well-being. The programme, “Resetting Your Life In 21 Days”, was designed to bring sustainable habit changes through a series of guided exercises and practices from various modalities namely Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Positive Intelligence, Brain Gym and Coaching. Techniques that were introduced include intention setting, identifying the Saboteurs/ Inner Wisdom, the wheel of life, outcome setting, visualization, mindfulness/meditation, brain gym movements, tapping and anchoring. The transformative journey brought about openness, trust and gratification. It reminded us to pause, to take a moment to reflect and start living life meaningfully so that we can be of benefit to all beings. 今年受冠病措施影响,《暂停 · 入禅 · 重生》自创办以来首次在 2020年以线上活动的方式呈现。 我们的主旨是持续地给予人们扶 持与力量,协助他们强化自己的 心灵品质与整体的健康状态。 今年的主题为《21天内重新设定 生命程序》,通过一系列在线指 导与练习活动来引导参与者如何 改变习性并达到持续性的效果。 我们所使用的教学内容包括身心 语言程序学(NLP)、正向力、 健脑操及与生活教练沟通等多种 形式,以带来习性方面的持续改 变。我们所运用的技术包括内在 意识设定、识别破坏者/内在智 慧、生命之轮、目标设定、视觉 化、正念/冥想、健脑操运动、“ 敲击”和 “锁定”(tapping and anchoring)。 这场心灵革新的旅程,给人们带 来了明朗、信任与满足感。这次 的活动提醒了我们,与其麻木地 活着,不妨暂停忙碌入禅思片 刻,然后重新出发过着更有意义 的生活。这样,我们才有更能 力,实实在在地去利乐一切有 情。 Stop. Breathe. Live: Resetting Your Life in 21 Days 暂停。如禅。重生:21天内重心设定生命程序 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 40
50. Rinpoche has always advised us that the best practice is not just only meditating and doing prayers. We need to benefit others through our body, speech and mind. And to be an action Bodhisattva, we need to use our human body and actions to help others. This Circuit Breaker did not stop us in reaching out to the needy who requires assistance during this challenging period. Every year, we will give out bursary awards to students during Vesak Day, and distribute goody bags to the needy three times a year through Project BESAR. Even though we cannot physically help our local and overseas communities in 2020, we still reached out to them by donating to their causes. We believed that when everyone plays a part to serve humanity, the world will become a kinder and more loving place for everyone! 仁波切常提到,最好的修行不只是要禅修和诵经, 还得通过自己的身口意去利乐他人。 要成为一名 行菩萨,就得善用我们的人身,以实际行动去帮助 他人。 这个充满挑战的时期,阻断措施的实行并没有阻断 我们对有需要的人所给予的关怀。 我们每年都会在卫塞节期间颁发助学金予低收入家 Ms Denise Phua Lay Peng MP for Jalan Besar GRC (Kampong Glam) Mayor of Central Singapore District Vice-Chairman of Jalan Besar Town Council 庭的学生,并通过BESAR计划每年三次向有需要 的人士分发粮食礼包。即使在2020年,我们不能 亲自帮助到本地与海外社群,我们依然通过捐款来 支持各个公益团体的利生事业。 我们深信,只要每个人都为实现人道主义献一份 力,这个世界将会成为一个更具慈爱与关怀的地 方。 Benefitting Others Through Our Actions 以行动回馈社会 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 50
83. Future Plans Vision: Connecting all with Divine Hearts Mission: Empowering all to have meaningful lives Singha Rinpoche’s vision for us as his disciples is ‘Connecting all with Divine Hearts’. What does this mean? He hopes that all disciples will practise the dharma, realise the divine heart of Bodhicitta and connect with all beings to benefit them extensively. He emphasised that “PEOPLE” are vital for Dharma to flourish. We should always treasure human relations and create harmony and good relations with one another, never forsaking the bond that we have forged with one another through the temple and the dharma. As Singha Rinpoche’s disciples, we practise and aspire to be the living embodiment of Thekchen Choling’s vision and mission. Currently, our activities embody our mission of empowering all to have meaningful lives. These include: 1. Spreading the Buddha’s teachings and preserving rich Buddhist traditions, such as its culture and architecture. For the architectural aspect, we dutifully maintain our unique temple architecture that is based on Mahayana and Chinese Buddhist traditions. We also commissioned special holy objects and statues as advised by our Guru. To preserve Buddha’s teachings, we translate important dharma texts. We also keep the precious teachings of our Gurus by transcribing and recording the videos in our library of dharma named “Ananda’s Library”. Creating the Thekchen Mandala for the Future Generations THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 83
