The Four Mandala Ritual to Cittamani Tara V1 2021 V1

2021 V1, In English, Chinese & Tibetan

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1. The Four Mandala Ritual to Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 Without HYT – 26 Jan 2021 V.1

66. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 66 May the lotus of long life, good health, happiness and prosperity blossom. 顶礼本尊海会百宝源,具悲智勇见闻即解脱, 祈以圣众谛语加持力,福乐康寿盛如妙莲开。 Nam-Trang Gya-Tsay Rin-Chung Lha-Yi-Tsog Khen-Tse Nu-Pey Thong-Thoe Thren-Dol-Wa Lha-Tsok Nam-Ki Dhen-Pey Jin-Thu-Yi Tse-Ring Ne-Mey Dhe-Jor Pe-Mo-Gye (You may make your own wishes, 您可以加入自己的愿望) May All Be Auspicious!

67. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 67 About Thekchen Choling Thekchen Choling Singapore is a temple which operates 24 by 7 daily. Our services include blessing for newborn babies, marriage blessings, pujas for quick recovery from illness and career success, Chinese and Tibetan funeral services and so on. Please contact us for more details. Thekchen Choling Singapore Address: 2 Beatty Lane Singapore 209945 Tel: +65 6466 3720 Fax: +65 6465 6736 Email: Website: FB: and Thekchen Choling Branches: Thekchen Choling (Malaysia) Address: Lot 691 Tai Hong Village, Kota Tinggi 81900 Johor, Malaysia Tel: +607 8822391 Hp: +601 1111493691 FB: Thekchen Choling (Melaka) Address: 40, Jalan Pandan Indah 1, Taman Pandan Indah, 75250 Melaka Malaysia Tel: +606 2406986 Email: FB: Thekchen Choling USA (Syracuse) Address: 109 East Ave, Minoa, New York 13116 USA Tel: +1 315 480 1088 FB:

25. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 25 Tro-Nyer Yo-Way Yi-Ge HUM-Ki Pong-Pa Tam-Che Nam-Par Drol-Ma 12 Chag-Tsal Da-Way Dum-Bu U-Gyen Gyen-Pa Tam-Che Shin-Tu Bar-Ma Rel-Pay Tro-Na O-Pag May-Lay Tag-Par Shin-Tu O-Rab Dze-Ma 13 Chag-Tsal Kel-Pay Ta-May May-Tar Bar-Way Treng-Way U-Nar Ne-Mar Yay-Kyang Yon-Kum Kun-Nay Kor-Gay Dra-Yi Pung-Ni Nam-Par Jom-Ma 14 Chag-Tsal Sa-Shi Ngo-La Chag-Gi Til-Gyi Noon-Chin Zhab-Gyi Dung-Ma Tro-Nyer Chen-Dze Yi-Gay Hum-Kyi Rim-Pa Dun-Po Nam-Ni Gem-Ma 15 Chag-Tsal De-Ma Gay-Ma Zhi-Ma Nya-Ngen De-Zhi Cho-Yul Nyi-Ma SO-HA OM-Dang Yang-Dag Den-Pay Dig-Pa Chen-Po Jom-Pa Nyi-Ma 16 Chag-Tsal Kun-Ne Kor-Rab Ga-Way Dra-Ye Lu-Ni Nam-Par Gem-Ma Yi-Gay Chu-Pay Ngag-Ni Ko-Pay Rig-Pa HUM-Lay Drol-Ma Nyi-Ma 17 Chag-Tsal TU-RE Zab-Ni Deb-Pay HUM-Gi Nam-Pay Sa-Bon Nyi-Ma Ri-Rab Man-Da Ra-Dang Big-Je Jig-Ten Sum-Nam Yo-Wa Nyi-Ma 18 Chag Tsal Lha Yi Tso Yi Nam Pay Ri Dag Tak Chen Chag Na Nam Ma TA RA Nyi Jo PEY Kyi Yi Gay Dug Nam Ma Lu Pa Ni Sel Ma

39. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 39 Gyal-Way Say-Kyi Shin-Tu Ten-Ma 5 Chag-Tsal TU-TA RA-HUNG Yi-Ge Do-Dang Chog-Dang Nam-Ka Gang-Ma Jig-Ten Dun-Po Shab-Kyi Nen-Te Lu-Pa May-Par Gug-Par Nu-Ma 6 Chag-Tsal Gya-Jin May-Lha Tsang-Pa Lung-Lha Na-Tsog Wang-Chug Cho-Ma Jung -Po Ro-Lang Dri-Sa Nam-Dang No-Jin Tsog-Kyi Dun-Ne Toh-Ma 7 Chag-Tsal TREY-Che Cha-Dang PEY-Kyi Pa-Rol Tul-Kor Rab-Tu Jom-Ma Yay-Kum Yon-Kyang Shab-Kyi Nen-Te May-Bar Tug-Pa Shin-Tu Bar-Ma 8 Chag-Tsal TURE Jig-Pa Chen-Po Du-Kyi Pa-Wo Nam-Par Jom-Ma Chu-Kye Shel-Ni Tro-Nyer Den-Dze Dra-Wo Tam-Che Ma-Lu So-Ma 9 Chag-Tsal Kon-Chog Sum-Tson Chag-Gye Sor-Mo Tug-Kar Nam-Par Gyen-Ma Ma-Lu Chog-Kyi Kor-Lo Gyen-Pay Rang-Gi O-Kyi Tsog-Nam Trug-Ma 10 Chag-Tsal Rab-Tu Ga-Wa Ji-Pay U-Gyen O-Kyi Treng-Wa Pel-Ma Shay-Pa Rab-Shay TU-TA RA-Yi Du-Dang Jig-Ten Wang-Du Dze-Ma 11 Chag-Tsal Sa-Shi Kyong-Way Tsog-Nam Tam-Che Gug-Par Nu-Ma Nyi-Ma Tro-Nyer Yo-Way Yi-Ge HUM-Ki Pong-Pa Tam-Che Nam-Par Drol-Ma

40. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 40 12 Chag-Tsal Da-Way Dum-Bu U-Gyen Gyen-Pa Tam-Che Shin-Tu Bar-Ma Rel-Pay Tro-Na O-Pag May-Lay Tag-Par Shin-Tu O-Rab Dze-Ma 13 Chag-Tsal Kel-Pay Ta-May May-Tar Bar-Way Treng-Way U-Nar Ne-Mar Yay-Kyang Yon-Kum Kun-Nay Kor-Gay Dra-Yi Pung-Ni Nam-Par Jom-Ma 14 Chag-Tsal Sa-Shi Ngo-La Chag-Gi Til-Gyi Noon-Chin Zhab-Gyi Dung-Ma Tro-Nyer Chen-Dze Yi-Gay Hum-Kyi Rim-Pa Dun-Po Nam-Ni Gem-Ma 15 Chag-Tsal De-Ma Gay-Ma Zhi-Ma Nya-Ngen De-Zhi Cho-Yul Nyi-Ma SO-HA OM-Dang Yang-Dag Den-Pay Dig-Pa Chen-Po Jom-Pa Nyi-Ma 16 Chag-Tsal Kun-Ne Kor-Rab Ga-Way Dra-Ye Lu-Ni Nam-Par Gem-Ma Yi-Gay Chu-Pay Ngag-Ni Ko-Pay Rig-Pa HUM-Lay Drol-Ma Nyi-Ma 17 Chag-Tsal TU-RE Zab-Ni Deb-Pay HUM-Gi Nam-Pay Sa-Bon Nyi-Ma Ri-Rab Man-Da Ra-Dang Big-Je Jig-Ten Sum-Nam Yo-Wa Nyi-Ma 18 Chag Tsal Lha Yi Tso Yi Nam Pay Ri Dag Tak Chen Chag Na Nam Ma TA RA Nyi Jo PEY Kyi Yi Gay Dug Nam Ma Lu Pa Ni Sel Ma 19 Chag-Tsal Lha-Yi Tsog-Nam Gyal-Po

53. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 53 4 Chag-Tsal De-Shin Sheg-Pay Tsug-Tor Ta-Yay Nam-Par Gyal-Wa Cho-Ma Ma-Lu Pa-Rol Chin-Pa Tob-Pay Gyal-Way Say-Kyi Shin-Tu Ten-Ma 5 Chag-Tsal TU-TA RA-HUNG Yi-Ge Do-Dang Chog-Dang Nam-Ka Gang-Ma Jig-Ten Dun-Po Shab-Kyi Nen-Te Lu-Pa May-Par Gug-Par Nu-Ma 6 Chag-Tsal Gya-Jin May-Lha Tsang-Pa Lung-Lha Na-Tsog Wang-Chug Cho-Ma Jung -Po Ro-Lang Dri-Sa Nam-Dang No-Jin Tsog-Kyi Dun-Ne Toh-Ma 7 Chag-Tsal TREY-Che Cha-Dang PEY-Kyi Pa-Rol Tul-Kor Rab-Tu Jom-Ma Yay-Kum Yon-Kyang Shab-Kyi Nen-Te May-Bar Tug-Pa Shin-Tu Bar-Ma 8 Chag-Tsal TURE Jig-Pa Chen-Po Du-Kyi Pa-Wo Nam-Par Jom-Ma Chu-Kye Shel-Ni Tro-Nyer Den-Dze Dra-Wo Tam-Che Ma-Lu So-Ma 9 Chag-Tsal Kon-Chog Sum-Tson Chag-Gye Sor-Mo Tug-Kar Nam-Par Gyen-Ma Ma-Lu Chog-Kyi Kor-Lo Gyen-Pay Rang-Gi O-Kyi Tsog-Nam Trug-Ma 10 Chag-Tsal Rab-Tu Ga-Wa Ji-Pay U-Gyen O-Kyi Treng-Wa Pel-Ma Shay-Pa Rab-Shay TU-TA RA-Yi Du-Dang Jig-Ten Wang-Du Dze-Ma

54. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 54 11 Chag-Tsal Sa-Shi Kyong-Way Tsog-Nam Tam-Che Gug-Par Nu-Ma Nyi-Ma Tro-Nyer Yo-Way Yi-Ge HUM-Ki Pong-Pa Tam-Che Nam-Par Drol-Ma 12 Chag-Tsal Da-Way Dum-Bu U-Gyen Gyen-Pa Tam-Che Shin-Tu Bar-Ma Rel-Pay Tro-Na O-Pag May-Lay Tag-Par Shin-Tu O-Rab Dze-Ma 13 Chag-Tsal Kel-Pay Ta-May May-Tar Bar-Way Treng-Way U-Nar Ne-Mar Yay-Kyang Yon-Kum Kun-Nay Kor-Gay Dra-Yi Pung-Ni Nam-Par Jom-Ma 14 Chag-Tsal Sa-Shi Ngo-La Chag-Gi Til-Gyi Noon-Chin Zhab-Gyi Dung-Ma Tro-Nyer Chen-Dze Yi-Gay Hum-Kyi Rim-Pa Dun-Po Nam-Ni Gem-Ma 15 Chag-Tsal De-Ma Gay-Ma Zhi-Ma Nya-Ngen De-Zhi Cho-Yul Nyi-Ma SO-HA OM-Dang Yang-Dag Den-Pay Dig-Pa Chen-Po Jom-Pa Nyi-Ma 16 Chag-Tsal Kun-Ne Kor-Rab Ga-Way Dra-Ye Lu-Ni Nam-Par Gem-Ma Yi-Gay Chu-Pay Ngag-Ni Ko-Pay Rig-Pa HUM-Lay Drol-Ma Nyi-Ma 17 Chag-Tsal TU-RE Zab-Ni Deb-Pay HUM-Gi Nam-Pay Sa-Bon Nyi-Ma Ri-Rab Man-Da Ra-Dang Big-Je Jig-Ten Sum-Nam Yo-Wa Nyi-Ma 18 Chag Tsal Lha Yi Tso Yi Nam Pay

64. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 64 Thub-Tsul Chang-Shing Jam-Gon Gyal-Wai-Ten Dzin-Kyong Pel-Wa Kun-Zo Dog-Por-Dza Chog-Sum Kur-Wai Leg-Mon Thu-Drub-Pa Dag-Sog Dul-Jai Gon-Du Shab-Ten-Shog Long Life Prayer for Singha Rinpoche 上师鑫和仁波切长寿祈请文 Om Svasti! Like the countless light rays that radiate from the ruby mountain; Exquisite Amitayus, Lord of Everlasting Life, Who captivates and one does not tire of seeing; Whose essence is of infinite life, The nectar of immortality; Please instantly grant our Guru, The Siddhi of Stable and Everlasting Life. 嗡 苏瓦施地! 红宝山上耀光芒,无厌观见无量寿, 长生不老之甘露,赐予尊师得永生。 Pad-Rab Lhun-Poi O’ser Bum-Tro-Tar Rab-Ze Ta-Wai Mi-Ngom Tse-Pak-Me Chi-Med Du-Tsi Bum-Gyi Che-Chuk-Pa Tak-Ten Dro-Wai Ngo-Po Deng-Dhir-Tsol You are intelligent and skilful in upholding the traditions Of Buddha; Spreading the Holy Dharma through explanations and practices; In order to lead disciples onto the path to liberation; You are the one who is an Unequalled Guide, Please live a long and stable life. 智巧善解皆俱足,护持世尊正传承, 渡脱弟子证菩提,唯愿尊师寿无疆。 Gang-Lo Thub-Pai Ring-Lug Zin-Khe-Pa Shed-Dang Drup-Pai Ten-Pa Pel-Wa-Dang Dul-Ja Nam-Drol Lam-Du God-Pa-La Dren-Pai Da-Dral Chog-Tu Shab-Ten-Shog

24. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 24 4 Chag-Tsal De-Shin Sheg-Pay Tsug-Tor Ta-Yay Nam-Par Gyal-Wa Cho-Ma Ma-Lu Pa-Rol Chin-Pa Tob-Pay Gyal-Way Say-Kyi Shin-Tu Ten-Ma 5 Chag-Tsal TU-TA RA-HUNG Yi-Ge Do-Dang Chog-Dang Nam-Ka Gang-Ma Jig-Ten Dun-Po Shab-Kyi Nen-Te Lu-Pa May-Par Gug-Par Nu-Ma 6 Chag-Tsal Gya-Jin May-Lha Tsang-Pa Lung-Lha Na-Tsog Wang-Chug Cho-Ma Jung -Po Ro-Lang Dri-Sa Nam-Dang No-Jin Tsog-Kyi Dun-Ne Toh-Ma 7 Chag-Tsal TREY-Che Cha-Dang PEY-Kyi Pa-Rol Tul-Kor Rab-Tu Jom-Ma Yay-Kum Yon-Kyang Shab-Kyi Nen-Te May-Bar Tug-Pa Shin-Tu Bar-Ma 8 Chag-Tsal TURE Jig-Pa Chen-Po Du-Kyi Pa-Wo Nam-Par Jom-Ma Chu-Kye Shel-Ni Tro-Nyer Den-Dze Dra-Wo Tam-Che Ma-Lu So-Ma 9 Chag-Tsal Kon-Chog Sum-Tson Chag-Gye Sor-Mo Tug-Kar Nam-Par Gyen-Ma Ma-Lu Chog-Kyi Kor-Lo Gyen-Pay Rang-Gi O-Kyi Tsog-Nam Trug-Ma 10 Chag-Tsal Rab-Tu Ga-Wa Ji-Pay U-Gyen O-Kyi Treng-Wa Pel-Ma Shay-Pa Rab-Shay TU-TA RA-Yi Du-Dang Jig-Ten Wang-Du Dze-Ma 11 Chag-Tsal Sa-Shi Kyong-Way Tsog-Nam Tam-Che Gug-Par Nu-Ma Nyi-Ma

65. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 65 I request respectfully, my Precious and Holy Guru, To enjoy excellent health; I request respectfully, my Precious and Holy Guru, To live a long life; I request respectfully, my Precious and Holy Guru, That your Dharma activities spread and flourish far and wide; I request respectfully, my Precious and Holy Guru, To bless me to be never separated from you. 祈请上师庄严身,万寿无疆恒永住, 妙法普照十方界,尊师与我不舍离。 La-Ma Ku-Kham Sang-La Sol-Wa-Deb Chog-Tu Ku-Tse Ring-La Sol-Wa-Deb Trin-Lae Dar-Shing Gye-La Sol-Wa-Deb La-Ma Dang-Dral Wa-Med-Par Jin-Gi Lab-Tu So In all my future rebirths, May I never be separated from my Perfect Guru, May I enjoy the magnificent Dharma, And by completing the qualities of the stages and path; May I quickly attain the state of Vajradhara. 愿永不离善知识,妙法殊胜恒受用, 圆满道地诸功德,速证金刚总持位。 Kye-Wa Kun-Tu Yang-Dag La-Ma-Dang Dral-Me Cho-Kyi Pal-La Long-Cho-Ching Sa-Dang Lam-Gyi Yon-Ten Rab-Zog-Ne Dor-Je Chang-Gi Go-Phang Nyur-Thob-Shog Long Life Prayer for Khandro Namdrol Lhamo 桑雍南都拉姆长寿祈请文 Homage to the assembly of deities who are the source of a hundred varieties of preciousness. By your knowledge, compassion and power that liberates from mere seeing and hearing. From the blessing and power of truth of the assembly of deities.

59. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 59 Let the sangha who uphold the doctrine be harmonious And may their enlightened activities increase. 总体教胜罗桑教,令籍讲修遍十方, 持教僧团及部众,内心和睦事业增。 Gyal-Ten Chi-Dang Lo-Zang-Ten Shay-Dang Drub-Pay Chog-Chur-Gyay Ten-Dzin Ge-Dun De-Dang-Che Tug-Tun Trin-Lay Pel-War-Dzo Please pacify conflicts, famine, and sickness in this country; Increase the Dharma and good fortune; Expand the power of Dharma rulers; And grant happiness to the central and border areas. 饥疫争战息此地,佛法吉祥普增长, 具法君王威势增,国土中边令安乐。 Jong-Dir Nay-Mug Trug-Tso-Zhi Cho-Dang Tra-Shi Gong-Dul-Pel Cho-Den Gyal-Po Nga-Tang-Gyay Gyal-Kam Ta-U De-War-Dzo Please protect us from temporary and ultimate fears, Such as the eight and sixteen great fears, Spirits, plagues, nightmares, and bad omens, As well as the sufferings of samsara, the unfortunate states, and so forth. 于八及十六大难,魑魅疫梦不祥兆, 轮回恶趣痛苦等,救离暂时究竟怖。 Gyay-Dang Chu-Drug Jig-Chen-Dang Don-Rim Mi-Lam Tsen-Tay-Ngen Kor-Wa Ngen-Song Dug-Ngel-Sog Nay-Kab Tar-Tug Jig-Lay Kyob May life, prosperity, and merits increase; May all negative thoughts be pacified.

27. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 27 De-Lag Dro-Way Bar-Chay Kun-Zhi-Zhing Tug-Gyen Ma-Lu Pel-War Jin-Gyi-Lob

56. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 56 And will eliminate all unfortune migrations. 以真诚恭敬圣母者,具慧以深信而诵此, 黄昏及黎明起床后,忆此获赐一切无畏, 悉皆消除一切罪恶,无余摧毁一切恶趣。 Lha-Mo La-Gu Yang-Dag Den-Pay Lo-Den Gang-Gi Rab-Day Jo-De So-Dang Tho-Rang Lang-Par Jay-Nay Dren-Pay Mi-Jig Tam-Chay Rab-Ter Dig-Pa Tam-Chay Rab-Tu Zhi-Wa Ngen-Dro Tam-Chay Jom-Pa Nyi-Thob The multitudes of conquerors Will quickly grant initiation: Thus, endowed with this greatness, One will eventually reach the state of a buddha. 并由七俱胝佛胜者,速捷即予进行灌顶, 由此获得伟大成就,趋向究竟佛陀果位。 Gyal-Wa Je-Wa Trag-Dun Nam-Kyi Nyur-Du Wang-Ni Kur-War Gyur-La Di-Lay Che-Wa Nyi-Ni Thob-Ching Sang-Gyay Go-Phang Thar-Thug Der-Dro If affected by the most terrible poison, Whether ingested, drunk, or from a living being. Just by remembering Will one be thoroughly cleansed. 何等毒药极其猛烈,或非生物或是生物, 虽为服食以及饮用,由忆念故完全消除。 De-Yi Dug-Ni Drag-Po Chen-Po Ten-Nay Pa-Am Zhen-Yang Dro-Wa Zo-Pa Dang-Ni Thung-Wa Nyi-Kyang Dren-Pay Rab-Tu Sel-Wa Nyi-Thob If this prayer is recited two, three, or seven times,

4. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 4 Special Bodhicitta 发殊胜心 For the benefit of all sentient beings, May I quickly attain the state of omniscient enlightenment, Thus I shall practise the yoga of the Venerable Arya Tara. 为一切众生的究竟利益,当速证一切种智之佛果位, 因此,我当趣入受持至尊圣度母瑜伽。 Kyay-Par Ma-Sem-Chen Tam-Chay-Kyi Don-Du Nyur-Wa Nyur-War Yang- Dag-Par Dzog-Pay Sang-Gyay-Kyi Go-Pang Rin-Po-Che Chi-Nay-Kyang Tob-Par-Ja De-Yi Chir-Du Je-Tsun-Ma Pag-Ma Drol-May Nel-Jor Nyam-Su Lang-War Gyi-Wo The Four Immeasurables 为令所发菩提心能增长作用,修习四无量心 May all sentient beings achieve extra ordinary superior happiness and its causes. May all sentient beings be free from the unbearable sea of suffering and its causes. May all sentient beings never be parted from the bliss of supreme liberation. May all sentient beings be free from aversion, attachment, clinging, feeling close to some and distant from others. 愿诸众生,具足乐及乐因,远离苦及苦因, 具无苦之极乐,住於远离怨亲爱嗔二者之平等捨。 Sem-Chen Tam-Chay De-Wa-Dang De-Way Gyu-Dang Den-Par-Gyur- Chig Sem-Chen Tam-Chay Dug-Ngel-Dang Dug-Ngel-Gyi Gyu-Dang Drel- Way Gyur-Chig Sem-Chen Tam-Chay Dug-Ngel Me-Pay De-Wa-Dang Mi-Drel-War Gyur- Chig Sem-Chen Tam-Chay Nye-Ring Chag-Dang Nyi-Dang Drel-Way Tang- Nyom-La Nay-Par Gyur-Chig

62. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 62 (If you dont have an image, request the deity to depart): The wisdom beings return to their natural abodes. The commitment beings absorb into me. Dedication 回向文 Due to these merits may I soon Attain the enlightened state of Arya Tara That I may be able to liberate All sentient beings from their suffering. 愿我能以此善业,速证成就圣度母, 并将一切诸众生,安顿立定于彼地。 Ge-Wa Di-Yi Nyur-Du-Dag Pag-Ma Drol-Ma Drub-Gyur-Nay Dro-Wa Chig-Kyang Ma-Lu-Pa De-Yi Sa-La Go-Par-Shog Auspicious Verse 吉祥偈 Like a wish-fulfilling tree and a fortune-jeweled vase, You are the wish-fulfilling treasure granting all desires and fulfilling all hopes. O conqueror’s Mother Tara and all conquerors with your children, Take care of me and grant the auspicious signs of increasing virtue. 犹如意树秒宝瓶,满愿所求如意宝, 度佛诸佛与菩萨,祈愿摄受增吉祥。 Pag-Sam Shing-Dang Nor-Bu Bum-Zang-Zhing Re-Kong Do-Gu Zo-Way Yi-Zhir-Ter Gyel-Yum Drol-Ma Gyel-Wa Say-Chay-Kyi Je-Zung Ge-Tsen Phel-Way Tra-Shi-Shog

12. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 12 I send forth this jewelled mandala to you, Oh precious Gurus! 嗡 伊当 沽鲁 拉那 曼答拉甘 尼雅答雅蜜! Om Idam Guru Ratna Mandalakam Nirya Tayami! Taking Refuge and Generating Bodhicitta 皈依与 发菩提心 ( x 3 ) I take refuge until I am enlightened in the Buddhas, The Dharma and the Sangha. By the positive potential I create by practicing generosity and the other far – reaching attitudes, May I attain Buddhahood in order to benefit all sentient beings. 诸佛正法圣贤僧,直至菩提我皈依, 依我所施诸资粮,为渡众生愿成佛。 Sang-Gyay Cho-Dang Tsok-Kyi Chog-Nam-La Jang-Chub Bar-Du Dag-Ni Kyab-Su-Chi Dag-Gi Jin-Sog Gyi-Pay Di-Dag-Gi Dro-La Pen-Chir Sang-Gyay Drub-Par-Shog Prayer for the Desired Goal 祈请所愿偈 ( x 3 ) Please bless me to devote myself in thought and action, To the virtuous teacher, the very source of all goodness, By training in the path that pleases all the conquerors, May I reach unsurpassed enlightenment. 所善资源善知识,意乐加行恭依止, 于佛欢喜道净治,祈证无上正等觉。 Leg-Tsog Kun-Gyi Jung-Nay Ge-Way-She Sam-Dang Jor-Way Tsul-Zhin Gu-Ten-Zhing Gyal-Wa Gye-Way Lam-Gyi Gyu-Jang-Nay La-Me Jang-Chub Tob-Par Dze-Du-Sol

55. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 55 Ri Dag Tak Chen Chag Na Nam Ma TA RA Nyi Jo PEY Kyi Yi Gay Dug Nam Ma Lu Pa Ni Sel Ma 19 Chag-Tsal Lha-Yi Tsog-Nam Gyal-Po Lha-Dang Mi-Am Chi-Yi Ten-Ma Kun-Ne Go-Cha Ga-Way Ji-Kyi Tso-Dang Mi-Lam Nyen-Pa Sel-Ma 20 Chag-Tsal Nyi-Ma Da-Wa Gye-Pay Chen-Nyi Po-La O-Rab Sel-Ma HA-RA Nyi-Jo TU-TA RA-Yi Shin-Tu Dag-Po Rim-Ne Sel-Ma 21 Chag-Tsal De-Nyi Sum-Nam Ko-Pay Zi-Way Tu-Dang Yang-Dag Den-Ma Don-Dang Ro-Lang No-Jin Tsog-Nam Jom-Pa TU-RE Rab-Chog Nyi-Ma Tsa-Way Ngag-Kyi To-Pa Di-Dang Chag-Tsal Wa-Ni Nyi-Shu Tsa-Chig The Condensed Praise 度母总赞 (Tibetan) OM Chom-Den-Day-Ma Pak-Ma-Drol-Ma-La Chag-Tsal-Lo! Chag-Tsal Drol-Ma TARE Pa-Mo TUTTARA -Yi Jik-Kun Sel-Ma TURE Don-Nam Tam-Chay Ter-Ma SOHA Yi-Ger Chay-Lar Rab-Du Prayer of the Benefits 法门利益赞 Whoever is endowed with devotion for the goddess And recites this with supreme faith, Remembering it at dawn upon waking and in the evenings, Will be granted all fearlessness, Will perfectly pacify all negativities,

3. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 3 The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 噶丹赤绛仁波切纂修 Taking Refuge 皈依 ( x 3 ) I and all sentient beings as vast as space, from now until we reach the essence of supreme enlightenment, Seek refuge in my holy Guru, Seek refuge in all the Buddhas, Seek refuge in the Dharma, Seek refuge in all the Aryan Sangha, 我与等同虚空之一切有情,从今时此刻起,直至证得无上菩提, 皈依上师正士尊, 皈依一切正等觉世尊, 皈依一切妙善法, 皈依一切贤圣僧。 Dag-Dang Dro-Wa Nam-Kay Ta-Dang Nyam-Pay Sem-Chen Tam-Chay Du-Di Nay-Zung-Te Ji-Si Jang-Chub Nying-Po-La Chi-Kyi Bar-Du Pal-Den La-Ma Dam-Pa Nam-La Kyab-Su-Chi-Wo Dzog-Pay Sang-Gyay Chom-Den-Day Nam-La Kyab-Su-Chi-Wo Dam-Pay-Cho Nam-La Kyab-Su-Chi-Wo Pag-Pay Ge-Dun Nam-La Kyab-Su-Chi-Wo Taking Refuge and Generating Bodhicitta 皈依与 发菩提心 ( x 3 ) To the Buddha, Dharma and Aryan Sangha, I go for refuge until I am enlightened. By the merit of giving and other perfections, May I awaken into Buddhahood to benefit all mother sentient beings. 诸佛正法众中尊,直至菩提我皈依, 以我所积诸资粮,为利众生愿成佛。 Sang-Gyay Cho-Dang Tsok-Kyi Chog-Nam-La Jang-Chub Bar-Du Dag-Ni Kyab-Su-Chi Dag-Gi Jin-Sog Gyi-Pay Di-Dag-Gi Dro-La Pen-Chir Sang-Gyay Drub-Par-Shog

63. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 63 Long Life Prayer for His Holiness the Dalai Lama 法王达赖喇嘛长寿祈请文 In the land encircled by snowy mountains You are the source of all happiness and good All powerful Chenrezig, Tenzin Gyatso Please remain until Samsara ends 於此雪岭所绕国土中,一切利益安乐之生处, 滇津嘉措观自在菩萨,愿其常住直至生死尽。 Gang-Ri Ra-Way Kor-Way Zhing-Kam-Dir Pen-Dang De-Wa Ma-Lu Jung-Way-Nay Chen-Re-Zig Wang Ten-Zin Gya-Tso-Yi Zhab-Pay Si-Thay Bar-Du Ten-Gyur-Chig Long Life Prayer for Jhado Rinpoche 查多仁波切长寿祈请文 May the teachings of the Buddha flourish, And may those upholding the teachings have long lives. May all transmigrators be well and happy. And may their temporary and ultimate aims be accomplished. 世尊法教恒兴盛,承法善士寿绵长, 一切众生享安乐,现时究竟悉圆满。 Sang-Gya Tan-Pa Dar-Wa-Dang Tan-Dzin Kyi-Bu Shab-Pai-Ten Dro-Kun De-Kyi Jung-Wa-Dang Na-Kab Thar-Thug Don-Drub-Shog Long Life Prayer for Lama Zopa Rinpoche 喇嘛梭巴仁波切长寿祈请文 You who uphold the Subduer’s ( thub ) moral way; Who serve as the bountiful bearer ( zö )-of-all, Sustaining, preserving and spreading Manjunath’s victorious doctrine ( ten ); Who masterfully accomplish ( drub pa ) magnificent prayers honoring the Three Jewels, Protector of myself and others, your disciples: please, please live long! 握能仁规护持并兴旺,文殊怙主胜教普忍慎, 敬戴三宝善愿力成办,吾等徒众怙主请常驻。

33. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 33 Dro-Wa Mar-Gyur Nam-Kay Ta-Dang Nyam-Pay Sem-Chen Tam-Chay-La Tug-Tse-Wa Chen-Poi Go-Na Jin-Gyi Lab-Tu-Sol 1 The Short Mandala of Seven Heaps 供外曼达拉 This ground, anointed with perfume, strewn with flowers, Adorned with Mount Meru, four continents, Sun and Moon, I offer in visualization as Field of Buddhas. May all sentient beings thus enjoy this Pure Land! 须弥四洲日月所庄严,妙香遍涂华散之大地, 观如佛土我乐敬供养,愿诸有情共享此净土! Sa-Zhi Po-Kyi Jug-Shing Me-Tog Tram Ri-Rab Ling-Zhi Nyi-Day Gyen-Pa Di Sang-Gay Zhing-Du Mig-Te Ul-War Gyi Dro-Kun Nam-Dag Zhing-La Cho-Par Shog I send forth this jewelled mandala to you, Oh precious Gurus. 嗡 伊当 沽鲁 拉那 曼答拉甘 尼雅答雅蜜 Om Idam Guru Ratna Mandalakam Nirya Tayami Refuge and Bodhicitta 皈依与 发菩提心 ( x 3 ) I take refuge until I am enlightened in the Buddhas, The Dharma and the Sangha. By the positive potential I create by practicing generosity and the other far – reaching attitudes, May I attain Buddhahood in order to benefit all sentient beings. 诸佛正法圣贤僧,直至菩提我皈依, 依我所施诸资粮,为渡众生愿成佛。 Sang-Gyay Cho-Dang Tsok-Kyi Chog-Nam-La Jang-Chub Bar-Du Dag-Ni Kyab-Su-Chi Dag-Gi Jin-Sog Gyi-Pay Di-Dag-Gi Dro-La Pen-Chir Sang-Gyay Drub-Par-Shog

18. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 18 Dro-Wa Mar-Gyur Nam-Kay Ta-Dang Nyam-Pay Sem-Chen Tam-Chay-La Tug-Tse-Wa Chen-Poi Go-Na Jin-Gyi Lab-Tu-Sol 1 The Short Mandala of Seven Heaps 供外曼达拉 This ground, anointed with perfume, strewn with flowers, Adorned with Mount Meru, four continents, Sun and Moon, I offer in visualization as Field of Buddhas. May all sentient beings thus enjoy this Pure Land! 须弥四洲日月所庄严,妙香遍涂华散之大地, 观如佛土我乐敬供养,愿诸有情共享此净土! Sa-Zhi Po-Kyi Jug-Shing Me-Tog Tram Ri-Rab Ling-Zhi Nyi-Day Gyen-Pa Di Sang-Gay Zhing-Du Mig-Te Ul-War Gyi Dro-Kun Nam-Dag Zhing-La Cho-Par Shog I send forth this jewelled mandala to you, Oh precious Gurus! 嗡 伊当 沽鲁 拉那 曼答拉甘 尼雅答雅蜜! Om Idam Guru Ratna Mandalakam Nirya Tayami! Refuge and Bodhicitta 皈依与 发菩提心 ( x 3 ) I take refuge until I am enlightened in the Buddhas, The Dharma and the Sangha. By the positive potential I create by practicing generosity and the other far – reaching attitudes, May I attain Buddhahood in order to benefit all sentient beings. 诸佛正法圣贤僧,直至菩提我皈依, 依我所施诸资粮,为渡众生愿成佛。 Sang-Gyay Cho-Dang Tsok-Kyi Chog-Nam-La Jang-Chub Bar-Du Dag-Ni Kyab-Su-Chi Dag-Gi Jin-Sog Gyi-Pay Di-Dag-Gi Dro-La Pen-Chir Sang-Gyay Drub-Par-Shog

47. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 47 Dro-Wa Mar-Gyur Nam-Kay Ta-Dang Nyam-Pay Sem-Chen Tam-Chay-La Tug-Tse-Wa Chen-Poi Go-Na Jin-Gyi Lab-Tu-Sol 1 The Short Mandala of Seven Heaps 供外曼达拉 This ground, anointed with perfume, strewn with flowers, Adorned with Mount Meru, four continents, Sun and Moon, I offer in visualization as Field of Buddhas. May all sentient beings thus enjoy this Pure Land! 须弥四洲日月所庄严,妙香遍涂华散之大地, 观如佛土我乐敬供养,愿诸有情共享此净土! Sa-Zhi Po-Kyi Jug-Shing Me-Tog Tram Ri-Rab Ling-Zhi Nyi-Day Gyen-Pa Di Sang-Gay Zhing-Du Mig-Te Ul-War Gyi Dro-Kun Nam-Dag Zhing-La Cho-Par Shog I send forth this jewelled mandala to you, Oh precious Gurus. 嗡 伊当 沽鲁 拉那 曼答拉甘 尼雅答雅蜜 Om Idam Guru Ratna Mandalakam Nirya Tayami Refuge and Bodhicitta 皈依与 发菩提心 ( x 3 ) I take refuge until I am enlightened in the Buddhas, The Dharma and the Sangha. By the positive potential I create by practicing generosity and the other far – reaching attitudes, May I attain Buddhahood in order to benefit all sentient beings. 诸佛正法圣贤僧,直至菩提我皈依, 依我所施诸资粮,为渡众生愿成佛。 Sang-Gyay Cho-Dang Tsok-Kyi Chog-Nam-La Jang-Chub Bar-Du Dag-Ni Kyab-Su-Chi Dag-Gi Jin-Sog Gyi-Pay Di-Dag-Gi Dro-La Pen-Chir Sang-Gyay Drub-Par-Shog

26. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 26 19 Chag-Tsal Lha-Yi Tsog-Nam Gyal-Po Lha-Dang Mi-Am Chi-Yi Ten-Ma Kun-Ne Go-Cha Ga-Way Ji-Kyi Tso-Dang Mi-Lam Nyen-Pa Sel-Ma 20 Chag-Tsal Nyi-Ma Da-Wa Gye-Pay Chen-Nyi Po-La O-Rab Sel-Ma HA-RA Nyi-Jo TU-TA RA-Yi Shin-Tu Dag-Po Rim-Ne Sel-Ma 21 Chag-Tsal De-Nyi Sum-Nam Ko-Pay Zi-Way Tu-Dang Yang-Dag Den-Ma Don-Dang Ro-Lang No-Jin Tsog-Nam Jom-Pa TU-RE Rab-Chog Nyi-Ma Tsa-Way Ngag-Kyi To-Pa Di-Dang Chag-Tsal Wa-Ni Nyi-Shu Tsa-Chig The Condensed Praise 度母总赞 (Tibetan) OM Chom-Den-Day-Ma Pak-Ma-Drol-Ma-La Chag-Tsal-Lo! Chag-Tsal Drol-Ma TARE Pa-Mo TUTTARA -Yi Jik-Kun Sel-Ma TURE Don-Nam Tam-Chay Ter-Ma SOHA Yi-Ger Chay-Lar Rab-Du Request 祈请文 ( x 3 ) Venerable Arya, great treasure of compassion, Grant your blessings to increase all favorable conditions, And to clear away every obstacle, That all migratory beings may swiftly enter the city of eternal joy. 唯愿悲心大藏圣至尊,加持犹如虚空诸众生, 除障迅达无尽安乐城,亦令一切顺缘恒增长。 Tug-Je Ter-Chen Pag-Ma Je-Tsun-May Ka-Nyam Dro-Nam Ten-De Trong-Kyer-Du

41. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 41 Lha-Dang Mi-Am Chi-Yi Ten-Ma Kun-Ne Go-Cha Ga-Way Ji-Kyi Tso-Dang Mi-Lam Nyen-Pa Sel-Ma 20 Chag-Tsal Nyi-Ma Da-Wa Gye-Pay Chen-Nyi Po-La O-Rab Sel-Ma HA-RA Nyi-Jo TU-TA RA-Yi Shin-Tu Dag-Po Rim-Ne Sel-Ma 21 Chag-Tsal De-Nyi Sum-Nam Ko-Pay Zi-Way Tu-Dang Yang-Dag Den-Ma Don-Dang Ro-Lang No-Jin Tsog-Nam Jom-Pa TU-RE Rab-Chog Nyi-Ma Tsa-Way Ngag-Kyi To-Pa Di-Dang Chag-Tsal Wa-Ni Nyi-Shu Tsa-Chig The Condensed Praise 度母总赞 (Tibetan) OM Chom-Den-Day-Ma Pak-Ma-Drol-Ma-La Chag-Tsal-Lo! Chag-Tsal Drol-Ma TARE Pa-Mo TUTTARA -Yi Jik-Kun Sel-Ma TURE Don-Nam Tam-Chay Ter-Ma SOHA Yi-Ger Chay-Lar Rab-Du Request 祈请文 ( x 3 ) Venerable Arya, great treasure of compassion, Grant your blessings to increase all favorable conditions, And to clear away every obstacle, That all migratory beings may swiftly enter the city of eternal joy. 唯愿悲心大藏圣至尊,加持犹如虚空诸众生, 除障迅达无尽安乐城,亦令一切顺缘恒增长。 Tug-Je Ter-Chen Pag-Ma Je-Tsun-May Ka-Nyam Dro-Nam Ten-De Trong-Kyer-Du De-Lag Dro-Way Bar-Chay Kun-Zhi-Zhing Tug-Gyen Ma-Lu Pel-War Jin-Gyi-Lob

61. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 61 Request for Patience 忏悔文 Whatever I have done incorrectly due to not acquiring the proper materials, Not fully understanding or lack of ability, please be patient with all these mistakes. My additions and omissions, parts of the ritual that went wrong, And whatever I forgot, please be patient with this too 未获得及全不知,任何能力之不足, 于此所为任何事,彼诸请您宜宽宥, 增衍或者有遗缺,仪轨支分有失误, 所有我所遗忘者,彼亦祈请宽宥之。 Ma-Nye Yong-Su Ma-She-Dang Gang-Yang Nong-Pa Ma-Chi-Pa Dir-Ni Ja-Wa Gang-Gyi-Pa De-Kun Kye-Kyi Zo-Dzay-Rig Lhag-Pa Dang-Ni Chay-Pa-Dang Cho-Gay Yen-Lag Nyam-Pa-Dang Dag-Gi Je-Nge Chi-Chi-Pa De-Yang Zo-Par Dzay-Du-Sol Requesting the Deity to Remain or Depart 祈请常住偈 (If you have an image of the deity, request the deity to abide in it): For the benefit of migratory beings Please abide in this image, Granting wealth, highest goodness, And long life free from sickness. 于此偕同所依处,为利众生驻足已, 长寿康泰与自在,尊胜圣众请恩赐。 Dri-Ni Ten-Dang Lhen-Chig-Tu Dro-Way Don-Du Zhug-Nay-Kyang Nay-Me Tse-Dang Wang-Chug-Dang Chog-Nam Leg-Par Tsel-Du-Sol Om Supratishtha Vajraye Svaha 嗡 苏巴蒂他 瓦加耶 娑哈

11. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 11 I offer to you, my kind and holy root Lama Together with you, Venerable Lineage Lamas 一切天人所珍宝富饶资财盛聚在其中,此田清净悦意,兹恭敬奉上有恩 根本及传承,具德殊胜上师众, U-Su Lha-Dang Mi-I Pal-Jor Pun-Sum Tsog-Pa Ma-Tsang Wa-Me-Pa Tsang-Zhing Yi-Du Wong-Wa Di-Dag Drin-Chen Tsa-Way Dang-Gyu-Par Chay Pay Pal-Den La-Ma Dam-Pa Nam-Dang Especially to the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and attendant deities. Please accept it with compassion for the sake of migrating beings Having accepted these, please bestow on me and on mother sentient beings Abiding as far as the limits of space your inspiration with loving compassion. 尤其也向十方诸佛,弟子及本尊众,恭敬献上清净刹土,惟愿汝等慈受 以利生,惟愿汝等享此供已即以深大慈心不吝加持我,以及一切无边如 虚空母有情。 Kye-Par Du-Yang Chok-Chu Gyal-Wa Se-Dang Jie-Bey Lha-Tsog Kor-Dang Che-Pa Nam-La Zhing-Kam Ul-War-Gyi-Wo Tug-Je Dro-Way Don-Du Zhe-Su-Sol Zhe-Nay Dag-Sog Dro-Wa Mar-Gyur Nam-Kay Ta-Dang Nyam-Pay Sem-Chen Tam-Chay-La Tug-Tse-Wa Chen-Poi Go-Na Jin-Gyi Lab-Tu-Sol 1 The Short Mandala of Seven Heaps 供外曼达拉 This ground, anointed with perfume, strewn with flowers, Adorned with Mount Meru, four continents, Sun and Moon, I offer in visualization as Field of Buddhas. May all sentient beings thus enjoy this Pure Land! 须弥四洲日月所庄严,妙香遍涂华散之大地, 观如佛土我乐敬供养,愿诸有情共享此净土! Sa-Zhi Po-Kyi Jug-Shing Me-Tog Tram Ri-Rab Ling-Zhi Nyi-Day Gyen-Pa Di Sang-Gay Zhing-Du Mig-Te Ul-War Gyi Dro-Kun Nam-Dag Zhing-La Cho-Par Shog

20. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 20 4 Homage! Crown Of Tathagatas, 敬礼诸佛顶髻度母, Actions Triumph Without Limit! 能胜无边不善力行, Relied On By Conquerors' Children, 无余成就波罗蜜多, Having Reached Ev'ry Perfection! 胜者佛子之所依持。 5 Homage! Filling With TUTTARE, 敬礼都答拉吽度母, HUM, Desire, Direction, And Space! 声满欲色界及虚空, Trampling With Her Feet The Seven Worlds, 运足踩毁生死七趣, Able To Draw Forth All Beings! 悉能召引一切有情。 6 Homage! Worshipped By The All-Lords, 敬礼帝释火神梵天, Shakra, Agni, Brahma, Marut! 风神自在所尊度母, Honored By The Hosts Of Spirits, 鬼神起尸寻香药叉, Corpse-Raisers, Gandharvas, Yakshas! 诸众等所共称叹者。 7 Homage! With Her TRAD And PHAT Sounds 敬礼宣扬扎佩度母, Destroying Foes' Magic Diagrams! 摧毁他人神变设施, Her Feet Pressing Left Out, Right In, 右足内卷左足伸踏, Blazing In A Raging Fire-Blaze! 舞炽焰中身极明耀。 8 Homage! TURE, Very Dreadful! 敬礼都列巨畏度母, Destroyer Of Mara's Champion(S)! 彻底摧毁诸大怨魔, She With Frowning Lotus Visage 于莲华面一现怒眉, Who Is Slayer Of All Enemies! 无余斩尽一切冤家。 9 Homage! At The Heart Her Fingers, 敬礼结三宝印度母, Adorn Her With Three Jewel Mudra! 手指当心威严殊相, Light-Ray Masses All Excited! 胜轮严饰十方无余, All Directions' Wheels Adorn Her! 自身炽盛光芒聚种。

35. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 35 4 Homage! Crown Of Tathagatas, 敬礼诸佛顶髻度母, Actions Triumph Without Limit! 能胜无边不善力行, Relied On By Conquerors' Children, 无余成就波罗蜜多, Having Reached Ev'ry Perfection! 胜者佛子之所依持。 5 Homage! Filling With TUTTARE, 敬礼都答拉吽度母, HUM, Desire, Direction, And Space! 声满欲色界及虚空, Trampling With Her Feet The Seven Worlds, 运足踩毁生死七趣, Able To Draw Forth All Beings! 悉能召引一切有情。 6 Homage! Worshipped By The All-Lords, 敬礼帝释火神梵天, Shakra, Agni, Brahma, Marut! 风神自在所尊度母, Honored By The Hosts Of Spirits, 鬼神起尸寻香药叉, Corpse-Raisers, Gandharvas, Yakshas! 诸众等所共称叹者。 7 Homage! With Her TRAD And PHAT Sounds 敬礼宣扬扎佩度母, Destroying Foes' Magic Diagrams! 摧毁他人神变设施, Her Feet Pressing Left Out, Right In, 右足内卷左足伸踏, Blazing In A Raging Fire-Blaze! 舞炽焰中身极明耀。 8 Homage! TURE, Very Dreadful! 敬礼都列巨畏度母, Destroyer Of Mara's Champion(S)! 彻底摧毁诸大怨魔, She With Frowning Lotus Visage 于莲华面一现怒眉, Who Is Slayer Of All Enemies! 无余斩尽一切冤家。 9 Homage! At The Heart Her Fingers, 敬礼结三宝印度母, Adorn Her With Three Jewel Mudra! 手指当心威严殊相, Light-Ray Masses All Excited! 胜轮严饰十方无余, All Directions' Wheels Adorn Her! 自身炽盛光芒聚种。

49. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 49 4 Homage! Crown Of Tathagatas, 敬礼诸佛顶髻度母, Actions Triumph Without Limit! 能胜无边不善力行, Relied On By Conquerors' Children, 无余成就波罗蜜多, Having Reached Ev'ry Perfection! 胜者佛子之所依持。 5 Homage! Filling With TUTTARE, 敬礼都答拉吽度母, HUM, Desire, Direction, And Space! 声满欲色界及虚空, Trampling With Her Feet The Seven Worlds, 运足踩毁生死七趣, Able To Draw Forth All Beings! 悉能召引一切有情。 6 Homage! Worshipped By The All-Lords, 敬礼帝释火神梵天, Shakra, Agni, Brahma, Marut! 风神自在所尊度母, Honored By The Hosts Of Spirits, 鬼神起尸寻香药叉, Corpse-Raisers, Gandharvas, Yakshas! 诸众等所共称叹者。 7 Homage! With Her TRAD And PHAT Sounds 敬礼宣扬扎佩度母, Destroying Foes' Magic Diagrams! 摧毁他人神变设施, Her Feet Pressing Left Out, Right In, 右足内卷左足伸踏, Blazing In A Raging Fire-Blaze! 舞炽焰中身极明耀。 8 Homage! TURE, Very Dreadful! 敬礼都列巨畏度母, Destroyer Of Mara's Champion(S)! 彻底摧毁诸大怨魔, She With Frowning Lotus Visage 于莲华面一现怒眉, Who Is Slayer Of All Enemies! 无余斩尽一切冤家。 9 Homage! At The Heart Her Fingers, 敬礼结三宝印度母, Adorn Her With Three Jewel Mudra! 手指当心威严殊相, Light-Ray Masses All Excited! 胜轮严饰十方无余, All Directions' Wheels Adorn Her! 自身炽盛光芒聚种。

21. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 21 10 Homage! She So Joyous, Radiant, 敬礼威德欢悦度母, Crown Emitting Garlands Of Light! 宝冠珠髻簇放众光, Mirthful, Laughing With TUTTARE, 最极喜笑宣都答列, Subjugating Maras, Devas! 战胜摄伏世间恶魔。 11 Homage! She’s Able To Summon 敬礼能够召引守护, All Earth-Guardians' Assembly! 诸地神只大众度母, Shaking, Frowning, With Her HUM Sign 竖怒眉面宣吽声字, Saving From Ev'ry Misfortune! 一切衰败悉令度脱。 12 Homage! Crown Adorned With Crescent 敬礼顶冠新月度母, Moon, All Ornaments Most Shining! 冠中绽放胜妙严光, Amitabha In Her Hair-Knot 顶髻上现阿弥陀佛, Sending Out Much Light Eternal! 恒常簇射众宝大光。 13 Homage! She 'Midst Wreath Ablaze Like 敬礼如尽劫火度母, Eon-Ending Fire Abiding! 安住炽盛焰曼中者, Right Stretched, Left Bent, Joy Surrounds You 普遍喜悦右伸左卷, Troops Of Enemies Destroying! 彻底灭坏恶怨众军。 14 Homage! She Who Strikes The Ground With 敬礼手按大地度母, Her Palm, And With Her Foot Beats It! 双足践踏施以镇压, Scowling, With The Letter HUM The 现怒眉面宣扬吽声, Seven Levels She Does Conquer! 破碎降伏生死七趣。 15 Homage! Happy, Virtuous, Peaceful! 敬礼安稳柔善度母, She Whose Field Is Peace, Nirvana! 涅盘寂灭最乐行境, She’s Endowed With OM And SVAHA, 俱梭哈嗡清澈音声, Destroyer Of The Great Evil! 善于消灭极大灾祸。

36. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 36 10 Homage! She So Joyous, Radiant, 敬礼威德欢悦度母, Crown Emitting Garlands Of Light! 宝冠珠髻簇放众光, Mirthful, Laughing With TUTTARE, 最极喜笑宣都答列, Subjugating Maras, Devas! 战胜摄伏世间恶魔。 11 Homage! She’s Able To Summon 敬礼能够召引守护, All Earth-Guardians' Assembly! 诸地神只大众度母, Shaking, Frowning, With Her HUM Sign 竖怒眉面宣吽声字, Saving From Ev'ry Misfortune! 一切衰败悉令度脱。 12 Homage! Crown Adorned With Crescent 敬礼顶冠新月度母, Moon, All Ornaments Most Shining! 冠中绽放胜妙严光, Amitabha In Her Hair-Knot 顶髻上现阿弥陀佛, Sending Out Much Light Eternal! 恒常簇射众宝大光。 13 Homage! She 'Midst Wreath Ablaze Like 敬礼如尽劫火度母, Eon-Ending Fire Abiding! 安住炽盛焰曼中者, Right Stretched, Left Bent, Joy Surrounds You 普遍喜悦右伸左卷, Troops Of Enemies Destroying! 彻底灭坏恶怨众军。 14 Homage! She Who Strikes The Ground With 敬礼手按大地度母, Her Palm, And With Her Foot Beats It! 双足践踏施以镇压, Scowling, With The Letter HUM The 现怒眉面宣扬吽声, Seven Levels She Does Conquer! 破碎降伏生死七趣。 15 Homage! Happy, Virtuous, Peaceful! 敬礼安稳柔善度母, She Whose Field Is Peace, Nirvana! 涅盘寂灭最乐行境, She’s Endowed With OM And SVAHA, 俱梭哈嗡清澈音声, Destroyer Of The Great Evil! 善于消灭极大灾祸。

37. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 37 16 Homage! She’s With Joy Surrounded 敬礼喜悦围绕度母, Tearing Foes' Bodies Asunder, 令诸冤家支体脱离, Frees With HUM And Knowledge Mantra, 言俱十字咒句庄严, Arrangement Of The Ten Letters! 明字吽声普施解脱。 17 Homage! TURE! With Seed Letter 敬礼宣扬都列度母, Of The Shape Of Syllable HUM! 足蹑相势吽字种子, By Foot Stamping Shakes The Three Worlds, 须弥曼答拉揩拉尸, Meru, Mandara, And Vindhya! 诸山三界皆令震动。 18 Homage! Holding In Her Hand The 敬礼手中执住鹿月, Deer-Marked Moon Of Deva-Lake Form! 犹如天界大海度母, With Twice Spoken TARA And PHAT, 诵一佩声及二答拉, Totally Dispelling Poison! 悉能灭除诸毒无余。 19 Homage! She Whom Gods And Their Kings, 敬礼诸天集会度母, And The Kinnaras Do Honor! 天王紧那罗所依恃, Armored In All Joyful Splendor, 灿烂坚铠普施欢悦, She Dispels Bad Dreams And Conflicts! 灭除斗争及诸恶梦。 20 Homage! She Whose Two Eyes Bright With 敬礼双目犹如日月, Radiance Of Sun And Full Moon! 遍放殊胜光明度母, With Twice HARA And TUTTARE 诵一哈拉二都答拉, She Dispels Severe Contagion! 善除恶毒瘟热诸病。 21 Homage! Full Of Liberating 敬礼具三真实度母, Pow'r By The Set Of Three Natures! 善静威力无不圆满, Destroys Hosts Of Spirits, Yakshas, 最胜无上都列消除, And Raised Corpses! Supreme! TURE! 恶鬼起尸药叉诸军。

50. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 50 10 Homage! She So Joyous, Radiant, 敬礼威德欢悦度母, Crown Emitting Garlands Of Light! 宝冠珠髻簇放众光, Mirthful, Laughing With TUTTARE, 最极喜笑宣都答列, Subjugating Maras, Devas! 战胜摄伏世间恶魔。 11 Homage! She’s Able To Summon 敬礼能够召引守护, All Earth-Guardians' Assembly! 诸地神只大众度母, Shaking, Frowning, With Her HUM Sign 竖怒眉面宣吽声字, Saving From Ev'ry Misfortune! 一切衰败悉令度脱。 12 Homage! Crown Adorned With Crescent 敬礼顶冠新月度母, Moon, All Ornaments Most Shining! 冠中绽放胜妙严光, Amitabha In Her Hair-Knot 顶髻上现阿弥陀佛, Sending Out Much Light Eternal! 恒常簇射众宝大光。 13 Homage! She 'Midst Wreath Ablaze Like 敬礼如尽劫火度母, Eon-Ending Fire Abiding! 安住炽盛焰曼中者, Right Stretched, Left Bent, Joy Surrounds You 普遍喜悦右伸左卷, Troops Of Enemies Destroying! 彻底灭坏恶怨众军。 14 Homage! She Who Strikes The Ground With 敬礼手按大地度母, Her Palm, And With Her Foot Beats It! 双足践踏施以镇压, Scowling, With The Letter HUM The 现怒眉面宣扬吽声, Seven Levels She Does Conquer! 破碎降伏生死七趣。 15 Homage! Happy, Virtuous, Peaceful! 敬礼安稳柔善度母, She Whose Field Is Peace, Nirvana! 涅盘寂灭最乐行境, She’s Endowed With OM And SVAHA, 俱梭哈嗡清澈音声, Destroyer Of The Great Evil! 善于消灭极大灾祸。

51. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 51 16 Homage! She’s With Joy Surrounded 敬礼喜悦围绕度母, Tearing Foes' Bodies Asunder, 令诸冤家支体脱离, Frees With HUM And Knowledge Mantra, 言俱十字咒句庄严, Arrangement Of The Ten Letters! 明字吽声普施解脱。 17 Homage! TURE! With Seed Letter 敬礼宣扬都列度母, Of The Shape Of Syllable HUM! 足蹑相势吽字种子, By Foot Stamping Shakes The Three Worlds, 须弥曼答拉揩拉尸, Meru, Mandara, And Vindhya! 诸山三界皆令震动。 18 Homage! Holding In Her Hand The 敬礼手中执住鹿月, Deer-Marked Moon Of Deva-Lake Form! 犹如天界大海度母, With Twice Spoken TARA And PHAT, 诵一佩声及二答拉, Totally Dispelling Poison! 悉能灭除诸毒无余。 19 Homage! She Whom Gods And Their Kings, 敬礼诸天集会度母, And The Kinnaras Do Honor! 天王紧那罗所依恃, Armored In All Joyful Splendor, 灿烂坚铠普施欢悦, She Dispels Bad Dreams And Conflicts! 灭除斗争及诸恶梦。 20 Homage! She Whose Two Eyes Bright With 敬礼双目犹如日月, Radiance Of Sun And Full Moon! 遍放殊胜光明度母, With Twice HARA And TUTTARE 诵一哈拉二都答拉, She Dispels Severe Contagion! 善除恶毒瘟热诸病。 21 Homage! Full Of Liberating 敬礼具三真实度母, Pow'r By The Set Of Three Natures! 善静威力无不圆满, Destroys Hosts Of Spirits, Yakshas, 最胜无上都列消除, And Raised Corpses! Supreme! TURE! 恶鬼起尸药叉诸军。

22. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 22 16 Homage! She’s With Joy Surrounded 敬礼喜悦围绕度母, Tearing Foes' Bodies Asunder, 令诸冤家支体脱离, Frees With HUM And Knowledge Mantra, 言俱十字咒句庄严, Arrangement Of The Ten Letters! 明字吽声普施解脱。 17 Homage! TURE! With Seed Letter 敬礼宣扬都列度母, Of The Shape Of Syllable HUM! 足蹑相势吽字种子, By Foot Stamping Shakes The Three Worlds, 须弥曼答拉揩拉尸, Meru, Mandara, And Vindhya! 诸山三界皆令震动。 18 Homage! Holding In Her Hand The 敬礼手中执住鹿月, Deer-Marked Moon Of Deva-Lake Form! 犹如天界大海度母, With Twice Spoken TARA And PHAT, 诵一佩声及二答拉, Totally Dispelling Poison! 悉能灭除诸毒无余。 19 Homage! She Whom Gods And Their Kings, 敬礼诸天集会度母, And The Kinnaras Do Honor! 天王紧那罗所依恃, Armored In All Joyful Splendor, 灿烂坚铠普施欢悦, She Dispels Bad Dreams And Conflicts! 灭除斗争及诸恶梦。 20 Homage! She Whose Two Eyes Bright With 敬礼双目犹如日月, Radiance Of Sun And Full Moon! 遍放殊胜光明度母, With Twice HARA And TUTTARE 诵一哈拉二都答拉, She Dispels Severe Contagion! 善除恶毒瘟热诸病。 21 Homage! Full Of Liberating 敬礼具三真实度母, Pow'r By The Set Of Three Natures! 善静威力无不圆满, Destroys Hosts Of Spirits, Yakshas, 最胜无上都列消除, And Raised Corpses! Supreme! TURE! 恶鬼起尸药叉诸军。

17. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 17 Me-Tog-Ma Dug-Po-Ma Nang-Sel-Ma Dri-Chab-Ma Top Ring 顶圈 Here is the sun; Here is the moon 日﹐月﹐ Here is the umbrella of all that is precious 珍异宝伞, Here is the banner of victory in all directions 制伏一切十方幢, Nyi-Ma Da-Wa Rin-Po-Che Dug Chog-Lay Nam-Par Gyal-Way Gyal-Tsan In the centre are all the possessions precious to gods and men This magnificent collection, lacking in nothing I offer to you, my kind and holy root Lama Together with you, Venerable Lineage Lamas 一切天人所珍宝富饶资财盛聚在其中,此田清净悦意,兹恭敬奉上有恩 根本及传承,具德殊胜上师众, U-Su Lha-Dang Mi-I Pal-Jor Pun-Sum Tsog-Pa Ma-Tsang Wa-Me-Pa Tsang-Zhing Yi-Du Wong-Wa Di-Dag Drin-Chen Tsa-Way Dang-Gyu-Par Chay Pay Pal-Den La-Ma Dam-Pa Nam-Dang Especially to the Venerable Arya Tara and assembly of attendant deities. Please accept it with compassion for the sake of migrating beings Having accepted these, please bestow on me and on mother sentient beings Abiding as far as the limits of space your inspiration with loving compassion. 尤其也向至尊圣度母本尊及其眷属大众,恭敬献上清净刹土,惟愿汝等 慈受以利生,惟愿汝等享此供已即以深大慈心不吝加持我,以及一切无 边如虚空母有情。 Kye-Par Du-Yang Je-Tsun-Ma Pag-Ma Drol-May Lha-Tsog Kor-Dang Che-Pa Nam-La Zhing-Kam Ul-War-Gyi-Wo Tug-Je Dro-Way Dön-Du Zhe-Su-Sol Zhe-Nay Dag-Sog

32. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 32 Me-Tog-Ma Dug-Po-Ma Nang-Sel-Ma Dri-Chab-Ma Top Ring 顶圈 Here is the sun; Here is the moon 日﹐月﹐ Here is the umbrella of all that is precious 珍异宝伞, Here is the banner of victory in all directions 制伏一切十方幢, Nyi-Ma Da-Wa Rin-Po-Che Dug Chog-Lay Nam-Par Gyal-Way Gyal-Tsan In the centre are all the possessions precious to gods and men This magnificent collection, lacking in nothing I offer to you, my kind and holy root Lama Together with you, Venerable Lineage Lamas 一切天人所珍宝富饶资财盛聚在其中,此田清净悦意,兹恭敬奉上有恩 根本及传承,具德殊胜上师众, U-Su Lha-Dang Mi-I Pal-Jor Pun-Sum Tsog-Pa Ma-Tsang Wa-Me-Pa Tsang-Zhing Yi-Du Wong-Wa Di-Dag Drin-Chen Tsa-Way Dang-Gyu-Par Chay Pay Pal-Den La-Ma Dam-Pa Nam-Dang Especially to the Venerable Arya Tara and assembly of attendant deities. Please accept it with compassion for the sake of migrating beings Having accepted these, please bestow on me and on mother sentient beings Abiding as far as the limits of space your inspiration with loving compassion. 尤其也向至尊圣度母本尊及其眷属大众,恭敬献上清净刹土,惟愿汝等 慈受以利生,惟愿汝等享此供已即以深大慈心不吝加持我,以及一切无 边如虚空母有情。 Kye-Par Du-Yang Je-Tsun-Ma Pag-Ma Drol-May Lha-Tsog Kor-Dang Che-Pa Nam-La Zhing-Kam Ul-War-Gyi-Wo Tug-Je Dro-Way Dön-Du Zhe-Su-Sol Zhe-Nay Dag-Sog

46. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 46 Me-Tog-Ma Dug-Po-Ma Nang-Sel-Ma Dri-Chab-Ma Top Ring 顶圈 Here is the sun; Here is the moon 日﹐月﹐ Here is the umbrella of all that is precious 珍异宝伞, Here is the banner of victory in all directions 制伏一切十方幢, Nyi-Ma Da-Wa Rin-Po-Che Dug Chog-Lay Nam-Par Gyal-Way Gyal-Tsan In the centre are all the possessions precious to gods and men This magnificent collection, lacking in nothing I offer to you, my kind and holy root Lama Together with you, Venerable Lineage Lamas 一切天人所珍宝富饶资财盛聚在其中,此田清净悦意,兹恭敬奉上有恩 根本及传承,具德殊胜上师众, U-Su Lha-Dang Mi-I Pal-Jor Pun-Sum Tsog-Pa Ma-Tsang Wa-Me-Pa Tsang-Zhing Yi-Du Wong-Wa Di-Dag Drin-Chen Tsa-Way Dang-Gyu-Par Chay Pay Pal-Den La-Ma Dam-Pa Nam-Dang Especially to the Venerable Arya Tara and assembly of attendant deities. Please accept it with compassion for the sake of migrating beings Having accepted these, please bestow on me and on mother sentient beings Abiding as far as the limits of space your inspiration with loving compassion. 尤其也向至尊圣度母本尊及其眷属大众,恭敬献上清净刹土,惟愿汝等 慈受以利生,惟愿汝等享此供已即以深大慈心不吝加持我,以及一切无 边如虚空母有情。 Kye-Par Du-Yang Je-Tsun-Ma Pag-Ma Drol-May Lha-Tsog Kor-Dang Che-Pa Nam-La Zhing-Kam Ul-War-Gyi-Wo Tug-Je Dro-Way Dön-Du Zhe-Su-Sol Zhe-Nay Dag-Sog

6. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 6 Gon-Po Tug-Je Che-Den-Pa Tam-Chay Kyen-Pay Ton-Pa-Po So-Nam Yon-Ten Gya-Tso-Zhing De-Zhin Sheg-La Chag-Tsel-Lo 3. The purity that frees ones from attachment, The virtue that frees ones from the lower realms, The one path, the sublime pure reality, To the Dharma that pacifies, I prostrate. 以清净而离贪欲, 以善良而脱恶趣, 唯一胜义最殊胜, 于寂静法恭礼敬。 Dag-Pay Do-Chag Drel-War-Gyur Ge-Way Ngen-Song Lay-Drol-Ching Chig-Tu Don-Dam Chog-Gyur-Pa Zhi-Gyur Cho-La Chag-Tsel-Lo 4. Those who are liberated and who also show the path to liberation, The holy fields qualified with realizations, Who are devoted to the moral precepts, To you, the sublime community intending virtue, I prostrate. 已脱且示解脱道, 善住清净学处中, 具福功德最胜田, 众中尊僧我礼敬。 Drol-Nay Drol-Way Lam-Yang-Ton Lab-Pa Dag-La Rab-Tu-Nay Zhing-Gi Dam-Pa Yon-Ten-Den Tsog-Chog Ge-Dun La-Chag-Tsel

5. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 5 Visualization of the Field of Merit 观想资粮田 In the space before me, on a lion throne. Upon cushions of a lotus and full Moon disk, sits Khadiravani Tara, who is inseparable from my root lama. Above her are Atisa and the other lineage lamas. And she is surrounded by the twenty-one Taras and so forth, the yidams, Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, hearers, self-realizers, and oath-bound protectors. 于前方虚空中,狮座莲月上,与根本上师无别之檐木救度母端坐,上有 阿底峡等上师,并由二十一度母等、本尊、佛、菩萨、声闻、缘觉、及 诸护法神围绕之。 Dun-Gyi Nam-Kar Seng-Tri Pay-Day Den-La Tsa-Way La-Ma Dang Yer- Me-Pay Seng-Deng Nag-Drol-Gyi Teng-Du Jo-Wo Je-Sog La-Ma Nam- Dang Ta-Kor-Du Drol-Ma Nyer-Chig Sog Yi-Dam Sang-Gyay Jang-Sem Nyen-Rang Ka-Do Dang-Che-Pa Zhug-Par Gyur Homage (recite each verse 3 times) 礼敬偈(每段念诵三次) 1. Your exalted body is the embodiment of all Buddhas, You are in the nature of vajra-holder, The very root of the Three Rare and Sublime Ones, To all Gurus, I prostrate. 一切诸佛聚集身, 持金刚者之自性, 为诸三宝之根本, 于诸上师恭礼敬。 Sang-Gyay Tam-Chay Du-Pay-Ku Dor-Je Dzin-Pay Ngo-Wo-Nyi Kon-Chog Sum-Gyi Tsa-Wa-Te La-Ma Nam-La Chag-Tsel-Lo 2. The saviour having great compassion, The founder having all understanding, The field of merit with qualities like a vast ocean, To you, the ones gone to thusness, I prostrate. 具大悲心依枯尊, 遍知一切说法者, 福泽功德大海田, 于诸如来恭礼敬。

23. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 23 Thus The Root Mantra Is Praised 此是根本种持赞文, And Twenty-One Homages Offered. 及二十一礼敬颂词。 The Condensed Praise 度母总赞 OM to the transcendent subduer, ARYA TARA , I prostrate. Homage to the glorious one who frees with TARE ; With TUTTARA you calm all fears; You bestow all success with TURE ; To the sound SOHA I pay great homage. 嗡 我向至尊圣者 度母 归命礼 敬礼 答列 速捷勇母,以 都答列 消除怖畏, 以 都列 施与诸利益,具 梭哈 音者我赞礼。 21 Praises to Tara 二十一度母礼赞文 (Tibetan) OM Je-Tsun-Ma Pak-Ma Drol-Ma-La Chak-Tsal-Lo 1 Chag-Tsal Drol-Ma Nyur-Ma Pa-Mo Chen-Mi Kay-Chig Log-Dang Dra-Ma Jig-Ten Sum-Gon Chug-Key Shel-Gyi Key-Sar Je-Wa Lay-Ni Jung-Ma 2 Chag-Tsal Ton-Kay Da-Wa Kun-Tu Gang-Wa Gya-Ni Tseg-Pay Shel-Ma Kar-Ma Tong-Trag Tsog-Pa Nam-Kyi Rab-U Che-Way O-Rab Bar-Ma 3 Chag-Tsal Ser-Ngo Chu-Nay Kye-Kyi Pay-May Chag-Ni Nam-Par Gyen-Ma Jin-Pa Tsun-Du Ka-Tub Shi-Wa So-Pa Sam-Ten Cho-Yul Nyi-Ma

52. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 52 Thus The Root Mantra Is Praised 此是根本种持赞文, And Twenty-One Homages Offered. 及二十一礼敬颂词。 The Condensed Praise 度母总赞 OM to the transcendent subduer, ARYA TARA , I prostrate. Homage to the glorious one who frees with TARE ; With TUTTARA you calm all fears; You bestow all success with TURE ; To the sound SOHA I pay great homage. 嗡 我向至尊圣者 度母 归命礼 敬礼 答列 速捷勇母,以 都答列 消除怖畏, 以 都列 施与诸利益,具 梭哈 音者我赞礼。 21 Praises to Tara 二十一度母礼赞文 (Tibetan) OM Je-Tsun-Ma Pak-Ma Drol-Ma-La Chak-Tsal-Lo 1 Chag-Tsal Drol-Ma Nyur-Ma Pa-Mo Chen-Mi Kay-Chig Log-Dang Dra-Ma Jig-Ten Sum-Gon Chug-Key Shel-Gyi Key-Sar Je-Wa Lay-Ni Jung-Ma 2 Chag-Tsal Ton-Kay Da-Wa Kun-Tu Gang-Wa Gya-Ni Tseg-Pay Shel-Ma Kar-Ma Tong-Trag Tsog-Pa Nam-Kyi Rab-U Che-Way O-Rab Bar-Ma 3 Chag-Tsal Ser-Ngo Chu-Nay Kye-Kyi Pay-May Chag-Ni Nam-Par Gyen-Ma Jin-Pa Tsun-Du Ka-Tub Shi-Wa So-Pa Sam-Ten Cho-Yul Nyi-Ma

38. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 38 Thus The Root Mantra Is Praised 此是根本种持赞文, And Twenty-One Homages Offered. 及二十一礼敬颂词。 The Condensed Praise 度母总赞 OM to the transcendent subduer, ARYA TARA , I prostrate. Homage to the glorious one who frees with TARE ; With TUTTARA you calm all fears; You bestow all success with TURE ; To the sound SOHA I pay great homage. 嗡 我向至尊圣者 度母 归命礼 敬礼 答列 速捷勇母,以 都答列 消除怖畏, 以 都列 施与诸利益,具 梭哈 音者我赞礼。 21 Praises to Tara 二十一度母礼赞文 (Tibetan) OM Je-Tsun-Ma Pak-Ma Drol-Ma-La Chak-Tsal-Lo 1 Chag-Tsal Drol-Ma Nyur-Ma Pa-Mo Chen-Mi Kay-Chig Log-Dang Dra-Ma Jig-Ten Sum-Gon Chug-Key Shel-Gyi Key-Sar Je-Wa Lay-Ni Jung-Ma 2 Chag-Tsal Ton-Kay Da-Wa Kun-Tu Gang-Wa Gya-Ni Tseg-Pay Shel-Ma Kar-Ma Tong-Trag Tsog-Pa Nam-Kyi Rab-U Che-Way O-Rab Bar-Ma 3 Chag-Tsal Ser-Ngo Chu-Nay Kye-Kyi Pay-May Chag-Ni Nam-Par Gyen-Ma Jin-Pa Tsun-Du Ka-Tub Shi-Wa So-Pa Sam-Ten Cho-Yul Nyi-Ma 4 Chag-Tsal De-Shin Sheg-Pay Tsug-Tor Ta-Yay Nam-Par Gyal-Wa Cho-Ma Ma-Lu Pa-Rol Chin-Pa Tob-Pay

14. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 14 The Seven-Limb Prayer 七支供养 Reverently I prostrate to your feet, Venerable Tara, And present clouds of every type of offering, actual and mentally-transformed I confess all my negative actions accumulated since beginningless time, And rejoice in the virtues of all holy and ordinary beings. Please remain until cyclic existence ends, And turn the wheel of Dharma for sentient beings. I dedicate all the virtues of myself and others to the great enlightenment. 至尊度母我等恭礼敬,尽奉实陈意现供养云, 忏悔无始累积诸罪堕,随喜凡夫圣者各善业, 生死未尽恭请常安住,并祈为诸众生转法轮, 回向自他功德於菩提。 Je-Tsun Drol-May Zhab-La Gu-Chag-Tsel Ngo-Sham Yi-Trul Cho-Pa Ma-Lu-Bul Tog-Me Nay-Sag Dig-Tung Tam-Chay-Shag Kye-Pag Ge-Wa Nam-La Je-Yi-Rang Kor-Wa Ma-Tong Bar-Du Leg-Shug-Nay Dro-La Cho-Kyi Kor-Lo Kor-Wa-Dang Dag-Zhen Ge-Nam Jang-Chub Chen-Por-Ngo Long Mandala Offering 供曼达拉 Om Ah Hung 嗡 啊 吽 ( x 3 ) Om Vajraground Ah Hung, 嗡 金刚地基 啊 吽 , Here is the mighty and powerful base of gold, 奇妙黄金宝地 , Om Vajraline Ah Hung, 嗡 金刚围篱 啊 吽 , The outer ring is encircled with this iron fence, 铁围山绕四周 , Om Bendza Bhu-Mi Ah-Hung Wang-Chen Ser-Gyi Sa-Zhi Om Benza Re-Ke Ah-Hung

29. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 29 The Seven-Limb Prayer 七支供养 Reverently I prostrate to your feet, Venerable Tara, And present clouds of every type of offering, actual and mentally-transformed I confess all my negative actions accumulated since beginningless time, And rejoice in the virtues of all holy and ordinary beings. Please remain until cyclic existence ends, And turn the wheel of Dharma for sentient beings. I dedicate all the virtues of myself and others to the great enlightenment. 至尊度母我等恭礼敬,尽奉实陈意现供养云, 忏悔无始累积诸罪堕,随喜凡夫圣者各善业, 生死未尽恭请常安住,并祈为诸众生转法轮, 回向自他功德於菩提。 Je-Tsun Drol-May Zhab-La Gu-Chag-Tsel Ngo-Sham Yi-Trul Cho-Pa Ma-Lu-Bul Tog-Me Nay-Sag Dig-Tung Tam-Chay-Shag Kye-Pag Ge-Wa Nam-La Je-Yi-Rang Kor-Wa Ma-Tong Bar-Du Leg-Shug-Nay Dro-La Cho-Kyi Kor-Lo Kor-Wa-Dang Dag-Zhen Ge-Nam Jang-Chub Chen-Por-Ngo Long Mandala Offering 供曼达拉 Om Ah Hung 嗡 啊 吽 ( x 3 ) Om Vajraground Ah Hung, 嗡 金刚地基 啊 吽 , Here is the mighty and powerful base of gold, 奇妙黄金宝地 , Om Vajraline Ah Hung, 嗡 金刚围篱 啊 吽 , The outer ring is encircled with this iron fence, 铁围山绕四周 , Om Bendza Bhu-Mi Ah-Hung Wang-Chen Ser-Gyi Sa-Zhi Om Benza Re-Ke Ah-Hung

43. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 43 The Seven-Limb Prayer 七支供养 Reverently I prostrate to your feet, Venerable Tara, And present clouds of every type of offering, actual and mentally-transformed I confess all my negative actions accumulated since beginningless time, And rejoice in the virtues of all holy and ordinary beings. Please remain until cyclic existence ends, And turn the wheel of Dharma for sentient beings. I dedicate all the virtues of myself and others to the great enlightenment. 至尊度母我等恭礼敬,尽奉实陈意现供养云, 忏悔无始累积诸罪堕,随喜凡夫圣者各善业, 生死未尽恭请常安住,并祈为诸众生转法轮, 回向自他功德於菩提。 Je-Tsun Drol-May Zhab-La Gu-Chag-Tsel Ngo-Sham Yi-Trul Cho-Pa Ma-Lu-Bul Tog-Me Nay-Sag Dig-Tung Tam-Chay-Shag Kye-Pag Ge-Wa Nam-La Je-Yi-Rang Kor-Wa Ma-Tong Bar-Du Leg-Shug-Nay Dro-La Cho-Kyi Kor-Lo Kor-Wa-Dang Dag-Zhen Ge-Nam Jang-Chub Chen-Por-Ngo Long Mandala Offering 供曼达拉 Om Ah Hung 嗡 啊 吽 ( x 3 ) Om Vajraground Ah Hung, 嗡 金刚地基 啊 吽 , Here is the mighty and powerful base of gold, 奇妙黄金宝地 , Om Vajraline Ah Hung, 嗡 金刚围篱 啊 吽 , The outer ring is encircled with this iron fence, 铁围山绕四周 , Om Bendza Bhu-Mi Ah-Hung Wang-Chen Ser-Gyi Sa-Zhi Om Benza Re-Ke Ah-Hung

9. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 9 Around the west, Satha and Uttaramantrin 小行洲、胜道行洲,两小洲位 处西方, Jang Dra-Mi-Nyan Lu-Dang Lu-Pag Nga-Yab-Dang Nga-Yab-Zhan Yo-Dan-Dang Lam-Chog-Dro Around the north, the sub-continents Kurava and Kaurava 北方有声不美 洲,及彼身不美洲, In the east is the treasure mountain 宝山, In the south is the wish-granting tree 如意树, In the west is the wish-granting cow 随欲宝牛, In the north is the harvest that needs no cultivation 自长粮谷。 Dra-Mi Nyen-Dang Dra-Mi-Nyen Gyi Da Rin-Po-Che Ri-Wo Pag Sam-Gyi-Shing Do Jo-I Ba Ma-Mo Pa-I Lo-Tog Second Ring 第二圈 Here is the precious wheel 宝轮, Here is the precious jewel 如意宝珠, Here is the precious queen 王后宝, Here is the precious minister 大臣宝, Kor-Lo Rin-Po Che Nor-Bu Rin-Po Che Tsun-Mo Rin-Po Che Lon-Po Rin-Po Che Here is the precious elephant 象宝 , Here is the precious and best of horses 马宝, Here is the precious general 将军宝, Here is the great treasure vase 大藏瓶宝。

15. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 15 Chi-Chag Ri-Kor Yug-Gi Kor-Wai U-Su First Ring 第一圈 In the centre, the king of mountains, Mount Meru 居中山王须弥山 In the east, the continent Purvavideha 东胜神洲处东方, In the south, Jambudvipa 南瞻部洲南方住, In the west, Aparagodaniya 西牛贺洲置西边, Ri-Gyal Po-Ri Rab Shar Lu-Pag-Po Lho Dzam-Bu-Ling Nub Ba-Lang-Cho In the north, Uttarakuru 北俱盧洲在北边。 Around the east, the sub-continents Deha and Videha 东方身洲及胜洲, Around the south, Camara and Aparacamara 南方拂洲、别拂洲, Around the west, Satha and Uttaramantrin 小行洲、胜道行洲,两小洲位 处西方, Jang Dra-Mi-Nyan Lu-Dang Lu-Pag Nga-Yab-Dang Nga-Yab-Zhan Yo-Dan-Dang Lam-Chog-Dro Around the north, the sub-continents Kurava and Kaurava 北方有声不美 洲,及彼身不美洲, In the east is the treasure mountain 宝山, In the south is the wish-granting tree 如意树, In the west is the wish-granting cow 随欲宝牛, In the north is the harvest that needs no cultivation 自长粮谷。 Dra-Mi Nyen-Dang Dra-Mi-Nyen Gyi Da Rin-Po-Che Ri-Wo Pag Sam-Gyi-Shing Do Jo-I Ba Ma-Mo Pa-I Lo-Tog

30. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 30 Chi-Chag Ri-Kor Yug-Gi Kor-Wai U-Su First Ring 第一圈 In the centre, the king of mountains, Mount Meru 居中山王须弥山 In the east, the continent Purvavideha 东胜神洲处东方, In the south, Jambudvipa 南瞻部洲南方住, In the west, Aparagodaniya 西牛贺洲置西边, Ri-Gyal Po-Ri Rab Shar Lu-Pag-Po Lho Dzam-Bu-Ling Nub Ba-Lang-Cho In the north, Uttarakuru 北俱盧洲在北边。 Around the east, the sub-continents Deha and Videha 东方身洲及胜洲, Around the south, Camara and Aparacamara 南方拂洲、别拂洲, Around the west, Satha and Uttaramantrin 小行洲、胜道行洲,两小洲位 处西方, Jang Dra-Mi-Nyan Lu-Dang Lu-Pag Nga-Yab-Dang Nga-Yab-Zhan Yo-Dan-Dang Lam-Chog-Dro Around the north, the sub-continents Kurava and Kaurava 北方有声不美 洲,及彼身不美洲, In the east is the treasure mountain 宝山, In the south is the wish-granting tree 如意树, In the west is the wish-granting cow 随欲宝牛, In the north is the harvest that needs no cultivation 自长粮谷。 Dra-Mi Nyen-Dang Dra-Mi-Nyen Gyi Da Rin-Po-Che Ri-Wo Pag Sam-Gyi-Shing Do Jo-I Ba Ma-Mo Pa-I Lo-Tog

44. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 44 Chi-Chag Ri-Kor Yug-Gi Kor-Wai U-Su First Ring 第一圈 In the centre, the king of mountains, Mount Meru 居中山王须弥山 In the east, the continent Purvavideha 东胜神洲处东方, In the south, Jambudvipa 南瞻部洲南方住, In the west, Aparagodaniya 西牛贺洲置西边, Ri-Gyal Po-Ri Rab Shar Lu-Pag-Po Lho Dzam-Bu-Ling Nub Ba-Lang-Cho In the north, Uttarakuru 北俱盧洲在北边。 Around the east, the sub-continents Deha and Videha 东方身洲及胜洲, Around the south, Camara and Aparacamara 南方拂洲、别拂洲, Around the west, Satha and Uttaramantrin 小行洲、胜道行洲,两小洲位 处西方, Jang Dra-Mi-Nyan Lu-Dang Lu-Pag Nga-Yab-Dang Nga-Yab-Zhan Yo-Dan-Dang Lam-Chog-Dro Around the north, the sub-continents Kurava and Kaurava 北方有声不美 洲,及彼身不美洲, In the east is the treasure mountain 宝山, In the south is the wish-granting tree 如意树, In the west is the wish-granting cow 随欲宝牛, In the north is the harvest that needs no cultivation 自长粮谷。 Dra-Mi Nyen-Dang Dra-Mi-Nyen Gyi Da Rin-Po-Che Ri-Wo Pag Sam-Gyi-Shing Do Jo-I Ba Ma-Mo Pa-I Lo-Tog

10. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 10 Lang-Po Rin-Po Che Ta-Chog Rin-Po Che Mag-Pon Rin-Po Che Ter-Chen Po-i Pum-Ba Third Ring 第三圈 Here is the goddess of beauty 姿天女, Here is the goddess of garlands 鬘天女, Here is the goddess of song 歌天女, Here is the goddess of dance 舞天女, Geg-Ma Treng-Wa-Ma Lu-Ma Gar-Ma Here is the goddess of flowers 花天女, Here is the goddess of incense 香天女, Here is the goddess of light 灯天女, Here is the goddess of perfume 涂天女。 Me-Tog-Ma Dug-Po-Ma Nang-Sel-Ma Dri-Chab-Ma Top Ring 顶圈 Here is the sun; Here is the moon 日﹐月﹐ Here is the umbrella of all that is precious 珍异宝伞, Here is the banner of victory in all directions 制伏一切十方幢, Nyi-Ma Da-Wa Rin-Po-Che Dug Chog-Lay Nam-Par Gyal-Way Gyal-Tsan In the centre are all the possessions precious to gods and men This magnificent collection, lacking in nothing

16. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 16 Second Ring 第二圈 Here is the precious wheel 宝轮, Here is the precious jewel 如意宝珠, Here is the precious queen 王后宝, Here is the precious minister 大臣宝, Kor-Lo Rin-Po Che Nor-Bu Rin-Po Che Tsun-Mo Rin-Po Che Lon-Po Rin-Po Che Here is the precious elephant 象宝 , Here is the precious and best of horses 马宝, Here is the precious general 将军宝, Here is the great treasure vase 大藏瓶宝。 Lang-Po Rin-Po Che Ta-Chog Rin-Po Che Mag-Pon Rin-Po Che Ter-Chen Po-i Pum-Ba Third Ring 第三圈 Here is the goddess of beauty 姿天女, Here is the goddess of garlands 鬘天女, Here is the goddess of song 歌天女, Here is the goddess of dance 舞天女, Geg-Ma Treng-Wa-Ma Lu-Ma Gar-Ma Here is the goddess of flowers 花天女, Here is the goddess of incense 香天女, Here is the goddess of light 灯天女, Here is the goddess of perfume 涂天女。

31. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 31 Second Ring 第二圈 Here is the precious wheel 宝轮, Here is the precious jewel 如意宝珠, Here is the precious queen 王后宝, Here is the precious minister 大臣宝, Kor-Lo Rin-Po Che Nor-Bu Rin-Po Che Tsun-Mo Rin-Po Che Lon-Po Rin-Po Che Here is the precious elephant 象宝 , Here is the precious and best of horses 马宝, Here is the precious general 将军宝, Here is the great treasure vase 大藏瓶宝。 Lang-Po Rin-Po Che Ta-Chog Rin-Po Che Mag-Pon Rin-Po Che Ter-Chen Po-i Pum-Ba Third Ring 第三圈 Here is the goddess of beauty 姿天女, Here is the goddess of garlands 鬘天女, Here is the goddess of song 歌天女, Here is the goddess of dance 舞天女, Geg-Ma Treng-Wa-Ma Lu-Ma Gar-Ma Here is the goddess of flowers 花天女, Here is the goddess of incense 香天女, Here is the goddess of light 灯天女, Here is the goddess of perfume 涂天女。

45. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 45 Second Ring 第二圈 Here is the precious wheel 宝轮, Here is the precious jewel 如意宝珠, Here is the precious queen 王后宝, Here is the precious minister 大臣宝, Kor-Lo Rin-Po Che Nor-Bu Rin-Po Che Tsun-Mo Rin-Po Che Lon-Po Rin-Po Che Here is the precious elephant 象宝 , Here is the precious and best of horses 马宝, Here is the precious general 将军宝, Here is the great treasure vase 大藏瓶宝。 Lang-Po Rin-Po Che Ta-Chog Rin-Po Che Mag-Pon Rin-Po Che Ter-Chen Po-i Pum-Ba Third Ring 第三圈 Here is the goddess of beauty 姿天女, Here is the goddess of garlands 鬘天女, Here is the goddess of song 歌天女, Here is the goddess of dance 舞天女, Geg-Ma Treng-Wa-Ma Lu-Ma Gar-Ma Here is the goddess of flowers 花天女, Here is the goddess of incense 香天女, Here is the goddess of light 灯天女, Here is the goddess of perfume 涂天女。

58. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 58 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Navidya Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 尼威牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Shabda Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 夏达巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Om Ah Hung 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 嗡 阿 吽 Praise 度母赞 Worldly gods and non-worldly gods, bow their crowns to your lotus feet, You who rescue from all poverty, Mother Tara, to you I prostrate. 天与非天以顶冠, 虔礼双足莲花下, 拯度出离诸贫困, 於救度母恭敬礼。 Lha-Dang Lha-Min Cho-Pen-Gyi Zhab-Nyi Pay-Mo La-Tu-Nay Pong-Pa Kun-Lay Drol-Dzay-May Drol-Ma Yum-La Chag-Tsel-Lo Prayers 祈请文 Venerable Arya Tara and your retinue, Please bless me with the affection, Of your non-referential compassion, So I may be able to fulfill all my wishes without obstacles. 至尊圣母及眷属,无缘大悲护念我, 如我所祈求之事,无碍成就祈加持。 Je-Tsun Pag-Ma Kor-Dang-Chay Mig-Me Tug-Je Tser-Gong-La Dag-Gi Ji-Tar Sol-Way-Don Geg-Me Drub-Par Jin-Gyi-Lob Let the teachings and practice of the victorious ones in general And the doctrine of Losang in particular spread to the ten directions.

8. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 8 Gyal-Wa Say-Che Nam-La Chag-Tsel-Lo Ngo-Sham Yi-Trul Cho-Pa Ma-Lu-Bul Tog-Me Nay-Sag Dig-Tung Tam-Chay-Shag Kye-Pag Ge-Wa Nam-La Je-Yi-Rang Kor-Wa Ma-Tong Bar-Du Leg-Shug-Nay Dro-La Cho-Kyi Kor-Lo Kor-Wa-Dang Dag-Zhen Ge-Nam Jang-Chub Chen-Por-Ngo Long Mandala Offering 供曼达拉 Om Ah Hung 嗡 啊 吽 ( x 3 ) Om Vajraground Ah Hung, 嗡 金刚地基 啊 吽 , Here is the mighty and powerful base of gold, 奇妙黄金宝地 , Om Vajraline Ah Hung, 嗡 金刚围篱 啊 吽 , The outer ring is encircled with this iron fence, 铁围山绕四周 , Om Bendza Bhu-Mi Ah-Hung Wang-Chen Ser-Gyi Sa-Zhi Om Benza Re-Ke Ah-Hung Chi-Chag Ri-Kor Yug-Gi Kor-Wai U-Su First Ring 第一圈 In the centre, the king of mountains, Mount Meru 居中山王须弥山 In the east, the continent Purvavideha 东胜神洲处东方, In the south, Jambudvipa 南瞻部洲南方住, In the west, Aparagodaniya 西牛贺洲置西边, Ri-Gyal Po-Ri Rab Shar Lu-Pag-Po Lho Dzam-Bu-Ling Nub Ba-Lang-Cho In the north, Uttarakuru 北俱盧洲在北边。 Around the east, the sub-continents Deha and Videha 东方身洲及胜洲, Around the south, Camara and Aparacamara 南方拂洲、别拂洲,

19. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 19 Prayer 祈求文 Let me and all those who need protection, Come under the supreme giving gesture of your right hand, As well as the refuge-granting gesture, That liberates from all fears. 右手施胜之手印,转为救施印之下, 我及诸需护者入,离诸怖畏得安慰。 Chay-Yay Chog-Jin Chag-Gya-Nyi Kyab-Jin Chag-Gyar Gyur-Pay-Og Dag-Dang Sung-Ja Kun-Tsu-Nay Jip-Pa Kun-Lay Ug-Yung Gyur 21 Praises to Tara 二十一度母礼赞文 *Recite 2 times 念诵两遍 ( English, Chinese or Tibetan 英、华或藏语 ) OM I prostrate to the noble transcendent liberator. 嗡 我向至尊圣者度母归命礼。 1 Homage! Tara, Swift, Heroic! 敬礼速疾奋勇度母, Eyes Like Lightning Instantaneous! 目如刹那电光闪照, Sprung From Op'ning Stamens Of The 彼乃三界怙主观音, Lord Of Three World's Tear-Born Lotus! 泪海中盛莲华所生。 2 Homage! She Whose Face Combines A 敬礼百秋朗月度母, Hundred Autumn Moons At Fullest! 圆满遍照无垢容貌, Blazing With Light Rays Resplendent 如千星宿俱时聚集, As A Thousand Star Collection! 发出炽然耀眼威光。 3 Homage! Golden-Blue One, Lotus 敬礼紫磨金色度母, Water Born, In Hand Adorned! 殊妙莲华庄严素手, Giving, Effort, Calm, Austerities, 与施精勤调伏喜静, Patience, Meditation Her Sphere! 忍禅究竟智慧无二。

34. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 34 Request 祈求文 Let me and all those who need protection, Come under the supreme giving gesture of your right hand, As well as the refuge-granting gesture, That liberates from all fears. 右手施胜之手印,转为救施印之下, 我及诸需护者入,离诸怖畏得安慰。 Chay-Yay Chog-Jin Chag-Gya-Nyi Kyab-Jin Chag-Gyar Gyur-Pay-Og Dag-Dang Sung-Ja Kun-Tsu-Nay Jip-Pa Kun-Lay Ug-Yung Gyur 21 Praises to Tara 二十一度母礼赞文 *Recite 3 times 念诵三遍 ( English, Chinese or Tibetan 英、华或藏语 ) OM I prostrate to the noble transcendent liberator. 嗡 我向至尊圣者度母归命礼。 1 Homage! Tara, Swift, Heroic! 敬礼速疾奋勇度母, Eyes Like Lightning Instantaneous! 目如刹那电光闪照, Sprung From Op'ning Stamens Of The 彼乃三界怙主观音, Lord Of Three World's Tear-Born Lotus! 泪海中盛莲华所生。 2 Homage! She Whose Face Combines A 敬礼百秋朗月度母, Hundred Autumn Moons At Fullest! 圆满遍照无垢容貌, Blazing With Light Rays Resplendent 如千星宿俱时聚集, As A Thousand Star Collection! 发出炽然耀眼威光。 3 Homage! Golden-Blue One, Lotus 敬礼紫磨金色度母, Water Born, In Hand Adorned! 殊妙莲华庄严素手, Giving, Effort, Calm, Austerities, 与施精勤调伏喜静, Patience, Meditation Her Sphere! 忍禅究竟智慧无二。

48. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 48 Flow of Nectar 观想文 From Tara’s holy body, a stream of nectar flows, And enters the crown of the beneficiary and myself, Completely filling our bodies, And granting all blessings. 圣身降下甘露水,入我及需护者顶, 充满我等众身中,加持无余皆进入。 Ku-lay Du-Tsi Chu-Gyun-Bab Rang-dang Sung-Jay Chi-Wo-Nay Zhug-Te Lu-Kun Gang-Wa-Yi Jin-Lab Ma-Lu Zhug-Par-Gyur 21 Praises to Tara 二十一度母礼赞文 *Recite 7 times 念诵七遍 ( English, Chinese or Tibetan 英、华或藏语 ) OM I prostrate to the noble transcendent liberator. 嗡 我向至尊圣者度母归命礼。 1 Homage! Tara, Swift, Heroic! 敬礼速疾奋勇度母, Eyes Like Lightning Instantaneous! 目如刹那电光闪照, Sprung From Op'ning Stamens Of The 彼乃三界怙主观音, Lord Of Three World's Tear-Born Lotus! 泪海中盛莲华所生。 2 Homage! She Whose Face Combines A 敬礼百秋朗月度母, Hundred Autumn Moons At Fullest! 圆满遍照无垢容貌, Blazing With Light Rays Resplendent 如千星宿俱时聚集, As A Thousand Star Collection! 发出炽然耀眼威光。 3 Homage! Golden-Blue One, Lotus 敬礼紫磨金色度母, Water Born, In Hand Adorned! 殊妙莲华庄严素手, Giving, Effort, Calm, Austerities, 与施精勤调伏喜静, Patience, Meditation Her Sphere! 忍禅究竟智慧无二。

2. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 2 Notes 注解 : Those who has taken Tara initiation, shall arise as deity. 如已受过度母 灌顶者,应幻化为度母。 Preparation 准备事项 : 1) Tara Statue 度母金身。 2) 4 sets of 8 water bowls / 4 套八供 (water 水 , water 水 , flower 花 , incense 香 , candle 灯 , perfume 香 , food 食物 , conch shell 海螺 ) 3) 4 plates of fruits / 4 盘水果。 4) 4 mandala sets / 4 套曼达拉 (optional 如有 ) 5) The eight auspicious symbols 八吉祥物 , the eight auspicious substances, the seven possessions of the chakravartin and the five offerings of sensory enjoyments. (optional) 6) Loose flowers for sprinkling during puja. 鲜花用于法会上。 Mandala set up 曼达摆设 1 2 3 4 5 Water Bowl start from your Right to Left 水 供开始于您的右至左

60. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 60 Please grant your blessings that realizations of the three principles of the path And two stages may quickly be completed. 寿祥受用福德增,息灭一切不善念, 圣道三要二次第,速捷圆成诸修证。 Tse-Pel Long-Cho So-Nam Pel Mi-Ge Tog-Pa Kun-Zhi-Zhing Lam-Tso Sum-Dang Rim-Nyi Kyi Nyam-Tog Nyur-Du Tar-Chin-Dzo From now until the essence of enlightenment I have no other refuge than you Bless me and care for me As a mother does for her only child. 直至菩提心要前,除汝无他皈依处, 犹如慈母眷独子,祈请摄受赐加持。 Di-Nay Jang-Chub Nying-Po-Bar Kyo-Min Kyab-Nay Zhen-Me-Pay Bu-Chig Po-La Ma-Yin-Zhin Je-Zung Jin-Gyi Lab-Tu-Sol Hundred-Syllable Mantra (Confession of faults in the recitation) 百字明补阙 ( x 3 ) Om Pema Satto Samaya / Manu Palaya / Pema Satto Teno Patita / Dridho Me Bhawa / Sutto Kayo Me Bhawa / Supo Kayo Me Bhawa / Anurakto Me Bhawa Sarwa Siddhi Me Prayatza / Sarwa Karma Sutza Me / Tzitam Shriyam Kuru Hung / Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho Bhagawan / Sarwa Tathagata Pema Ma Me Muntsa / Pema Bhawa / Maha Samaya Satto Ah Hung Phet 嗡 贝玛萨埵 萨麻雅 / 麻努巴拉雅 / 贝玛萨埵 嗲那巴 帝他 / 帝多美帕 哇 / 苏多卡唷 美帕哇 / 苏波 卡唷 美帕哇 / 阿努啦多 美帕哇 萨哇 悉提 美巴雅杂 / 萨哇 噶麻 苏杂美 / 吉当 师利养 沽噜吽 / 哈哈哈哈货 帕噶 万 / 萨哇 答他噶答 贝玛 麻美 木杂 / 贝玛 帕哇 / 麻哈 萨麻呀 萨埵 阿 吽 佩

57. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 57 It will pacify all the sufferings of torments Caused by spirits, fevers, and poisons, And by other beings as well. 完全断除魑魅疫疬,毒药折磨种种痛苦, 于他有情亦复如是,若诵二三七遍赞文。 Don-Dang Rim-Dang Dug-Gi Zir-Way Dul-Ngel Thsog-Ni Nam-Par Pong-Te Sem-Chen Zhen-Pa Nam-La Yang-Ngo Nyi-Sum Dun-Du Ngon-Par Jo-Na If you wish for a child, you will get a child; If you wish for wealth, you will receive wealth. All your wishes will be fulfilled And all obstacles pacified. 欲求子女即得子女,欲求财报获诸财宝, 所有愿望皆能获得,愿无诸障碍皆摧毁。 Bu-Do Pay-Ni Bu-Thob Gyur-Zhing Nor-Do Pay-Ni Nor-Nam Nyi-Tob Do-Pa Tam-Chay Tob-Par Gyur-La Geg-Nam Me-Ching So-Sor Jom-Gyur-Ching Outer and Inner Offerings 献内、外供 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Argham Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 阿冈 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Padyam Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 班牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Pushpe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 布悲 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Dhupe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 杜悲 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Aloke Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 阿楼給 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Gandhe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 谦牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈

7. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 7 Offerings to the Field of Merit 供养资粮田 Om Sarwa Tathagata Sapariwara Argham Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 萨瓦 达塔噶答 萨巴理瓦拉 阿冈 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Sarwa Tathagata Sapariwara Padyam Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 萨瓦 达塔噶答 萨巴理瓦拉 班牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Sarwa Tathagata Sapariwara Pushpe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 萨瓦 达塔噶答 萨巴理瓦拉 布悲 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Sarwa Tathagata Sapariwara Dhupe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 萨瓦 达塔噶答 萨巴理瓦拉 杜悲 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Sarwa Tathagata Sapariwara Aloke Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 萨瓦 达塔噶答 萨巴理瓦拉 阿楼給 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Sarwa Tathagata Sapariwara Gandhe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 萨瓦 达塔噶答 萨巴理瓦拉 谦牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Sarwa Tathagata Sapariwara Navidya Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 萨瓦 达塔噶答 萨巴理瓦拉 尼威牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Sarwa Tathagata Sapariwara Shabda Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 萨瓦 达塔噶答 萨巴理瓦拉 夏达巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Sarwa Tathagata Sapariwara Om Ah Hung 嗡 萨瓦 达塔噶答 萨巴理瓦拉 嗡 阿 吽 The Seven Limbs 七支供养 To the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, I prostrate, And present clouds of every type of offering, actual and mentally-transformed I confess all my negative actions accumulated since beginningless time, And rejoice in the virtues of all holy and ordinary beings. Please remain until cyclic existence ends, And turn the wheel of Dharma for sentient beings. I dedicate all the virtues of myself and others to the great enlightenment. 诸佛菩萨我等恭礼敬, 尽奉实陈意现供养云, 忏悔无始累积诸罪堕, 随喜凡夫圣者各善业, 生死未尽恭请常安住, 并祈为诸众生转法轮, 回向自他功德於菩提。

13. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 13 1 st Round 第一回 Praise 度母赞 ( x 7 ) Worldly gods and non-worldly gods, bow their crowns to your lotus feet, You who rescue from all poverty, Mother Tara, to you I prostrate. 天与非天以顶冠, 虔礼双足莲花下, 拯度出离诸贫困, 於救度母恭敬礼。 Lha-Dang Lha-Min Cho-Pen-Gyi Zhab-Nyi Pay-Mo La-Tu-Nay Pong-Pa Kun-Lay Drol-Dzay-May Drol-Ma Yum-La Chag-Tsel-Lo Offerings to Tara 供养度母 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Argham Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 阿冈 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Padyam Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 班牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Pushpe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 布悲 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Dhupe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 杜悲 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Aloke Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 阿楼給 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Gandhe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 谦牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Navidya Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 尼威牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Shabda Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 夏达巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Om Ah Hung 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 嗡 阿 吽

28. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 28 2 nd Round 第二回 Praise 度母赞 ( x 7 ) Worldly gods and non-worldly gods, bow their crowns to your lotus feet, You who rescue from all poverty, Mother Tara, to you I prostrate. 天与非天以顶冠, 虔礼双足莲花下, 拯度出离诸贫困, 於救度母恭敬礼。 Lha-Dang Lha-Min Cho-Pen-Gyi Zhab-Nyi Pay-Mo La-Tu-Nay Pong-Pa Kun-Lay Drol-Dzay-May Drol-Ma Yum-La Chag-Tsel-Lo Offerings to Tara 供养度母 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Argham Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 阿冈 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Padyam Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 班牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Pushpe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 布悲 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Dhupe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 杜悲 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Aloke Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 阿楼給 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Gandhe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 谦牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Neude Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 尼威牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Shabda Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 夏达巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Om Ah Hung 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 嗡 阿 吽

42. The Four Mandala To Cittamani Tara 如意珠度母四曼达 42 3 rd Round 第三回 Praise 度母赞 ( x 7 ) Worldly gods and non-worldly gods, bow their crowns to your lotus feet, You who rescue from all poverty, Mother Tara, to you I prostrate. 天与非天以顶冠, 虔礼双足莲花下, 拯度出离诸贫困, 於救度母恭敬礼。 Lha-Dang Lha-Min Cho-Pen-Gyi Zhab-Nyi Pay-Mo La-Tu-Nay Pong-Pa Kun-Lay Drol-Dzay-May Drol-Ma Yum-La Chag-Tsel-Lo Offerings to Tara 供养度母 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Argham Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 阿冈 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Padyam Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 班牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Pushpe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 布悲 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Dhupe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 杜悲 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Aloke Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 阿楼給 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Gandhe Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 谦牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Navidya Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 尼威牒 巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Shabda Pratitsa Hung Svaha 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 夏达巴底杂 吽 娑哈 Om Arya Tare Sapariwara Om Ah Hung 嗡 阿雅 达惹 萨巴理瓦拉 嗡 阿 吽


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