The Prayer of Spontaneous Illumination

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3. Including killing, eating the three polluted meats 1 , Abusing, molesting or raping others, committing incest, Betraying, persecuting and judging others, Times where I refused to help others when I could have done so and ignored my conscience and intuition. I requ est help that I may be released from the effects of vows I may have made In any previous lives of which the effects are projecting obstacles in my current dimension of time. Please release the vows of poverty, celibacy, suffering, and asceticism. Please r elease me of such vows. Please bless me that I may be able to keep my vows that I made in this life. Please heal me of all my pains and limiting beliefs that I acquired By being killed in my previous lifetimes by drowning, burning, hanging, Electrocution , flooding, earthquakes, air disasters, falling, stabbing, beheading, Insect bites, poisoning, bleeding to death, being stoned, shot by weapons, Bombs, killed by hailstones, freezing, war, disease, famines, tsunamis, droughts, Curses and magic, automobile accidents, being sacrificed, Being killed by torture, rape, murder, Being killed by kidnapping, suffocation, framed, Depression, starvation, eaten alive, hunted, Dying of thirst, drowning, quicksand, exhaustion, plagues, illnesses, and old age. I also ask that you heal the following minds and hearts bearing the relationships of being my Parents, guardians, step parents, My lovers and spouses, my children and siblings, my pets, The animals that I have eaten and the insects that I have killed, The livin g beings in my body, 1 The three polluted meats refer to: (a) eating the meat of animals you know were killed for you (b) you heard the dying cries of the animal or saw it dying (c) you killed the animal yourself for food.

4. Friends, enemies and members of my Dharma family And all acquaintances in all my lifetimes in all dimensions of time And also all beings that I have yet to connect with in this life. I ask to be blessed with compassion and wisdom t o be released from crippling Fear that is the boundary of my mind and the cause for my self - cherishing. I ask for divine intervention as I now accept the resp onsibility of my own life with i ts previous causes and future effects. By the force of making this request of divine intervention, May it create the cause and condition for being truly happy and contented in this lifetime. I also request to be blessed so that I may be in control of all situations And be able to realize the three principles of the path. Please bless me that I do not repeat my previous mistakes And that I will be blessed to realize that all the pain gotten from my previous Mistakes are transformed into the energy for growth And that all negative karmas that I have created i n connection with all beings be purified right now. I ask of you. M y Lord, To surround me with a healing blue light And to heal and release me Of all my fears and negative karma from all my lives And I ask that the chords of my attachments that drain m y energy, life - force and enthusiasm be cut. [One should visualize oneself being bathed in a healing and blissful blue coloured light]

2. The Prayer of Spontaneous Illumination Om Ah Hung From the depths of my heart, I request refuge from my Guru and the Triple Gem. Having done so, I humbly invoke your presence. You who are the manifestation of Buddha Vajradhara, I prostrate and make offerings with my body, speech and mind, May you please bless me in all my lifetimes. I ask also for the presence of my Yidam and the Dharma Protectors; Please pacify my ob scurations and purify my pollutions. Realizing cause and effect, I request all you holy beings to always be by my side, For if I did not ask I would not have allowed myself to transform. I request you all to purify me of the effects of fear That I may ha ve absorbed in all dimensions of time. Please enter into my life to purify my pollutions. I open up my body, speech, mind and heart to you. Please help me release my pains, limiting beliefs and superstitions That I acquired because of previous experience s since beginningless lifetimes until now; Involving betrayal, rejection, abuse, persecution, abduction, Humiliation, inquisitions, unrequited love, frustration, or stress of any kind. I confess all negative behaviour involving abuse of my body, speech a nd mind, Including smoking, excessive drinking, excessive eating, drug abuse, Mistakes that I made with loved ones including my parents, family, children and friends of any lifetime; Aggressive behaviour that I committed to others,

5. Being healed, I now send similar rays of this divine light of healing and love to all beings Who are connected to me since beginningless lifetimes And to my own previous life forms since beginningless lifetimes. [ One should visualize sending healing blue lights out to all beings and to all one’s bodies in one’s previous lives.] By the power of having made such requests, May all beings who may ever think of me, see me, hear me, touch me or have any contact with me whatsoever, Be blessed as though they have made this prayer themselves. As such, my conscience and my mind are now clear. My body becomes light and healthy, And my heart becomes filled with love and radiant joy. May I be a powerful being of Dharma light, Sending rays of happiness and bringing smiles and sunshine to people’s lives. May the power of this prayer shine through me in all directions Of time, space and phenomena immediately. Om Ah Hung ! ( x 3 ) Colophon: This prayer was very kindly composed by Singha Rinpoche in the Western year 2005 on the 10 th of July on the auspicious day of the Buddha’s first turning of the Wheel of Dharma.According to the Tibetan calendar, this prayer was composed in the Tibetan Wood Bird Year 2132 on the 4 th day of the 6 th Tibetan month on the day of Chokhor Duchen. Transc ribed by Dorje Namdrol,who accepts responsibility for all errors and omissions.

1. The Prayer of Spontaneous Illumination 1 0 July 20 05 V.1


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