31. When the news of the pandemic on Singapore’s shores broke, the plan to celebrate Vesak Day with the usual festive food and fun fair had to be shelved. The team decided to highlight celebrating Lord Shakyamuni Buddha’s love for all beings, and to go fully online as physically being at the temple was impossible. To also provide hope and support for everyone during these uncertain times, all pujas were made free – through the kindness of the sponsors. One of the highlights was streaming the teachings live on the Four Noble Truths by Singha Rinpoche over four weeks prior to Vesak Day. He brought on us the journey that Shakyamuni Buddha intended for all of us, and how to integrate the Dharma into our lives. Another highlight – and the first of its kind – Virtual passing of the Lamp of Light or 传灯 . This ceremony actually represents the passing of the light of wisdom to dispel the darkness of ignorance and fear. Since Circuit Breaker was still ongoing, the virtual passing of the Lamp of Light from Singha Rinpoche to everyone at home was a symbolic and meaningful gesture of the dharma stepping into everyone’s homes and life to banish the darkness the pandemic had created. All the mini events culminated in the first ever virtual unveiling of our giant Shakyamuni Buddha thangka on Vesak Day itself. The moment our Vesak Day theme music was played during this live broadcast, it made us all realise how much we cherish our annual Thekchen Choling Vesak event. The Great Thekchen Vesak Monlam concluded with a Tara puja, requesting for Mother Tara’s protection for all beings during this difficult time. The Great Thekchen Vesak Monlam THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 31
68. Our Mr Ever Ready does the backend scheduling and posting for all the social media channels. This is not an easy task. There were times when he received impromptu post request especially during the unpredictable pandemic period to do a shout out to our devotees. On top of that, he is part of Dharma Junior and Youth – the Dharma Propagation team. Recently, he offered his talent to host Dharma teachings too! Thank you, Samuel. We would like to applaud you for your willingness to show up and serve beyond the call of duty. Her name “Just Do It!” says it all! Debbie is always willing to go the extra mile to help devotees and the temple. Despite the challenges she faced, she is always silently supporting the temple behind the scenes. Her dedication to benefit others is truly exemplary! Mr Ever Ready – Samuel Ho 随时待命哥 - 何伟立 Ms Just Do It! – Debbie Pang 奋勇女侠 - 彭秀明 我们的“随时待命哥”何伟立负 责在幕后编排和发布在所有社交 媒体管道的信息。这不是项简单 的任务,尤其在疫情期间,他随 时都会到一些突如其来的通知, 需要给信众发布即时消息。除此 之外,他也是弘法部里带领儿童 佛法班和青年团的一员。最近, 他也在佛法讲座时段展现司仪的 才华! 感谢您,伟立。我们为您的挺身 而出和非一般的敬业精神热烈鼓 掌! “奋勇女侠”的昵称已经说明了 一切!彭秀明经常尽心尽力的去 帮助善信与寺院,而且她的奉献 精神全然不受职责所限制。无论 面临什么挑战,她都润物无声 般地默默付出,支持着寺院的运 作。她这股利乐众生的坚持,实 在值得我们学习! Thekchen Staff Awards 2020 大乘红星大奖2020 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 68
80. Mandala Expansion Plan Thekchen Choling has come a long way - from a humble rented unit in the early days to acquiring its own building situated along Beatty Lane. Through the efforts of our pioneering members, we managed to transform the temple into the mandala that it is today. To preserve and promote Buddhism, we celebrate numerous festivals throughout the year, engaging our local community to help them better understand and appreciate the Buddha’s teachings and Buddhist values. We have weekly Dharma teachings by Singha Rinpoche and visiting masters, as well as retreats to further deepen our practice. We also developed a series of Dharma programmes such as Dharma Junior and Dharma Youth to empower young minds to be aspiring Bodhisattvas. We seize every opportunity we can to give back to the society. One of which is the BESAR PROJECT. We have been donating food and