Nine Preliminaries

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1. Nine Preliminaries (1) 九加行之 ( 一 ) Refuge 皈依

2. 2

14. 14 The Heart Sutra Thus have I heard. Once the Blessed One was dwelling in Rajagriha at Vulture Peak mountain, together with a great gathering of the sangha of monks and a great gathering of the sangha of bodhisattvas. At that time the Blessed One entered the samadhi that e xpresses the dharma called "profound illumination," and at the same time noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahasattva, while practicing the profound prajnaparamita, saw in this way: he saw the five skandhas to be empty of nature. Then, through the p ower of the Buddha, venerable Shariputra said to noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahasattva, "How should a son or daughter of noble family train, who wishes to practice the profound prajnaparamita?" Addressed in this way, noble Avalokiteshvara, th e bodhisattva mahasattva, said to venerable Shariputra, "O Shariputra, a son or daughter of noble family who wishes to practice the profound prajnaparamita should see in this way: seeing the five skandhas to be empty of nature. Form is emptiness; emptiness also is form. Emptiness is no other than form; form is no other than emptiness. In the same way, feeling, perception, formation, and consciousness are emptiness. Thus, Shariputra, all dharmas are emptiness. There are no characteristics. There is no birth and no cessation. There is no impurity and no purity. There is no decrease and no increase. Therefore, Shariputra, in emptiness, there is no form, no feeling, no perception, no formation, no consciousness; no eye, no ear, no nose, no tongue, no body, no mind; no appearance, no sound, no smell, no taste, no touch, no dharmas, no eye dhatu up to no mind dhatu, no dhatu of dharmas, no mind consciousness dhatu; no ignorance, no end of ignorance up to no old age and death, no end of old age and death; no suffe ring, no origin of suffering, no cessation of suffering, no path, no wisdom, no attainment, and no non -

15. 15 attainment. Therefore, Shariputra, since the bodhisattvas have no attainment, they abide by means of prajnaparamita. Since there is no obscuration of m ind, there is no fear. They transcend falsity and attai n complete nirvana. All the B uddhas of the three times, by means of prajnaparamita, fully awaken to unsurpassable, true, complete enlightenment. Therefore, the great mantra of prajnaparamita, the mantr a of great insight, the unsurpassed mantra, the unequaled mantra, the mantra that calms all suffering, should be known as truth, since there is no deception. The prajnaparamita mantra is said in this way: T ayatha ( Om ) Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi S o ha Thus, Shariputra, the bodhisattva mahasattva should train in the profound prajnaparamita. Then the Blessed One arose from that samadhi and praised noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahasattva, saying, "Good, good, O son of n oble family; thus it is, O son of noble family, thus it is. One should practice the profound prajnaparamita just as you have taught and all the tathagatas will rejoice." When the Blessed One had said this, venerable Shariputra and noble Avalokiteshvara, the bodhisattva mahasattva, that whole assembly and the world with its gods, humans, asuras, and gandharvas rejoiced and praised the words of the Blessed One.

11. 11 Please remain until samsara is empty Kor - Wa Ma - Tong Bar - Du Leg - Zhuk Nay 生死未尽恭请常安住 And turn the wheel of Dharma for sentient beings! Dro - La Cho - Kyi Kor - Lo Kor - Wa Dang 并祈为诸众生转法轮 I dedicate all the virtues of others and myself to the great Enlightenment Dag - Zhen Gay - Nam Jang - Chub Chen - Por Ngo 回 向自他功德於菩提

16. 16 般 若波罗蜜多心经 唐三藏法师玄奘译 般若波罗密多心经。观自在菩萨 。 行深般若波罗蜜多 时。照见五蕴皆空 。 度一切苦厄。舍利子。色不异 空。空不异色。色即是空。空即是色。受想行识 。 亦 复如是。舍利子。是诸法空相。不生不灭。不垢不 净。不增不减。是故空中无色 。 无受想行识。无眼耳 鼻舌身意。无色声香味触法。无眼界。乃至无意识 界。无无明 。 亦无无明尽。乃至无老死。亦无老死 尽。无苦集灭道 。 无智亦无得 。 以无所得故。菩提萨 陲 。 依般若波罗蜜多故。 心无挂碍。无挂碍故 。 无有恐 怖。远离颠倒梦想 。 究竟涅盘。三世诸佛 。 依般若波 罗蜜多故。得阿耨多罗三藐三菩提。 故知般若波罗蜜 多。 是大神咒 。 是大明咒 。 是无上咒。是无等等咒 。 能除一切苦 。 真实不虚。 故说般若波罗蜜多咒。即说咒 曰 。 揭谛揭谛 。 波罗揭谛。 波罗僧揭谛。菩提娑婆诃。

