亲情。 清明。Qing Ming - Season of Gratitude and Remembrance

亲情。 清明。
尽孝之心, 永久流传
感恩孝亲, 思时之敬
清明感恩孝亲大法会, 您报名了吗?

*Qing Ming - Season of Gratitude and Remembrance *
The Qing Ming Festival is an important tradition for us to remember and express gratitude to our departed loved ones, where we pass down to our next generation - the precious virtue of filial piety and the importance of treasuring kinship. Thekchen Choling welcome all to join us in the upcoming Qing Ming Festival from 28 March-11 April. Have you register yet?

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亲情。 清明。

尽孝之心, 永久流传

感恩孝亲, 思时之敬

清明感恩孝亲大法会, 您报名了吗?

大乘禪寺谅解疫情对大众的影响, 因此今年特别推出了 "敬恩配套", 除了10种主要祭品, 此配套也会由僧侣代为公众祭拜, 已方便公众足不出户, 也能感恩孝亲, 尽孝之心。欲知更多详情或预定其他供品, 请参阅本寺网站: www.thekchencholing.org/QMoffering

*Qing Ming - Season of Gratitude and Remembrance *

The Qing Ming Festival is an important tradition for us to remember and express gratitude to our departed loved ones, where we pass down to our next generation - the precious virtue of filial piety and the importance of treasuring kinship. Thekchen Choling welcome all to join us in the upcoming Qing Ming Festival from 28 March-11 April.

In view of the Covid-19 situation, Thekchen Choling is introducing the new "Gratitude & Remembrance Package" which includes 10 essential prayer items which will be offered on your behalf by our Sanghas. Hence, public may continue to offer and pay their respects to their ancestors anytime, anywhere. Visit our website now for more info on the offerings available: www.thekchencholing.org/QMoffering


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