many valuable resources to support the needy and underprivileged members in the neighbouring community. These efforts were made possible through the generosity and kindness of the sponsors and volunteers. Background Thekchen Choling is blessed with a freehold lease for religious use compared to other temples with restricted tenancy terms. We envision this temple to remain for a long time so that it can be of service to the future generations. To preserve the temple and uphold its legacy, the management has decided to embark on a “Mandala Expansion Plan”. The grand Mandala Expansion Plan aims to improve, upgrade and enhance the overall experience for everyone, as well as the continuation of the stated involvement. The Mandala Expansion Plan will be carried out in phases. The first phase is the A&A (Alteration & Addition) works for the temple and this project is named as the ‘'Temple Expansion Project’'. The key works to be carried out during the ‘'Temple Expansion Project’' include: 1. To create a more conducive living environment for the Sangha 2. Reconfiguring existing space for a larger teaching hall to accommodate more devotees THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 80
35. During the early days, when Covid-19 had only just found its way into Singapore's shores, we had already started our preparation for Guru Bumtsog Ceremony (GBC) 2020 expecting it to be a physical event as usual. As a volunteer, I saw for myself just how extensive the preparation was - the amount of planning, the number of meetings and phone calls was beyond imaginable. So much brain juice was needed leading up to GBC, especially when we realised that the physical retreat could no longer happen and we had to think of a way for GBC to still continue. Who knew that we would end up breaking new ground by having it completely online? I could never imagine being involved in such a large- scale online event. We managed to successfully invite Gurus and Sanghas from other monasteries, as well as people from all over the world to be a part of GBC 2020, and it all happened on a virtual platform. Because Guru Rinpoche is always with us, we experienced so many miracles when planning for GBC 2020 - from the ideation stage of converting a physical event to an online one, to the actual day itself, where we successfully connected with international friends and family. It was so wondrous to see the power of Guru Rinpoche manifesting in the form of people who leapt in to save the day and in the energy and happiness that brought all of us together for the sole purpose of spreading the Dharma. Looking back, if I didn’t have GBC as a part of my 2020 during the Circuit Breaker period, it would have been an entirely depressing and lonely time! To me, this is how special Guru Rinpoche is. He knows just what I need even before I ask for it! Thank you for having GBC 2020, Thekchen Choling!!! ~ Audrey Choh 新冠病毒最初入侵新加坡时,我们的团队已开始在 为莲师荟供大法会作准备了。我们期盼它如同往年 一样,是一场实体的现场活动。 身为一名志工,我亲眼目睹了如此庞大规模的筹备 过程——从策划到会议及通话次数——简直超乎想 象。 这场法会需要大家绞尽脑汁来策划,才能合 力完成。尤其,当我们意识到不能举办现场活动 时,我们得尽快想出新方案让莲师荟供大法会能如 期举行。 谁又能料到,我们最终会以前所未有的 方式,在网络世界全程直播举行这场法会? 我从未想象能够参与如此大规模的线上活动。 我 们成功地邀请了来自其他寺院的大德和僧众们及来 自世界各地的同修,一起参与莲师荟供大法会这场 盛事。而这一切,仅仅透过一个虚拟的视讯平台来 完成。 因为,莲花生大士一直与我们同在。我们在策划 2020年度莲师荟供大法会时,见证了如此多的奇 迹——从现场活动转为线上直播活动的构思阶段, 直到法会当天,我们成功地与全球各地的善友法友 们心心相连。 看见那些挺身而出解决危机的团员 们,看见众人为了弘扬佛法而同心协力的正能量 和喜悦——犹如亲睹莲师现身一般——是如此的奇 妙。 回望这一切,如果我在阻断措施期间,没有莲师荟 供大法会作为我2020年的一部分,那将是多么令 人沮丧和孤独的时光呀! 对我而言,这就是莲花 生大士的特别之处。 他能在我祈求之前就知道我 需要什么! 感谢大乘禅寺举办2020年莲师荟供大 法会!!! ~ 邹胜清 Hear What Our Devotees Say 信徒的心语 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 35