35. 35 About Thekchen Choling Thekchen Choling (Singapore) is a temple which operates 24 by 7 daily. Our services include blessing for newborn babies, marriage blessings, pujas for q uick recovery from illness and career success, Chinese and Tibetan funeral services and so on. Please contact us for more details. Thekchen Choling (Singapore) Address: 2 Beatty Lane Singapore 209945 Tel: +65 6466 3720 Fax: +65 6465 6736 Email: Website: FB: and SinghaRinpoche Thekchen Choling Branches : Thekchen Choling (Malaysia) Address: Lot 691 Tai Hong Village, Kota Tinggi 81900 Johor, Malaysia Tel: +607 8822391 Hp: +601 1111493691 FB: Thekchen Choling (Melaka) Address: 40, Jalan Pandan Inda h 1, Taman Pandan Indah, 75250 Melaka Malaysia Tel: +606 2406986 Email: FB: face Thekchen Choling USA (Syracuse) Address: 109 East Ave , Minoa, New York 13116 USA Tel: +1 315 682 0702 FB:

23. 23 My body, my wealth and enjoyments, Dra - Nyen Bar - Sum Lu - Dang Long - Cho Che 怨 亲中庸色身用具等, Without any sense of loss I offer this collection, Pang - Pa Me - Par Bul - Gyi Leg - Zhe Nay 我均无吝奉上 愿 享 受, Please accept it with pleasure and bless me with freedom from the three poisons. Dug - Sum Rang - Sar Drol - War Jin - Gyi Lob 加持我他当下渡三毒。 I send forth this jewelled mandala to you, oh my precious Gurus Om Idam Guru Ratna Mandalakam Nirya Tayami 嗡 伊当 沽鲁 拉那 曼答拉甘 尼雅答雅蜜

6. 6 Rejoicing And Rememberin g The Benefit’s Of Bodhicitta 常怀随喜菩提之益 This day is my life fruitful Deng - Du Dak - Tse Dra - Bu Yo 此今此世具意义 Well was human existence won Mi - Yi Si - Pa Lek - Par Top 难能可贵得人身 I am born today in the Buddha’s line De - Ring Sang - Gya Rik - Su Kye 今日出世于佛族 Now I have become a Buddha’s son Sang - Gya Sa - Su Da Gyur - To 今已此刻成佛子 Now I must by all means start Da - Ni Dak - Gi Chi - Na - Kyang 始于今日与今时 Actions befitting this lineage Rik - Dang Tun - Pai La - Tsam - Te 行为依据此传承 Acting so that this noble line Kyon - Me Tsun - Pai Rik Di - La 跟随诸佛子之行 Without a fault will not be sullied Nyok - Par Mi - Gyur De - Tar Ja 不污上师之家族

13. 13 Power Of The Truth 谛力加持 Hung ! By the power of truth of the Three Jewels Kon - Chog Sum - Gyi Den - Pa - Dang 吽 ! 愿以三宝谛实力 By the inspiration of all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas Sang - Gye - Dang Jang - Chup Sem - Pa Tam - Che - Kyi Jin - Gyi Lap - Dang 诸佛菩萨加持力 By the power of the great might of the completed two collections Tsok - Nyi Yong - Su Dzok - Pay Nga - Tang Chen - Po - Dang 福慧圆满威德力 And of the completely pure and inconceivable sphere of reality Cho - Kyi Ying Nam - Par Dag - Ching Sam - Gyi Mi Kyab - Pay Top - Kyi 法界清净不可思议力 May these offerings become suchness! De - Zhin Nyi - Du Gyur - Chik! 化成如是 !

26. 26 Vajra Sattva Hundred Syllabus Long Mantra 长 百字明咒 (x 7) Om Bendza Satto Samaya / Manu Palaya / Bendza Satto Teno Patita / Dridho Me Bhawa / Sutto Kayo Me Bhawa / Supo Kayo Me Bhawa / Anurakto Me Bhawa Sarwa Siddhi Me Prayatza / Sarwa Ka rma Sutza Me / Tzitam Shriyam Kuru Hung / Ha Ha Ha Ha Ho Bhagawan / Sarwa Tathagata Bendza Ma Me Muntsa / Bendza Bhawa / Maha Samaya Satto Ah Hung Phet 嗡 本杂萨埵 萨麻雅 麻努巴拉雅 本杂萨埵 嗲 那巴帝他 帝多美帕哇 苏多卡唷 美帕哇 苏波 卡唷 美帕哇 阿努啦多 美帕哇 萨哇 悉提美 巴雅杂 萨哇 噶麻 苏杂美 吉当师利养 沽噜 吽 哈哈哈哈货 帕噶万 萨哇 答他噶答 本杂 麻美 木杂 本杂 帕哇 麻哈 萨麻呀 萨 埵 阿 吽 佩 Vajra Sattva Short Mantra 短 百字明咒 (x 21 ) Om Bendza Satto Hung 嗡 本杂 萨埵 吽

