Medicine Buddha Sadhana

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1. Medicine Buddha Sadhana This Book Belongs To ___________________________________________

5. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 4 Mandala Of fering Refuge Protectors, essences of wisdom and compassion, Eminent, Supreme field of merit, with faith and devotion, I present, billion times over, Mt. Meru and the four continents, The Sun and the Moon, T he seven precious royal emblems, The eight medicinal substances, The eight auspicious emblems, Perfectly delightful environments and their beings, And great treasure s of all that gods and humans use and desire together with My body, speech and mind. May all beings enjoy this pure land. Oh Precious Guru, I offer this jewelled m andala to you. Om Idam Guru Ratna Mandalakam Nirya Tayami

12. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 11 Purification Mantra Om Bendza Sattva Samaya Manu Palaya Bendza Sattva Tenopa Tita Dridho Me Bhawa Sutto Kayo Me Bhawa Supo Kayo Me Bhawa Anurakto Me Bhawa Sarwa Siddhi Me Prayatza Sarwa Karma Sutza Me Tzitam Shriyam Kuru Hung Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho Bhagawan Sarwa Tathagata Bendza Ma Me Muntza Bendza Bhawa Maha Samaya Satto Ah Hung Phet Requesting Guru Medicine Buddha’s Blessings Magnificent and Precious Root Guru, Please abide on the lotus and moon - seat at my crown. Care for me with your great kindness, And grant me the realizations of your holy body, speech and mind Magnificent and Precious Root Guru, Please abide on the lotus a nd moon - seat at my heart. Care for me with your great kindness, And grant me the general and sublime realizations.

17. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 16 “ For anyone who has read, heard, contemplate, touch, practiced or remember this prayer, w e rejoice in your merits and may all your heartfelt prayers be fulfilled! May all be Auspicious! Sarwa Mangalam! ” This Medicine Buddha Sadhana is edited, compiled and composed by Namdrol Rinpoche on the auspicious day of the 9 th Day of the 7 th Month of the Tibetan Calendar of the Wood Horse Year 2141 at western time 0020h. Colophon: This sandhana is edited and prepared for publication by Sangyum Namdrol Lhamo & Namdrol Donyue Thekchen Choling (Singapore) Dharma Education. All errors are solely the fault of the editor. Note : There are various Medicine Buddha practices, thus, the visualization of the seven M edicine Buddhas differs. According to different traditions, their mudras and colours are different . Thus, the differences between the colours and mudras in the colour image and the varying visualizations described in the practice contained herein are not errors; they are simply differences among practices and traditions. 2 Beatty Lane, Singapore 209945 Tel: +65 6466 3720

15. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 14 Auspicious Verses By the auspiciousness of whatever signs of virt ue that exist in the C elestial mandala as vast as the expanse of the sky, B eautiful with countless jewelled ornaments, emanating light s equal to the B rilliance of the sun and the moon, M ay ev erything be auspicious wherever we may live and May there always be uninterrupted goodness, Bliss and bountiful riches as of a Buddha field. If abbreviated, say May there be the auspiciousness of the root and lineage Gurus. May there be the auspiciousness of the Yidams and hosts of D eities. May there be aus piciousness of the Mothers and D akinis; and M ay there be auspiciousness of the Dharma protectors and G uardians of the Dharma . Dedicatio n By this merit, may I quickly a ttain the state of Guru Buddh a, And l ea d every being without exception t o that very state! May the P recious and Supreme Bodhicitta , not been generated arise and grow. And may that born n ever decline, but increase forevermore!

3. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 2 The Four Immeasurable Thoughts May all sentient beings be endowed with bliss. May all sentient beings be parted from suffering. May all sentient beings never be parted from the bliss. May all sentient beings be placed in a state of equanimity unperturbed by superstition conceptions about graspi ng consciousness and the objects it grasps or by the eight worldly feelings. Aspirational Bodhicitta Prayer T o free all sentient beings from the fears of samsara and nirvan a, f rom now on, until I achieve Buddhahood, I shall maintain the aspiration of Bodhicitta. I shall n ever forsake it even at the cost of my life. The Seven Limbs Prayer Reverently I prostrate with my body, speech and mind, And present clouds of every type of offering, actually offered and mentally transformed. I confess all my negative actions accumulated since beginningless time, a nd rejoice in the virtues of all holy and ordinary beings. Please remain until samsara ends, a nd turn the wheel of Dharma for sentient beings. I dedicate all the virtues of others and myself to the great enlightenment. OM AH HUNG ( 3 x ) Everywhere may the ground be pure Free of the roughness of pebbles and so forth May it be the nature of lapis lazuli And as smooth as the palm of a baby ’s hand

8. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 7 Above him is the Buddha King of Melodious Sound, Brilliant Radiance of S kill, a dorned with Jewels, Moon, and Lotus , golden in color with his right hand in The mudra of supreme giving and his left hand in the mudra of meditative equipoise . Above him is the Buddha Renowned Glori ous King of Excellent Signs, gold en in color with his right hand in the mudra of granting protection and his left han d in the mudra of meditative equipoise . R equests to the Seven Medicine Buddhas To you, Buddha Renowned Glorious King of Excellent Signs, fully realized destroyer of all defilements, fully accomplished Buddha having thoroughly realized the absolute truth of all phenomena; I prostrate, go for refuge, and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for others and myself. ( 1x, 3x or 7x) Note : After making this request , Buddha Renowned Glorious King of Excellent Signs is absorbed into the one below . To you, Buddha King of Melodious Sound, Brilliant Radiance of Skill, Adorned with Jewels, Moon, and Lotus, fully realized destroyer of all defilements, fully accomplished Buddha who has fully realized the absolute truth of all phenomena, I prostrate, go fo r refuge, and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for others and myself. (1x, 3x or 7x) Note : After making this request , Buddha King of Melodious Sound, Brilliant Radiance of Skill, adorned with Jewels, Moon, and Lotus is absorbed into the one below .

10. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 9 To you, Buddha Medicine Guru, King of Lapis Light, fully realized destroyer of all defilements, fully accomplished Buddha who has fully realized the absolute truth of all phenomena; I prostrate, go for refuge, and make offerings. May your vow to benefit se ntient beings now ripen for others and myself. (1x, 3x or 7x) Simplified Visualization V isualize Guru Medicine Buddha above the crown of one’s head while maintaining the firmed believe of one’s self generation, then make the following prayer of request: The fully realized destroyer of all defilements, fully completed Buddha having fully realized the absolute truth of all phenomena, Guru Medicine Buddha, King of Lapis Light , to you I prostrate, go for refuge, and make offerings. May your vow to benefit sentient beings now ripen for others and myself . (1x, 3x or 7x) Mantra Recitation and Visualization At my heart appears a l otus and moon disc. In the centre is the blue seed - syllable HUNG surrounded by the syllable s of the mantra. Holding the thoughts of Renunciation towards Samsara, Bodhicitta towards Enlightenment and Deep views of Emptiness; Rays of light radiate out in all dire ctions from the syllables and pervading the six realms, freeing all beings from sufferings. The y are purified of all diseases, afflictions d ue to spirits and their causes. All their negative ka rma , obstacles and mental obscuration s are totally purified . All the hindrances that cause all beings to a ppear sick or suffering are totally purified. All sentient beings transform into the aspect of the Guru Medicine Buddha and recite together:

4. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 3 Offering Prayer May offering substances human and divine, Those actually presented here and those, Emanated and visualized, clouds of offerings of unsurpassed Samantabhadra qualities fill the entire space of the ten directions. Blessing, Purification and Actual Offer ing Dharani of the Offerings OM AH HUNG ( 3 x ) Om Namo Bhagawate Bendzay Sarwa Parma Dana Tathagataya Arhate Samyaksam Buddhaya Tayatha Om Bendzay Bendzay Maha Bendzay Maha Tadzya Bendzay Maha Bidya Bendzay Maha Bodhicitta Bendzay Maha Bodhi Me ndo Pasam Kramana Bendzay Sarva Karma Avarana Bisho Dana Bendzay Sva ha ( 3 x ) P ower of the Truth HUNG ! Through the power of the truth of the Three Jewels, t he power of the inspiration of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, t he power of the unlimited energy of the completed two collections, and t he power of the intrinsically pure and inconceivable sphere of reality, wh ich i s the nature of emptiness. May these offerings become suchness.

13. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 12 Magnificent and Precious Root Guru, Please abide on the lotus and moon - seat at my heart. Care for me with your great kindness, And please remain firm until I attain enlightenment. The Guru Medicine Buddha dissolves into my heart. My mind becomes completely one with the Dharmakaya , the essence of all Buddhas. From within the state of emptiness, I arise in the aspect of Medicine Buddha , marked at the crown of my head with an OM , at my throat with an AH and at my heart with a HUNG . Long Life Prayer For His Holiness Dalai Lama In this land walled round by snowy mountains You are the source of all happiness and goo d All powerful Chenrezig, Tenzin Gyatso Please remain untill samsara ends! Lo ng Life Prayer for Namdr ol Tulku Rinpoche Om Svas t i! Like the countless light rays that radiate from the ruby mountain; Exquisite Amitayus, Lord of Everlasting Life, Who captivates and one does not tire of seeing; Whose essence is of infinite life, The nectar of immortality; Please instantly grant our Guru, The Siddhi of Stable and Everlasting Life.

9. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 8 T o you, Buddha Stainless Excellent Gold, Great Jewel Who Accomplishes All Vows, fully realized destroyer of all defilements, fully accomplished Buddha who has fully realized the absolute truth of all phenomena; I prostrate, go for refuge, and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for others and myself. (1x, 3x or 7x) Note : Aft er making this request , Buddha Stainless Excellent Gold , is absorbed into the one below . To you, Buddha Supreme Glory Free from Sorrow, fully realized destroyer of all defilements, fully accomplished Buddha who has fully realized the absolute truth of all phenomena; I prostrate, go for refuge, and make offerings. May your vow to benefit all sentient beings now ripen for others and myself. (1x, 3x or 7x) Note : After making this request , Buddha Supreme Glory Free from Sorrow is absorbed into the one below . To you, Buddha Melodious Ocean of Proclaimed Dharma, fully realized destroyer of all defilements, fully accomplished Buddha who has fully realized the absolute truth of all phenomena; I prostrate, go for refuge, and make offerings. May your vow to benefit sentient beings now ripen for others and myself. (1x, 3x or 7x) Note : After making this request , Buddha Melodi ous Ocean of Proclaimed Dharma, is absorbed into the one below . To you, Buddha Delightful King of Clear Knowing, Supreme Wisdom of an Ocean of Dharma , fully realized destroyer of all defilements, fully a ccomplished B uddha , who has fully rea lized the absolute truth of all phenomena; I prostrate, go for refuge, and make offerings. May your vow to b enefit sentient beings now ripen for others and myself . (1x, 3x or 7x) Note : After making this request , Buddha Delightful King of Clear Knowing, Supreme Wisdom of an Ocean of Dharma is absorbed into the one below .

14. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 13 You are intelligent and skilful in upholding the traditions Of Buddha; Spreading the Holy Dharma through explanations and practices; In order to lead disciples onto the path to liberation; You are the one who is an Unequalled Guide, Please live a long and stable life. I request respectfully, my Precious and Hol y Guru, T o enjoy excellent health; I request respectfu lly, my Precious and Holy Guru, T o live a long life; I request respectfully, my Precious and Holy Guru, That your Dharma activities spread and flourish far and wide; I request respectfully, my Precious and Holy Guru, To bless me to be never separated from you. In all my future rebirths, May I never be separated from my Perfect Guru, May I enjoy the magnificent Dharma, And by completing the qualities of the stages and path; May I quickly attain the state of Vajradhara. Mantra of Namdrol Tulku Rinpoche Om Guru Vajra Muni Sasana Vimukti Sva ha (21x ) General Long - Life Prayer For One’s Guru May my venerable Lama’s life be firm , His white divine actions spread in the ten directions , And the torch of Losang’s Teachings, Dispelling t he three worlds’ b eings’ darkness, always remain!

7. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 6 I pray, O Tathagatas, please empower me! They come forth holding the ritual vases filled with empowering nectar, chanting and playing with multitudes of musical instruments: Om Sarwa Tathagata Abishekata Samaya Shriye Hung Om Vajra Sama Dza Dza Hung Bam Ho! We merge to become one! The divine nectars flow through the crown of my head, filling my body and purifying all dullness, stains and faults. The excess nectars swirl upwards to the U shnisha . White OM marks the crown of my head; red AH at my throat; and a blue HUNG at my heart. Above me is Buddha Delightful King of Clear Knowing, whose body is coral red in color, his right hand in the mudra of supreme giving and his left hand in the mudra of meditative equipoise . Above him is the Buddha Melodious Ocean of Proclaimed Dharma, with a dark pink - colored body, both hands in the mudra of expounding Dharma. Above him is the Buddha Supreme Glory Free from Sorrow, light pink in color with both hands in the mudra of meditative equipoise . Above him is the Buddha Stainless Excellent Gold, gold en in color, both hands in the mudra of expounding Dharma .

16. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 15 The Benefits Of This P ractice: In the sutra “ Medicine Guru Beams of Lapis Lazuli” , Shakyamuni Buddha said : “ Ananda , do you believe my explanation of the qualities of the Medicine Buddha?” Ananda replied to the Buddha : “ I do not have a two - pointed mind with regard to th e teachings of the Buddha . Why? Beca use the actions of the Buddha’s body, speech, and mind are always pure, And without a single mistake. ” Shaky amuni Buddha also gave this advice: “Ananda , whoever hears the holy name of Medicine Buddha will not fall into the evil realms . ” Thus, to be of help to the dying , Generate r enunciation towards samsara and with a Bodhicitta mind , R ecite both the Medi cine Buddha’s name and his mantra in to the ear of those dying beings . There are unbelievable benefits to recite the mantra s and blo w it upon the meat that one eats , and even upon old bones or dead bodies of humans and animals . It purifies the karmic obscuratio ns of those beings and cause s those who have already been reborn in the lower real ms to be transmigrate in to a pure land or higher samsara. At least, it will shorten the duration of their suffering in the lower realms. This is a brief explanation of the benefits of the Medicin e Buddha practice. It is especially beneficial if one is helpin g others, doing Reiki and healing work. One be comes m or e accurate and beneficial and will be blessed to receive much divine help and intervention from the E ight Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Yaksha Generals and D evas as well. They will also help to diagnos e and understand the method s to heal . By reciting his mantra, I t will greatly enhance the power of all supplements and medicine s that one is taking or giving to others. Put the medicine in front of you and above it arises a moon disc . In the middle is the blue seed - syllable HUNG surrounded by the syllables of the Medicine Buddha m antra in a clockwise direction. While reciting the mantra s , necta rs flow from the syllables, absorbing into the medic ine. The y then dissolve into the medicine and become extremely beneficial to treat and cure all ph ysical diseases and their causes, afflictions caused by spirits , negative karma and mental obscurations. Even w ith cancer, this h as the power to treat and cure . The s tronger one’s faith and the more mantras one recites, the greater the effect will be . If we choose to meditate upon Lord Medicine Buddha, one will eventually awaken and will experience an increase in healing energies and powers, benefitting many others and ourselves and a decrease in physical and mental illness and suffering. - Namdrol Rinpoche -

11. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 10 Medicine Buddha Long Mantra : (21x) Om Namo Bhagavate Bhekandze Guru Baidurya Prabha Radzaya Tathagataya Arhate Samyaksam Buddhaya Tadyatha Om Bhekandze Bhekandze Maha Bhekandze Bhekandze Radza Samudgate Svaha Then recite the below as often as you like: Medicine Buddha Short Mantra : Ta d yat h a Om Bhekandze Bhekandze Maha Bhekandze Bhekandze Radza Samud gate S va ha (While reciting mantras, avoid mistakes of faults in mantra recitation such as 1. Reciting too quickly 2. Reciting too slowly 3. Reciting each syllable (over articulation) 4. Reciting too loudly, so that others hear 5. Reciting too softly, so that one does not hear one’s voice 6. Breaking the continuity of the mantra by talking 7. Mental wandering 8. Pronouncing short syllable as long and long ones as short.)

2. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 1 OM AH HUNG (3x) (Recite three times, to bless our body, speech and mind) Blessing The Mala (7x) OM RUCIR A MANI PRAVARTAYA HUNG Multiplying Virtues Mantra (7x) OM SAMBHARA SAMBHARA VIMANA SARA MAHA JAVA HUNG OM SMARA SMARA VIMANA SARA MAHA JAVA HUNG Refuge Prayer (3x) NAMO GURUBHYA NAMO BUDDHAYA NAMO DHARMAYA NAMO SANGHAYA I take refuge in the Gurus I take refuge in the Buddhas I take refuge in the Dharma I take refuge in the Sangha Taking Re fuge And Generating Bodhicitta (3x ) To the Buddha, Dharma and Aryan Sangha, I go for refuge until I am enlightened. By the merit from listening to the Dharma ; M ay I attain Buddhahood for the sake of benefiting all mother sentient beings .

6. Medicine Buddha Sadhana 5 Emptiness M editation and Self Generation O m S vabhava S huddah S arva D harma S va b hava S huddho H am (All phenomena are pure of inherent existence; likewise I am pure of inherent existence.) From the sphere of emptiness appears the syllable PAM , it transforms into a lotus with a white AH above it, white AH transforms into a white and full moon mandala . On that appears my own mind in the form of a blue syllable HUNG . From HUNG , light rays radiate making offerings to all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and accomplishing the welfare o f sentient beings. These reabsorb into syllable HUNG and from it arises the holy f or m of Guru Medicine Buddha, with a blue - coloured body with one face and two arms, and whose body is in the nature of deep blue sky, the colour of lapis lazuli. My right hand is in the mudra of supreme giving, holding an Arura* plant and my left hand is in the mudra of meditative equipoise holding a bowl filled with medicine nectar . Sitting in the vajra posture, I wear the three robe s of a fully ordained monk and am complete with all the signs and indications of a fully enlightened be ing . * Arura is known to have great healing power. It represents spiritual medicine that can heal sickness and suffering. Even more important, spiritual medicine can eradicate the very causes and conditions of suffering. From the HUNG at my heart, rainbow s are emitted, inviting the wisdom beings and initiating deities. o From the supreme sp here of the Eastern Pure land Vaiduryanirbhasa, o Born from the blue syllable Hung, o Whose radiance eliminate s all suffering and afflictions of sentient beings, o Guru Medicine Buddha and your retinue, I request you r divine presence!


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