91. Special Thanks to Amrita Sponsors 感恩所有法露功德主 Custom . Personalized . Bespoke Suit Shirt Trousers Bow Tie Alteration Services (Gown , Dresses etc) B E B O L D . B E Y O U . B E U N I Q U E . P R E C I S I O N S G W H A T W E D O F u s e d w i t h m o r e t h a n 5 0 y e a r s o f f a m i l y t r a d i t i o n - a f a t h e r ’ s m e t i c u l o u s c r a f t s m a n s h i p - w i t h c o n t e m p o r a r y t a i l o r i n g t o c r e a t e a n e w l e g a c y : a n o t h e r l e v e l o f p r e c i s i o n t h a t h o n o u r s e v e r y i n d i v i d u a l ’ s u n i q u e n e s s . Address: BT Centre / Citidines 207 Balestier Road #02-01 S329683 Contact No. : +6592303687 W H E R E T O F I N D U S : precisionsg THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 91
67. Sandy is one of our most cherished team members in the finance department. Her strength in managing finances greatly aided in helping to keep the operational costs of the temple nimble and efficient. She suggested hiring interns to relieve the shortage of manpower and during Covid-19 crisis, she tapped into the grants and subsidies from the government. She is a very resourceful lady and her willingness to go beyond the call of duty is truly commendable! Sherry Lim is one of the hearts of the staff of Thekchen Choling (Singapore). Despite her diverse portfolios like Temple Outreach and Dharma Propagation, Sherry has continuously demonstrated her ability to be a great team player with a ‘never-give-up’ attitude. She has always helped and supported her teammates through difficult times. Her friendly and caring nature has endeared her to the staff and volunteers of the temple. Her ever-present smile, warmth and care for all is a much-needed remedy, especially during these difficult times. Thank you for your cheeriness and warm-heartedness, Sherry! Ms Resourceful – Sandy Chen 资源女王 - 陈佳 Miss Supportive – Sherry Lim 关怀大使 - 林慧慧 陈佳是我们财务部里最宝贝的成 员之一。她在大乘禅寺发挥了财 务管理的才能,使寺院的运作成 本能更灵活地运用并达到更高的 效率。在疫情期间,她建议寺院 善用政府所提供的补助与津贴, 来聘请实习生以缓解人力短缺的 问题。她足智多谋,并愿意付出 超于职责的努力,着实值得我们 赞扬! 林慧慧是新加坡大乘禅寺的核心 工作人员之一。尽管她身兼多 职,需要兼顾寺庙推广部和弘法 部等等,她还是继续保持着极佳 的团队能力与契而不舍的精神。 除了时常帮助和扶持队友度克服 难题,亲切友善的她也深受工作 人员和志工们的爱戴。她的招牌 笑容与备至的关怀,在这个非常 时期里宛如冬天里的一抹温暖阳 光。 慧慧,感谢你所带来的欢乐与温 情! Thekchen Staff Awards 2020 大乘红星大奖2020 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 67
88. Amrita - Receiving the Precious Nectar 法露 - 承接佛法甘露 2020 has just passed, and many people think that 2020 is a bad year. I feel that what we focus on expands, and particularly so, since many of us feels that 2020 is a bad year, it will be perceived as a terrible year for many. But if we put things into perspective, we will realise that there is still some good that came with this pandemic. Let me share some of my views with you. First of all, we have all come to experience that we don’t need so much to live well, right? Many of us have come to realise that we don’t need so much money, so much branded things, so many clothes, so much food, so much of going out, and so much of entertainment to be happy. Secondly, we start to treasure our family - the people who live together with us. Whether it is blood relation or not, doesn’t matter. But because we have this collective karma to live together, they become our family. Due to the pandemic and having to live together most of the time, we begin to cherish, appreciate, and have gratitude for one another even more. This is such a fantastic opportunity and experience for families to communicate, deepen their understanding, and become closer together. Thirdly, we start to appreciate and place focus on where we live in - our home. Many people used to treat their home like a hotel. They don’t know how to appreciate their home. In the past, some people told me: “Oh... I only spend minimal hours at home, and so, it is ok that I use cheap things, lousy furniture, and this and that.” During this pandemic, people start to focus on where they lived and took a closer look at their home again. They begin to look into cleaning their homes and rearranging the furniture, ensuring that their home is comfortable and cosy. For example, if the sofa felt terrible, now, they start to do something about it. As many people work from home now, they also begin to declutter their home and set up a proper desk and chair to have a more conducive