25. 25 Mantra And Visualisation 念诵心咒与观想 Tayatha Om Muni Muni Maha Muni Ye Soha 达雅他 嗡 牟尼 牟尼 玛哈 牟尼耶 梭哈 (x 21 or 108 times ) (Visualise the go lden lights from Shakyamuni Buddha enter into oneself and all other sentient beings and oneself and countless sentient beings in all realms feel a sense of great happiness, relief and liberation as negativity,obscurations, bad karma and spirit harms are purifi ed. 观想 释迦牟尼佛发出金光进入我身与一切众 生,一切众生与我在六道中 , 皆感到无比的欢喜和解脱如 : 消 极,障碍,恶业及邪灵骚扰都一一净除 ) (First, recite 1 set of refuge, then recite on Namo Gurubhya for 111,111 times. Once completed 111,111 times, then, you may recite Namo Buddhaya ( 先念诵一套皈依 文, 后才念诵 Namo Gurubhya 111,111 次 。念诵好 Namo Gurubhya 111 , 111 次后, 才 接着 念诵 Namo Buddhaya ... 如 以下 ): Namo Gurubhya (x 111,111) Namo Buddhaya (x 111,111) Namo Dharmaya (x 111,111) Namo Sanghaya (x 111,111)

19. 19 Second Ring 第二圈 18 Here is the precious wheel Kor - Lo Rin - Po Che 宝 轮, 19 Here is the precious jewel Nor - Bu Rin - Po Che 如意宝珠, 20 Here is the precious queen Tsun - Mo Rin - Po Che 王后宝, 21 Here is the precious minister Lon - Po Rin - Po Che 大臣宝, 22 Here is the precious elephant Lang - Po Rin - Po Che 象宝, 23 Here is the precious and best of horses Ta - Chog Rin - Po Che 马宝, 24 Here is the precious general Mag - Pon Rin - Po Che 将 军宝, 25 Here is the great treasure vase Ter - Chen Po - i Pum - Ba 大藏瓶宝。 Third Ring 第三圈 26 Here is the goddess of beauty Geg - Ma 姿天女,

24. 24 Homage To The Buddha 释迦佛赞 ( x 3, 7, 21 or more ) (Visualise golden light from the heart of Shakyamuni Buddha flowing into you and inspiring oneself as you recite this mantra 在念诵时,观想金色的光从释 迦牟尼佛心中流向您,激励您 ) Guru, Master, Bhagavan La - Ma Ton - Pa Chom - Dan Day 上师 , 如来 , 薄伽梵 , Tathagata Day - Zhin Sheg - Pa 应供 Arhant Dra - Chom Pa 正等觉 Complete and Perfect Buddha Yang - Dag - Pa Dzog - Pay Sang - Gye 吉祥胜者 Glorious Conqueror Sakyamuni Pal - Gyal - Wa - Shakya Tup - Pa - La 释迦牟尼佛前 To you I prostrate, go for refuge Chag - Tsal - Ching Kyap - Su Chi - Wo 顶礼、供养、归依, And make offering, please grant your inspiration Cho - Do Jin - Gyi Lap - Tu Sol 伏请加持 !

33. 33 Blazes for a long time Ten - Pa Yun - Ring Bar - Gyur - Chig 教法永驻盛增长 Special Requesting Prayer 特别祈请文 Through the power of my Guru and effort of prac tice, may all sentient beings and my own wishes, both Dharma and w orldly be fulfilled immediately . May all be auspicious! 通过上师的加持与精进修持,愿一切众生与我的祈愿, 即佛法与世间法皆能立即如愿。愿一切吉祥如意 ! Migstema Prayer 无 缘悲心 (x 3) Avalokiteshvara, great treasure of non - objectifying compassion; Mig - May Tser - Way Ter - Chen Chen - Re Zig 无 缘 悲心大藏 观 世音 Manjushri, powerful and stainless wisdom; Dri - May Kyen - Pay Wang - Po Jam - Pel Yang 无垢智慧主尊妙吉祥 Tsong Khapa, crown ornament of the learned ones in t he snowland; Gang - Chen Kay - Pay Tsug - Kyen Tsong - Kha Pa 雪 乡 学 者 顶饰 宗 喀 巴 Losang Dragpa, I make request at your feet. Lo - Zang Drag - Pay Zhab - La Sol - Wa Deb 罗 桑札巴足下我祈 请 May All Be Auspicious!

20. 20 27 Here is the goddess of garlands Treng - Wa - Ma 鬘天 女, 28 Here is the goddess of song Lu - Ma 歌 天 女, 29 Here is the goddess of dance Gar - Ma 舞 天 女, 30 Here is the goddess of flowers Me - Tog - Ma 花 天 女, 31 Here is the goddess of incense Dug - Po - Ma 香 天 女, 32 Here is the goddess of light Nang - Sel - Ma 灯 天 女, 33 Here is the goddess of perfume Dri - Chab - Ma 涂 天 女。 Top Ring 顶圈 34 Here is the sun; Here is the moon 35 Nyi - Ma Da - Wa 日 ﹐ 月 ﹐ 36 Here is the umbrella of all that is precious Rin - Po - Che Dug 珍异宝 伞,

34. 34 Nine Preliminaries 九加行 : (1) Refuge ( 皈依 ) (2) Thirty Five Buddhas Prostration ( 三十五佛大礼拜 ) (3) Water Bowl Offering ( 水供 ) (4) Mandala Offering ( 供曼达拉 ) (5) Vajra Sattva Hundred Syllabus Long Mantra ( 金刚萨百字明咒 ) (6) Dorje Khadro (Vajra Daka) Fire Offering ( 火供 ) (7) Samaya Vajra (Damtsig Dorje) Mantra Purification ( 三昧耶金刚 法 ) (8) Torma Offering To Spirits ( 供食子 ) (9) Tza - tza Making ( 佛牌制作 ) * You must complete this preliminaries practice in the following order 要圆满修成九 加 行 ,请 跟随下列指示 : (1) Preliminaries 九 加 行 (1) (2) Preliminaries 九 加 行 (2) to 至 (5). (Not necessarily to be in order 不分先后 ) (3) Preliminaries 九 加 行 (6) to 至 (9). (Not necessarily to be in order 不分先后 )

5. 5 Active Bodhicitta And Bodhisattva Vows 发心菩提与菩萨戒 (x 3 ) Gurus, Conquerors and your children La - Ma Gyal - Wa Say - Char - Nam 上师诸佛众佛子 Pay attention to me, please! Dak - La Gong - Par Dza - Du Sol 敬请留心听我言 Just as Sugatas of the past Ji - Tar Ngon - Gyi De Shek Kyi 犹如过去诸如来 Generated Bodhicitta Jang - Chup Tuk - Ni Kye - Pa Dang 生起无上菩提心 And abode in proper order Jang - Chup Sem - Pai Lap - Pa - La 立誓定修佛子行 In the Bodhisattva trainings De - Dak Rim - Zhin Na - Pa - Tar 尊从次第之律仪 I too generate Bodhicitta Dak - Kyang Dro - La Pan - Don - Du 我也如尊发菩提 So as to benefit migrators Jang - Chup Sem - Ni Kye - Gyi Zhing 为渡十方诸有情 And shall train in proper order Jang - Chup Sem - Pai Lap - Pa - La 修持佛子之次第 In the Bodhisattva trainings Rim - Pa Zhin - Du Lap - Par - Gyi 无上菩提之法门

8. 8 May they be pacified (clap) Shi - War Gyur - Chig 愿令平息 ( 击掌 ) May all the evils, such as enermies, obstacles and hindrances and adverse conditions be pacified Dra - Geg Par Cha - Mi Thun - Pa’i Chog - Rig Ngan - Pa Tham - Chad 愿令一切魔怨障碍异类毕竟消灭 Shantim Kuruye Soha 善定 沽鲁耶 梭哈 May the eighty thousand types of obstacles be pacified Geg - Rig Tong - Drag Gya - Chu Shi - Wa Dang 八万魔类皆息除 May we be separated from adverse harmful conditions Mi - Thun Nod - Pa’i Kyen Dang Dral - Wa Dang 逆害之缘咸远离 May everything conducive be obtained and by the auspiciousness of everything good Thun - Pa Drub - Ching Phan - Sum Tsog - Gyur - Pa’i 成就顺缘得圆满 May there be excellent happiness here and now Ta - Shi De - Kyang Deng - Dir De - Leg Shog 今时此地吉祥临 The Four Immeasurable Thoughts 四无量心 May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes! Sem - Chen Tam - Che Day - Wa - Dang Day - Way Gyu - Dang Dan - Par Gyur - Chig 愿一切有情具足乐及乐因

17. 17 Long Mandala Offering 供曼达拉 Om Ah Hung 嗡啊吽 ( x 3 ) Om Vajraground Ah Hung Om Bendza Bhu - Mi Ah - Hung 嗡 金 刚地基 啊吽 Here Is The Mighty And Powerful Base Of Gold Wang - Chen Ser - Gyi Sa - Zhi 奇妙黄金宝地 Om Vajraline Ah Hung Om Benza Re - Ke Ah - Hung 嗡 金 刚围篱 啊吽 The Outer Ring Is Encircled With This Iron Fence Chi - Chag Ri - Kor Yug - Gi Kor - Wai U - Su 铁围山绕四周 First Ring 第一圈 1 In the centre, the king of mountains, Mount Meru Ri - Gyal Po - Ri Rab 居中山王 须弥山, 2 In the east, the continent Purvavideha Shar Lu - Pag - Po 东胜神洲处东方, 3 In the south, Jambudvipa Lho Dzam - Bu - Ling 南瞻部洲南方住, 4 In the west, Aparagodaniya Nub Ba - Lang - Ch o 西牛 贺洲置西边,