space to work at home. They begin to buy better quality furniture and things for their family to live more comfortably at home. As we looked around us, we see that things have changed and developed so much. Through this pandemic, we start to cherish people more and become more aware of our environment. For example, many of us have realised that we create lots of waste through food and packaging. Thus, we started to be more environmentally friendly, using reusable containers instead of plastics packaging, and many of us began to plant and cook our food at home. We went back to basics, and I feel this is something that is really very meaningful. And something I feel that is important for us to reflect upon is how we choose to perceive things. Don’t just look at the financial part of something. There are so many other aspects of life. We are social beings, and we need other human beings. We need to have time with our family, meet friends, and socialise with people. Imagine not having the internet when the Circuit Breaker happened, and when everyone has to stay at home and adhere to all the social restrictions. Without the internet, we will be very much like prisoners in our own home. And so, I feel we should be grateful and appreciate the people who invented the internet, and all the wonders of Rinpoche’s Advice for 2021 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 88
12. Hello everyone! Tashi Delek! Another year has passed, and I am sure we can all agree that 2020 has been a mind-boggling year for everyone. However, on the bright side, we also had the window of opportunity to explore, innovate and reinvent, allowing us to do things we have never done before. This, of course, was not easy as we needed to think out of the box and work beyond the norm to be able to think of alternatives to creatively bring the Dharma closer to all, as we were all separated. It was a tough challenge, but with a can-do attitude, a willing heart and immense support from our temple community, and support from our Government, we could wrap up having such a blessed year despite the many challenges. Nothing Is Impossible If We Just Believe! Moving beyond our comfort zone, our staff bonded and supported each other more than before. We have also forged a stronger bond with the devotees in new ways, and through this year, we have grown stronger and became more united together as a temple. We had a fun experience striving and growing as a community together as we forged new grounds and made many firsts in history too. From first online offerings and prayers, to virtual ceremony of “passing of light” during Vesak, to first virtual unveiling of thangka, first online Guru Bumtsog Ceremony, first online Stop. Breathe. Live Retreat, first virtual daily morning prayers, first online bursary award ceremony and many other virtual #TCCares activities to benefit others and brighten the days of this pandemic. Most importantly, through digitalisation, we could connect with overseas monasteries, devotees and others beyond the Buddhist community, all coming together to pray for the world. It was the first in the history of Thekchen Choling Singapore to hold all the large-scale events virtually. One of the best lessons learnt through this pandemic is how it taught us to creatively bring the Dharma closer to all, beyond the restrictions and boundaries of physical space and time. How We Evolved With a very grateful heart, I would like to give my heartfelt appreciation to all who have come such a long way with us. Even though this is not an easy year for us, the strong support, dedication and willingness to go beyond the call of duty from the staff, volunteers and community, made this year so meaningful and purposeful. We witnessed so much more love, support and breakthrough this year as a temple, and it is heart-warming to see one another coming together as a Thekchen Family and being closer than ever. Last but not least, here is one