30. 30 Singha Rinpoche's Heart Mantra 上师鑫和仁波切心咒 (x 3, 7or 21) Om Guru Vajra Muni Sasana Vimukti Soha 嗡 沽鲁 瓦加 牟尼 萨萨那 唯穆帝 梭哈 Long Life Prayer Of Khandro Namdrol Lhamo Homage to the assembly of deities who are the source of a hundred varieties of preciousness. By your knowledge, compassion and power that liberates from mere seeing and hearing. From the blessing and power of truth of the assembly of deities. May the lotus of long life, good health, happiness and prosperity blossom. Nam - Trang Gya - Tsay Rin - Chung Lha - Yi - Tsog Khen - Tse Nu - Pey Thong - Tho Thren - Dol - Wa Lha - Tsog Nam - Ki Dhen - P ey Jin - Thu - Yi Tse - Ring Ne - Mey Dhe - Jor Pe - Mo - Gye

12. 12 Offering Prayer 供养文 May offering substances human and divine Lha - Dang Mi - Yi Cho - Pay Dzay 天上人间供养品 Those actually offered and mentally visualized Ngo - Su Sham - Dang Yi - Kyi Trul 或由实设或意变 Finest Samantabhadra clouds of offerings Kun - Zang Cho - Trin La - Na - May 无上普贤供养云 Fill the entire expanse of space! Nam - Kay Kam - Kun Kyab - Gyur Chig 愿遍一切虚空界 Blessing And Purification Of The Offerings 加持与净化供养品 Om Ah Hung 嗡啊吽 (x 3 ) Actual Offering Dharani 供养陀罗尼 ( x 3 ) (Imagine while reciting, from the sky comes a rain of flowers, diamonds, jewels and precious stones, showering upon all Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and all holy objects of the ten direction s and three times. 在念诵时,观想从天空中降下 花朵,钻石,奇珍 异宝等,遍洒在十方三界诸佛与菩萨及所有圣物 .) Om Namo Bhagawate Bendzay - Sarwa - Parmar - Dana Tathagataya Arhate Samyak - Sam Buddhaya Tayatha Om Bendzay Bendzay Maha Bendzay Maha - Tadzya - Bendzay Maha - Bidya - Bendzay Maha - Bodhicitta - Bendzay Maha - Bodhi - Mando Pasam Kramana - Be ndzay Sarva - Karma Avarana - Bisho Dana - Bendzay Soha

10. 10 Invocation 迎请 (x 3 ) (Please kneel down 请合掌并跪下 ) Protector of all beings without exception Ma - Lu Sem - Chen Kun - Gyi Gon - Gyur Chig 祈请无余等护诸众生 Divine subduer of innumerable negative forces Du - Te Pung - Chay Mi - Zay Jom - Dzay Lha 且摧凶猛魔王魔军尊 Deity, perfect knower of all things Ngo - Nam Ma - Lu Yang - Dag Kyen - Gyur Pay 於诸事物无余善知者 Bhagavan and attendants, please come here! Chom - Den Kor - Chay Nay - Dir Sheg - Su Sol ! 世尊眷属驾临於此地 ! The Seven Limbs Prayer 修七支供养 Reverently I prostrate with my body, speech and mind Go - Sum Gu - Pay Go - Nay Chag - Tsal Lo 我以三门诚心恭礼敬 And present clouds of every type of offering, actually offered and mentally transformed Ngo - Sham Yi - Trul Cho - Trin Ma - Lu Bul 尽奉实陈意现供养云 I confess all negative actions accumulated since beginningless time Tok - May Nay - Sak Dik - Tung Tam - Chay Shak 忏悔无始累积诸罪堕 And rejoice in the virtues of all ordinary and holy beings Kye - Pak Ge - Wa Nam - La Je - Yi Rang 随喜凡夫圣者各善业

27. 27 Dedication 回向 Long Life Prayer Of His Holiness Dalai Lama 法王达赖喇嘛尊者长寿祈请文 Saviour of the snow land teaching and transmigratory beings Tong - Nyi Nying - Jhe Sung - Du Jug - Pay - Lam 雪 岭圣教众生救护主 Who makes extremely clear the path that is unification of emptiness and compassion Che - Cher Sal - Tza Gang - Chen Ten - Droi - Gon 广开 悲空 双运菩提道 To the lotus holder, Tenzin Gyatso, I beseech Chag - Na Ped - Mo Ten - Zin Gya - Tso - La 莲花 手主 滇津嘉措 尊 May all your holy wishes be spontaneously fulfilled Sol - Wa Deb - So Shen - Don Lhun - Drub - Shog 祈愿尊者圣愿皆圆满 In the land encircled by snowy mountains Gang - Rii Ra - Wa Kor - Wai Zhig - Kam Dir 於此雪岭所绕国土中 You are the source of all happiness and good Pen - Dang De - Wa Ma - Lu Jung - Way Nay 一切利益安乐之生处 All powerful Chenrezig, Tenzin Gyatso Chen - Re - Zig - Wang Ten - Dzin Gya - Tso - Yi 滇 津 嘉 措观自在菩萨 Please remain untill samsara ends! Zhap - Pa Si - Tai Bar - Du Tan - Gyur - Chik 愿其常住直至生死尽