of my favourite quotes: “There are no mistakes, only lessons. Nothing is impossible if we just believe!” I believe that we have so much more untapped potential waiting for us to discover. This potential is hidden beyond our conventional mind, and to uncover them, we need to be bold to be different, to dream and to shine! Wishing all a blissful 2021 and many exciting years ahead with Thekchen Choling Singapore. Together, all things are possible and may all be auspicious for all! With love and prayers, Sangyum Namdrol Lhamo Emmeline Ang THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 12
79. Message from our Chairwoman of TCSL Tashi Delek and greetings to all. This is a unique time for Thekchen Choling as we step into our 20th year. The organization began as a Society with a handful of members, and it has now evolved and grown into a Company Limited by Guarantee. This organization is anchored by Singha Rinpoche with the main support pillars, Sangyum Namdrol Lhamo, Sanghas and devoted members who embraced the Buddhadharma imparted by Singha Rinpoche, digesting and living the teachings, growing Thekchen Choling bit by bit. I had the honor to be part of the team for the past 14 years and I must say we had lots of sweat, tears, laughter and fun the entire time. I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my seniors, my fellow Dharma brothers and sisters, and the community at large who trusted us and journeyed with us as we work on realizing our mission of Empowering All to have Meaningful Lives. The love we have for all beings is the reason why Thekchen Choling exists. We are a community that embraces diversity in all mankind, who are committed to creating a haven for all to evolve to a better version of themselves. Connecting All With Divine Hearts is our way of contributing to the global community. This way, step by step, we can build a harmonious society for all to grow. There will be many '20 years' moments down the road, and some of us will be around to see more while some may not. Regardless, we now have the chance to pave the way and make a difference in the lives of others. I am confident that Thekchen Choling will continue to evolve to meet the everchanging needs of the people. I wish for you to join us in our activities by participating, curating, and expanding goodness in this constant evolution of transformation for all beings, especially our loved ones. I wish you all a brave and fulfilling start into the new norm of 2021. I would like to share my favorite phrase from the 'King of Prayers'. May this be our aspiration that keeps us walking strong as we wake up every day to a new tomorrow. “May my deeds never reach a limit, May my qualities of excellence become boundless, And by abiding in immeasurable activity, May I find Buddhahood, the state of limitless manifestation”. Joanne Hau Chairwoman of Thekchen Choling Singapore Limited 祝大家吉祥如意。 在这个特别的时刻,大乘禅寺将迈 入成立以来的第20个年头。大乘 禅寺从最初一个小规模的社团,蜕 变发展成今天的慈善有限公司,得 归功于鑫和仁波切的掌舵与桑雍拉 姆、僧团及信众的拥护。我们能一 步一脚印地发展成今日的规模,全 然是承接上师法教并加以体悟与实 践的必然结果。 在过去14年的成长岁月里,有的 是汗水与泪水、欢笑与乐趣。能成 为这个团队的一员,是我莫大的 荣幸。我谨此向前辈们、师兄师姐 们、以及这个社群里给予我们信 任、伴随我们成长的人们,表达由 衷的感恩。感谢你们与我实现 “ 携手创造有意义的人生” 这个使 命。 我们对一切众生的慈爱,是大乘禅 寺最大的存在意义。我们是一个包 容的社群,接纳和而不同的人, 并致力于建设心灵家园,让人们 在此蜕变成长,成为一个更好的自 己。”心系慈爱心”是我们给地球 村的贡献。我们就从这里,一步一 脚印地创建一个和谐的、适宜成长 的社会。 接下来还会有许多个”二十年”, 而我们当中或许有些人能够见证这 一切,有些则不然。尽管如此, 我们当下已拥有了为后人铺路并 给与他人的生命带来改变的机会。 我坚信新加坡大乘禅寺将继续求新 求变,以顺应人们在不同时代的需 求。我希望大家为包括我们至亲至 爱的众生,继续参与我们的活动内 容,在这个瞬息万变的世界里求新 求变,散播正能量。 祝愿您在步入2021的新常态时, 有个美好而勇敢的开始。且让我分 享《普贤行愿品》里的一句与大家 共勉。愿以此作为我们的善愿,让 我们在迎接的每一天里越战越勇。 我所修行无有量,获得无量诸功 德, 安住无量诸行中,了达一切神通 力。 侯湘琪 新加坡大乘禅寺 新加坡大乘禅寺主席献词 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 79