22. 22 In your compassion accept what I offer for the sake of all beings Tug - Je Dro - Way Do n - Du Zhe - Su - Sol 受此供已 请加持, Having accepted these, to myself and to all beings Zhe - Nay Dag - Sog Sem - Chen Tam - Chay - La 众生与我皆得受, Please grant your ble ssings through your great compassion. Tug - Tse - Wa Chen - Poi Go - Na Jin - Gyi Lab - Tu Sol 以大慈悲普 加持。 1 The Short Mandala Of Seven Heaps 供外曼达拉 This ground, anointed with perfume, strewn with flowers, Sa - Zhi Po - Kyi Jug - Shing Me - Tog Tram 须 弥 四洲日月所庄 严, Adorned with Mount Meru, four continents, Sun and Moon, Ri - Rab Ling - Zhi Nyi - Day Gyen - Pa Di 妙香 遍 涂 华散之大 地, I offer in visualization as Field of Buddhas. Sang - Gay Zhing - Du Mig - Te Ul - War Gyi 观如佛土我乐敬供养, May all sentient beings thus enjoy this Pure Land! Dro - Kun Nam - Dag Zhing - La Cho - Par Shog ! 愿 诸有情共享此净 土! 2 Inner Mandala 供内曼达拉 The objects of my attachment, anger and ignorance, Dag - Gi Chag - Dang Mong - Sum Kye - Pay Yul 令我生起 贪 嗔 无明境,

21. 21 37 Here is the banner of victory in all directions Chog - Lay Nam - Par Gyal - Way Gyal - Tsan 制伏一切十方 幢, In the centre are all the possessions precious to gods and men U - Su Lha - Dang Mi - I Pa l - Jor Pun - Sum Tsog - Pa Ma - Tsang Wa - Me - Pa 无余清 净悦意供, 天人最胜圆满供, This magnificent collection, lacking in nothing Tsang - Zhing Yi - Du Wong - Wa Di - Dag 悉皆云集于中央。 I offer to you, my kind and holy root Lama Drin - Chen Tsa - Way Dang - Gyu - Par Chay Pay 献予大慈跟本师, Together with you, Venerable Lineage Lamas Pal - Den La - Ma Dam - Pa Nam - Dang Kye - Par Du - Yang 一 切真 传承上师, And to you Lama, compassionate La - Ma Lo - Zang Tup - Wang Dor - je - Chang * La - Ma Lo - Zang Tup - Wang Dor - je - Chang 圣者宗喀巴祖师 Together with the assembly of Gods Lha - Tsog Kor - Dang Chay - Pa 所有本尊一切众, I offer this pure and beautiful collection to you Nam - La Zhing - Kam Ul - War Gyi - Wo 献此佛刹无量供,

4. 4 Refuge 趋皈依 (x 3 ) I take refuge in the Gurus ( Namo Gurubhya ) La - Ma - La Kyab - Su - Chi Wo 皈依上师 I take refuge in the Buddhas ( Namo Buddhaya ) Sang - Gye - La Kyab - Su - Chi Wo 皈依佛 I take refuge in the Dharma ( Namo Dharmaya ) Cho - La Kyab - Su - Chi Wo 皈依法 I take refuge in the Sangha ( Namo Sanghaya ) Gay - Dun - La Kyab Su - Chi Wo 皈依僧 Taking Refuge And Generating Bodhicitta 归依及发菩提心愿文 ( x 3 ) To the Buddha, Dharma and the Sangha Sang - Gye Cho - Dang Tsog - Kyi Chog - Nam - La 诸佛正法圣贤僧 I go for refuge untill I am enlightened Jang - Chub Bar - Du Dag - Ni Kyab - Su - Chi 直至菩提我皈依 By my merit from giving and other perfections Dag - Gi Jin - Sog Gyi - Pe So - Nam - Kyi 依我施等诸功德 May I reach Buddhahood, so as to benefit all beings! Dro - La Pan - Chir Sang - Gye Drub - Par - Shog 为渡众生愿成佛

18. 18 5 In the north, Uttarakuru Jang Dra - Mi - Nya n 北 俱 盧 洲在北边。 6 Around the east, the sub - continents Deha and Videha 7 Lu - Dang Lu - Pag 东方身洲及胜洲, 8 Around the south, Camara and Aparacamara 9 Nga - Yab - Dang Nga - Yab - Zha n 南方拂洲、 别 拂洲, 10 Around the west, Satha and Uttaramantrin 11 Yo - Da n - Dang Lam - Chog - Dro 小行洲、 胜道 行洲,两小洲位 处西方, 12 Around the north, the sub - continents Kurava and Kaurava 13 Dra - Mi Nyen - Dang Dra - Mi - Nyen Gyi Da 北方有声不美洲,及彼身不美洲, 14 In the east is the treasure mountain Rin - Po - Che Ri - Wo 宝山, 15 In the south is the wish - granting tree Pag Sam - Gyi - Shing 如意 树, 16 In the west is the wish - granting cow Do Jo - I Ba 随欲宝牛, 17 In the north is the harvest that needs no cultivation Ma - Mo Pa - I Lo - Tog 自 长粮谷。

9. 9 May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes! Sem - Chen Tam - Che Duk - Ngel - Dang Duk - Ngel Gyi Gyu - Dang Drel - War Gyur - Chig 愿一切有情远离苦及苦因 May all sentient beings be inseparable from sorrowless bliss! Sem - Chen Tam - Che Duk - Ngel May - Pay De - Wa - Dang Mi - Dral - War Gyur - Chig 愿一切有情不离无苦之乐 May all sentient beings abide in equanimity, free of bias, whether greed or hatred! Sem - Chen Tam - Che Nye - Ring Chak - Dang Nyi - Dang Drel - Way Tang - Nyom - La Nay - Par Gyur - Chig 愿一切有情远离亲疏贪嗔住等舍 Purifying The Place 将场地化为净土 Om Ah Hung 嗡啊吽 (x 3 ) Everywhere may the ground be pure Tam - Chay - Du - Ni Sa - Zhi Dag 愿此地基 遍 清净 Free of the roughness of pebbles and so forth Seg - Ma La - Sog May - Pa - Dang 无有砂砾等杂物 May it be the nature of lapis lazuli Lag - Til Tar - Nyam Bay - Dur - Ye 性同琉璃 却 柔软 And as smooth as the palm of one’s hand Rang - Zhin Jam - Por Nay - Gyur - Chig 面均平坦如掌心

3. 3 Nine Preliminaries (1) Refuge 九 加 行之 ( 一 ) 皈依 Om Ah Hung 嗡啊吽 (x 3 ) The Mala Blessing Mantra 加持念珠 (x 7 ) Om Ruci ra Mani Pravartaya Hung 嗡 卢吉 拉 玛尼 巴瓦他亚 吽 The Increasing Effect Mantra 增福密咒 ( x 7) Om Sambhara Sambhara Vimana - Sara - Maha Java - Hung Om Smara - Smara Vimana - S k ara - Maha - Java Hung 嗡 萨叭啦 萨叭啦 唯嘛哪 - 萨啦 - 嘛哈 - 迦哇 - 吽 嗡 思嘛啦 - 思嘛啦 唯嘛哪 - 萨啦 - 嘛哈 - 迦哇 - 吽 Refuge 趋皈依 (x 3 ) Guru is Buddha , Guru is Dharma La - Ma Sang - Gye La - Ma Cho 上师即佛亦即法 Guru is Sangha also Day - Zhin La - Ma Gay - Dun Te 上师亦为贤圣僧 Guru is the source of all (goodness and happiness) Kun - Gyi Je - Po La - Ma Te 上师造作一切善 To all Gurus I go for refuge La - Ma Nam - La Kyab - Su Chi 我 趋 皈依诸上师

7. 7 Removing Obstacles 去除障碍 ( 狮面空行母 ) I prostrate to the gathering of dakinis of the three places Kha - La Jod - Pa`I Na Chog - Dam Pa - Na 敬礼三界空行主 Coming from the supreme holy site of “Space enjoying” Ngon - She Zul - Drul Nga - Wa’i Thu - Tob - Chan 安处最胜空行刹 Who have the powers of clairvoyance and magical emanation Drub - Pa Po - La - Ma Yel - Bu Shin - Zig 具足神通神变力 And regard practitioners as their offspring Na - Sum Kha - Dro’i Tsog - La Chag - Tsal - Lo 恒视行者如己子 A Ka Sama Ratsa Sada Rasa Maraya Phet 阿 喀 萨玛 啦扎 沙答 啦萨 玛啦雅 佩 Tayatha Gate Gate Paragate Parasamgate Bodhi S oha 怛也他 嘎爹 嘎爹 巴啦嘎爹 巴啦桑嘎爹 波提 梭哈 Through the power of the great truth of the words of the Exalted Three Jewels Phag - Pa Kon - Chog Sum - Gyi Ka - Yi Den - Pa Chen - Po’I 以神圣三宝言教真谛之力故 May all adverse conditions be overcome (clap) Tob - Kyi Mi - Thun Pa’i - Chog Tham - Chad Chir Dog - Par Gyur - Chig 愿令遮止 ( 击掌 ) May they become non existent (clap) Me - Par Gyur - Chig 愿令化无 ( 击掌 )