78. Updates from Management 来自管委会的最新消息 Thekchen Choling (Singapore), originally incorporated as a society, was re-registered successfully as a company limited by guarantee (CLG) in October 2020. The reasons for such a change was explained to our members in an Extraordinary General Meeting and was agreed upon by our members. This significant step allowed us to work towards the goal of registering as a charity, which we then obtained in- principle approval for in October 2020. By becoming a CLG, we create the cause and condition for the continuation of our spiritual lineage. CLGs are separate legal entities from its directors. Thus, we have evolved to become an organisation that is governed by modern, established corporate and charity laws. This provides visibility regarding the work we do, as there is now an increased amount of accountability and transparency given to our stakeholders. It also ensures that Thekchen Choling can be continued over time as all land and property are now under the control of the CLG rather than trustees. As Thekchen Choling grows in the future, we can also uncover opportunities to own additional property for functional or investment purposes to support the flourishing of Dharma. The next step is for us to work through the government’s requirements to become a fully registered Charity with the Ministry of Community, Culture and Youth (MCCY). Though charity has always been part of Thekchen Choling’s core mission, formalising it will allow us to obtain benefits such as tax savings, potential access to additional donations in cash and kind, and the ability to gain access to charity platforms and participate in programmes supporting a charitable cause. Such savings from becoming a charity can allow us to create a greater pool of resources to be allocated towards providing for the community and for the propagation of Dharma. 原以社团形式注册成立的大乘禅寺(新加坡)于 2020年10月成功重新注册为担保有限公司(CLG) 。这项改变的原由已在“非一般年度大会”中向我们 的会员解释并获征得同意。这项重要的举措将会带 领我们迈向注册为慈善机构的最终目标。我们已在 2020年10月就注册为慈善机构的申请获得了原则批 准。 In Oct 2020, we welcome the new management team. Thank you for coming on board and leading us to the next lap! 于2020年10月,我们迎来新一届的管理委员会成员 上任。感谢新的领导团队挺身而出,带领我们迈向新 的里程碑! Front: Ms Denise Chiang (Director), Ms Emmeline Ang (CEO), Ms Eileen Koh (Director) Back: Ms Joanne Hau (Chair woman/ Director), Mr Vincent Kessler (Committee Member), Mr Desmond Siak (Committee Member) Transition from Society to Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) 从社团转为担保有限公司(CLG) 注册为担保有限公司,即为本寺的法脉延续创造了极 为有利的因缘。担保有限公司是独立于其董事会的 法人实体。因此,我们已进一步发展为一个由现代化 的、受既定的公司法与慈善法所管理的组织。这有助 于我们给予利益相关者提供更高的可信度与透明度, 以致能够更好地确保各项寺务的可视度。此外,由于 所有的土地与资产现在都属担保有限公司名下管理而 非由受托人所管控,因而确保了大乘禅寺整体运作的 可持续性。接下来,随着大乘禅寺的持续发展,我们 也可拓展拥有额外资产的机会。这些资产可以是实用 性质或投资性质的资产,用以支持我们弘扬佛法的事 业。 我们的下一步,是按照政府所设的程序条例,向社 区、文化及青年部(MCCY)注册为慈善机构。虽 然慈善活动长久以来已成为大乘禅寺核心使命的一部 分,但将其正式化将使我们获得税收优惠、额外的捐 款与物捐来源、以及进入慈善平台和参与各种慈善活 动等种种福利。 正式成为慈善机构后,我们可将节省款项净额用于创 造更多的资源,以供社区援助及弘扬佛法所需。 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 78
7. 一起追根朔源 您知道吗? “大乘禅寺”这个寺名命名自第14世尊者达赖喇嘛的寺院 Thekchen Choling,意为 “大乘妙法之寺”。住持上师鑫和仁波切成立大乘禅寺的初衷,是希望能给在家居士与出家僧众提供一 个修学佛法的场所,让人们通过佛法的修持创造一个更完满、更幸福的人生。 2012 2015 2014 2016 2019 Charting New Grounds! Bringing the dharma into Melaka. Thekchen Choling (Melaka) was established on 15 Oct 2012. 邻国弘法 大乘禅寺的法音 遍及邻国的马六 甲。马六甲大乘 禅寺于2012年10 月15日成立。 Largest in South East Asia! This Thousand- Armed Chenrezig statue stands at 11.5m tall! 东南亚最高的 千手观音金身! 这尊巍巍庄严的 南洋千手观音王 如来金身高达 11.5米! Venturing Further... Bringing dharma into America! Thekchen Choling (Syracuse) was established! 再远渡重洋...... 大乘佛法再次跨 越国界的藩篱来 到美国。美国锡 拉丘兹大乘禅寺 成立了! Our First Meditation Centre! Our first meditation centre officially opened in Kota Tinggi! 我们的第一座 禅修中心! 位于马来西亚 哥打丁宜的禅 修中心正式举 行开光大典! Our Mission: Empowering All to Have Meaningful Lives! Let us all bring purpose and fulfilment to our life and others through our dharma cultivation! 我们的愿景: 携手创造有意义的 人生!让我们通过 佛法修持,使自他 的人生更具意义, 更圆满! THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 7