32. 32 With the dedication praised as the best Ngo - Wa Gang - La Chog - Tu Ngag - Pa - De 如是最胜诸大愿 By the victorious ones thus gone of the three times Dag - Gi Ge - Way Tsa - Wa Di - Kun - Kyang 我今回向诸善根 So I might perform good works Zang - Po Cho - Chir Rab - Tu Ngo - War - Gyi 为得普贤殊胜行 May the King of Dharma, Tsongkhapa’s Cho - Kyi Gyal - Po Tsong - Kha - Pay 愿于弘扬宗喀巴 Way of the Dharma practice flourish Cho - Tsul Nam - Par Phel - Wa - La 法王正法理则际 May the omens of obstacles be pacified Geg - Kyi Tsen - Ma Shi - Wa - Dang 止息障碍之 徴 兆 And all the conducive circumstance be complete Thun - Kyen Me - L u Tsan - War - Shog 一切顺缘悉圆满 By relying on the two accumulations Dag - Dang Shen - Gyi Dhu - Sum - Dang 我及他人之三世 Of myself and others in the three times Drel - Way Tsog - Nyi La - Ten - Ney 依止相属二资已 May the teaching of conqueror, Losang Dragpa Gyal - Wa Lo - Sang Drag - Pa - Yi 祈愿善慧名称佛

31. 31 Dedication 回向文 May the precious Bodhi mind Jang - Chub Sem - Chog Rin - Po - Che 唯愿殊胜菩提心 Not yet born arise and grow Ma - Kye Pa - Nam Kye - Gyur - Chig 未生起者令生起 May that born have no decline Kye - Pa Nyam - Pa May - Pa - Yang 已生起者无退 转 But increase forever more Gong - Nay Gong - Du Pel - War Shog 恒 时 增 长 无 间 断 Just as the brave Manjushri and Samantabhadra Jam - Pal Pa - Wo Ji - Tar Khyen - Pa - Dang 文殊师利勇猛智 Realised things as they are Kun - Tu Zang - Po De - Yang De - Zhin - Te 普贤慧行亦复然 I, too, dedicate all these merits in the best way De - Dag Kun - Gyi Je - Su Dag - Lob - Chir 我今回向诸善根 That I may follow their perfect example Ge - Wa Di - Dag Tham - Che Rab - Tu - Ngo 随彼一切成修学 I dedicate all these roots of virtue Du - Sum Sheg - Pay Gy al - Wa Tham - Che - Kyi 三世诸 佛所称叹

28. 28 Long Life Prayer Of Singha Thekchen Namdrol Rinpoche 上师 鑫和大乘 南都 仁波切 长住祈请文 Om Svasti! Like the countless light rays that radiate from the ruby mountain; Om Svasti ! Pay - Rab Lhun - Po W o - Dzer Bum - Tro - Tar 嗡 师瓦诗帝! 红宝山上耀光芒 , Exquisite Amitayus, Lord of Everlasting Life, Who captivates and one does not tire of seeing; Rab - Tze Ta - Way Mi - Ngom Tse - Pak - May 无厌观见无量寿 , Whose essence is of infinite life, t he nectar of immortality; Chi - Maid Du - Tsi Bum - Gyi Tsi - Chuk - Pa 长生不老之甘露 , Please instantly grant our Guru, the Siddhi of Stable and Everlasting Life. Tak - Ten Dro - Way Gon - Po Deng - Dir - Sol 赐予 尊师 得永生 。 You are intelligent and skilful in upholding the traditions Of Buddha; Gang - Lo Thub - Pay Ring - Luk Tzin - Khe - Pa 智巧善解皆俱足 , Spreading the Holy Dharma through explanations and practices; Shad - Dang Drub - Pay Ten - Pa Pel - Wa - Dang 护持世尊正传承 , In order to lead disciples onto the path to liberation; Dul - Ja Nam - Drol Lam - Du Go - Pa - La 渡脱弟子证菩提 , You are the one who is an Unequalled Guide, Please live a long and stable life. Dren - Pay Da - Dral Chok - Gi Shab - Ten - Shok

29. 29 唯愿尊师寿无疆 I request respectfully, my Precious and Holy Guru, to enjoy excellent health; La - Ma Ku - Kham Dzang - La Sol - Wa - Deb 祈请上师庄严身 , I request respectfully, my Precious and Holy Guru, to live a long life; Chok - Tu Ku - Tse Ri ng - La Sol - Wa - Deb 万寿无疆恒永住 , I request respectfully, my Precious and Holy Guru, t hat your Dharma activities spread and flourish far and wide; Trin - Lay Dar - Shing Gye - La Sol - Wa - Deb 妙法普照十方界 , I request respectfully, my Precious and Holy Guru, t o bless me to be never separated from you. La - Ma Dang - Dral Wa - Maid - Par Jin - Gyi Lab - Tu - Sol 尊师与我不舍离 。 In all my future rebirths, M ay I never be separated from my perfect Guru; Kye - Wa Kun - Tu Yang - Dak La - Ma - Dang 愿永不离善知识 , M ay I enjoy the magnificent Dharma; Dral - Maid Cho - Kyi Pal - La Long - Cho - Ching 妙法殊胜恒受用 , A nd by completing the qua lities of the stages and path; Sa - Dang Lam - Gyi Yon - Ten Rab - Tzok - Nay 圆满道地诸 功 德 , M ay I quickly attain the state of Vajradhara . Dor - Je Chang - Gi Go - Phang Nyur - Thob - Shok 速证金刚总持位 。


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