51. Type of Donations Description Amount Donation to Other Monasteries Nepal Buddhist Mahayana Centre Gompa $ 2,560.00 Donation for Needy For financially challenged members affected by Covid $ 2,000.00 Donation for Needy Kampong Glam CCC - For financially challenged individuals affected by Covid $ 10,000.00 Save the Animals & Environment Animal Human Alliance LLP $ 1,500.00 Save the Animals & Environment ACRES $ 2,200.00 Save the Animals & Environment SOSD $ 2,200.00 Save the Animals & Environment SPCA $ 3,044.21 Save the Animals & Environment WWF $ 2,200.00 Save the Animals & Environment Garden City Fund $ 9,600.00 Save the Animals & Environment Garden City Fund - Save the Corals Program $ 5,000.00 Donation for Children Children Cancer Foundation $ 10,000.00 Donation for Children Club Rainbow $ 10,000.00 Donation for the Aged Geylang East Home for the Aged $ 12,000.00 Donation for the Aged Man Fut Tong Nursing Home $ 5,000.00 Donation for the Aged Singapore Buddhist Lodge Welfare Foundation $ 5,000.00 Donation for the Aged Kwong Wai Shiu Hospital $ 5,000.00 Donation for the Aged The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) $ 4,264.04 Donation to Other Monasteries Kyidong Samtenling Monastery $ 5,184.00 Others National Museum of Singapore (National Heritage Board) $ 10,000.00 Others Yellow Ribbon Project $ 10,000.00 Donation for Children Maha Bodhi School $ 5,000.00 Donation to find cure for Covid World Health Organisation (WHO) $ 9,142.00 Total $ 130,894.25 Beneficiaries Which We Support in 2020 我们在2020年资助的受益团体 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 51
6. How It All Began Do you know? Thekchen Choling is named after the monastery of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and it means ‘Great Mahayana Dharma Temple’. Our Spiritual Director, Singha Rinpoche, has the vision to empower both lay and ordained followers to live a life with greater fulfilment and happiness through the Dharma. We Started Small... Rented our first Dharma Centre on 20 Mar 1999 along Thong Soon Road as instructed by Geshe Lama Konchog. Singha Rinpoche also wished to help those who nobody wants to help. 简朴佛堂...... 1999年3月20日,大乘 禅寺在格西喇嘛衮却的 指示下创立。本寺最初 的规模是一所位于通顺 路租赁单位的佛堂。仁 波切发愿帮助没人愿意 帮助的人。 1999 2006 2001 2008 2011 Making it Official! April 2001, Thekchen Choling (Singapore) became formally registered and rented a bigger space in Bukit Timah. 正式注册! 2001年4月,新加坡大 乘禅寺正式注册,并迁 入了武吉智马一所面积 更大的租赁单位。 Finally! Our very own Temple! Our very own temple in 2006 along Beatty Lane! 喜迁新址,有家真好! 2006年,我们搬迁至 美智巷后,终于拥有了 属于自己的寺宇! Our Vision: Connecting all with Divine Hearts! Let us all cultivate the divine heart of Lord Buddha to benefit one self and for all beings! 愿景:心系慈爱心! 让我们一起学习并实 践佛陀的慈爱心,奉 献于自利利他的佛行 事业! Celebrating Our 10th Year! Temple was officially consecrated on 20 Nov 2011 at 2011hr! 欢庆建寺十周年! 大乘禅寺于2011年 11月20日2011时 隆重举行晋寺上梁 大典! dharma centre 10 th year THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 6
3. Our Home, Our Heritage 我们的家园,我们的归宿 4 16 #TCCares 大乘关爱行动 We must be the Light in this Darkness 愿做暗世明灯 10 How It All Began 一起追根朔源 6 21 Zoom Zoom with Dharma Junior (DJ) 儿童班的Zoom Zoom时光 90 Special Thanks to Amrita Sponsors 感恩所有法露功德主 80 79 Mandala Expansion Plan 曼达拉扩充计划 Message from our Chairwoman of TCSL 新加坡大乘禅寺主席献词 How We Evolved 我们如何蜕变 12 See You in 2021! 我们2021再见! 94 Future Plans 未来计划 82 Other Virtual Events 其他线上法会 42 49 Benefitting Others Through Our Actions 以行动回馈社会 When 2020 Happened... 当2020发生时.... 8 Ámrita - Receiving the precious nectar Amrita - 法露 - 承接佛法甘露 88 Updates from Management 来自管委会的最新消息 78 Zoom Zoom with Youths 青年团的Zoom Zoom时光 24 27 Qing Ming and Ullambana 清明节与盂兰盆节 36 Vaidurya Healing Festival 药师琉璃光胜会 30 The Great Thekchen Vesak Monlam 大乘卫塞祈福大法会 39 Stop. Breathe. Live 暂停·入禅·重生 33 Grand Guru Bumtsog Ceremony 莲师荟供大法会 Contents Highlights of 2020 2020 亮点回顾 14 54 Special Thanks to Singha Rinpoche 感恩鑫和仁波切 56 Special Thanks to Sangha 感恩常住僧团 Special Thanks to Management 感恩管理委员会 72 Special Thanks to Staff 感恩工作人员 64 69 Special Thanks to Volunteers 感恩志工团队 52 Our Silent Heroes 我们的幕后英雄 76 The Next Chapter 谱写崭新篇章 目录 THEKCHEN CHOLING YEARBOOK 2020 3
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慈悲三昧水忏 [中]
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