Confession of Downfalls to the 35 Buddhas

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8. Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty - Five Buddhas 8 7) To Tathagata Jewel Fire , I p rostrate. 8) To Tathagata Jewel Moonlight , I p rostrate. 9) To Tathagata Meaningful to See , I p rostrate. 10) To Tathagata Jewel Moon , I p rostrate. 11) To Tathagata Stainless One , I p rostrate. 12) To Tathagata Bestowed with Courage , I p rostrate. 13) To Tathagata Pure One , I p rostrate. 14) To Tathagata Bestowed with Purity , I p rostrate. 15) To Tathagata Water God , I p rostrate. 16) To Tathagata Deity of the Water God , I Prostrate. 17) To Tathagata Glorious Goodness , I p rostrate. 18) To Tathagata Glorious Sandalwood , I p rostrate. 19) To Tathagata Infinite Splendor , I p rostrate. 20) To Tathagata Glorious Light , I p rostrate.

9. Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty - Five Buddhas 9 21) To Tathagata Sorrowless Glory , I p rostrate. 22) To Tathagata Son of Non - c raving , I p rostrate. 23) To Tathagata Glorious Flower , I p rostrate. 24) To Tathagata Pure Light Rays Clearly Knowing by Play , I p rostrate. 25) To Tathagata Lotus Light Rays Clearly Knowing by Play , I p rostrate. 26) To Tathagata Glorious Wealth , I p rostrate. 27) To Tathagata Glorious Mind f ulness , I p rostrate. 28) To Tathagata Glorious Name Widely Renowned , I p rostrate. 29) To Tathagata King Holding the Victory Banner of Foremost Power , I p rostrate. 30) To Tathagata Glorious One Totally Subduing , I p rostrate. 31) To Tathagata Utterly Victorious i n Battle , I p rostrate. 32) To Tathagata Glorious Transcendence Through Subduing , I p rostrate. 33) To Tathagata Glorious Manifestations Illuminating All , I p rostrate.

1. Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty - Five Buddhas 5 Jan 202 2 V 3

12. Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty - Five Buddhas 12 negativ ities , I will not conceal them n or hide them, and from now on in the future I will abstain and refrain from committing the m again. All b uddha - bhagavans, please pay attention to me. In this life and in all other states of rebirth in which I have circled in samsara throughout beginningless lives , whatever root s of virtue I have created by generosity , even as little as giving ju st one mouthful of food to a being born in the animal realm; Whatever root s of virtue I have created by guarding morality , whatever root s of virtue I have created by following pure conduct; whatever root s of virtue I have created by fully ripening sen tient beings; Whatever roots of virtue I have created by generating bodhicitta; whatever root s of virtue I have created by my unsurpassed transcendental wisdom : a ll these assembled ang gathered, combined together, I fully dedicate to the unsurpassed, the unexcelled, th at higher than the high , that superior to the superior. Thus, I completely dedicate to the highest, perfectly complete enlightenment. Just as the previous b uddha - bhagavans have fully dedicated, just as the future b uddha - bhagavans will fully dedicate, and just as the presently abiding b uddha - bhagavans are fully dedicating, like that I too dedicate fully. I confess all negativ ities individually. I rejoice in all the merits. I urge and implore all b uddhas to grant my request : may I re ceive the highest , most sublime transcendental wisdom. To the conquerors, the best of human – those who are living in the present time , those who have lived in the past, and those who will like - wise come - to all those who have qualities as vast as an infinite ocean, with my hands folded in respect, I approach for refuge.

10. Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty - Five Buddhas 10 34) To Tathagata All - Subduing Jewel Lotus , I p rostrate. 35) To Tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, King of the Lord of Mountain s Firmly Seated on Jewel and Lotus , I p rostrate. (x 3) The Seven Medicine Buddhas : 1) To Bhagavan, Tathagata, arhat , perfectly completed buddha, Renowned Glorious King of Excellent Signs , I p rostrate. 2) To Bhagavan, Tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha , King of Melodious Sound, Brilliant Radiance of Skill, Adorned with Jewels, Moon, and Lotus , I p rostrate. 3) To Bhagavan, Tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, Stainless Excellence Gold, Illuminating Jewel Who Accomplishes All Conduct , I p rostrate. 4) To Bhagavan, Tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, Glo rious Supreme One Free from Sorrow , I p rostrate. 5) To Bhagavan, Tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, Melodious Ocean of Proclaimed Dharma , I p rostrate. 6) To Bhagavan, Tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, Clear ly Knowing by the Play of Supreme Wisdom of a n Ocean of Dharma , I p rostrate. 7) To Bhagavan, Tathagata, arhat, perfectly completed buddha, Medicine Guru, King of Lapis Lazuli Light , I p rostrate.

4. Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty - Five Buddhas 4 Continue to prostrate while reciting refuge, the names of the buddhas and the confession prayer. I, (say your name) throughout all times, take refuge in the guru; I take refuge in the Buddha; I take refuge in the Dharma; I take refuge in the Sangha. (x 3) Taking Refuge and G enerating B odhicitta ( x 3 ) To the Buddha, Dharma and Aryan Sangha, I go for refuge until I am enlightened. By the merit of giving and other perfection’s may I attain Buddhahood for the sake of benefiting all mother sentient beings! Sang - Gye Cho - Dang Tsog - Kyi Chog - Nam La Jang - Chub Bar - Du Dag - Ni Ky ab - Su Chi Dag - Gi Jin - Sog Gyi - Pe So - Nam Kyi Dro - La Pe n - Chir Sang - Gye Drub - Par Shog

7. Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty - Five Buddhas 7 8) To Guru Dzutrul Tuchen , I prostrate. 9) To Guru Dorje Drakpo Tsal, I prostrate. 10) To Guru Kalden Drendze, I prostrate. 11) To Guru Raksha Totreng, I prostrate. 12) To Guru Dechen Gyalpo, I prostrate. Thirty - Five Buddhas: 1) To the founder, bhagavan, tathagata, arhat, perfectly complete d buddha, glorious conqueror Shakyamuni Buddha , I p rostrate. 2) To Tathagata Thoroughly Destroying with Vajra Essence, I p rostrate. 3) To Tathagata Radiant Jewel , I p rostrate. 4) To Tathagata King, Lord of the Nagas , I p rostrate. 5) To Tathagata Army of Heroes , I p rostrate. 6) To Tathagata Delighted Hero , I p rostrate .

13. Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty - Five Buddhas 13 Dedication Prayer "Due to all the merits collected by having done prostrations, made offerings, confessed, rejoiced, requested the gurus to have stable lives and to turn the Dharma Wheel, may I & all sentient beings achieve Enlightenment in this life time.” May the suprem e jewel bodhichitta not yet born arise and grow, May that born never decline but increase forever more. Just as the brave Manjushri and Samantabhadra , too , Realized things as they are, I, too, dedicate all these merits in the best way, That I may follo w their perfect example. I dedicate all these roots of virtue With the dedication praised as the best By the victorious ones thus gone of the three times, So I might perform good works. Due to all these merits, may all the father and mother sentient b eings , Have all happiness, and may all the lower realms be empty forever. Wherever there are b odhisattvas, may all their prayers be accomplished immediately. May I cause all this by myself alone. (You may add in your own dedication) May All Be Auspicious!

5. Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty - Five Buddhas 5 To increase the benefit of each prostration, first recite the following mantras while makin g prostrations: Om Namo Manjushriye / Namah Sushriye / Nama Uttama Shriye Svaha (x 3) Recite the h oly name mantra of Buddha Ratnaketu (Tib. Rinchen Gyaltsen, Eng. Precious Victory Banner) : (x 3 ) Tibetan: Chom Den Day De Zhin Sheg Pa Dra Chom Pa Yang Dag Par Dzog Pei Sang Gye Rinchen Gyalts e n La Chag Tshal Lo Sanskrit: Om Namo Bhagavate Ratna Ketu Rajaya / Tathagataya Arhate Samyak Sambuddhaya Tadyatha Om Ratne Ratne Maha Ratne Ratna Bija Ye Svaha English: To Bhagavan, Tathagata, Arhat, Perfectly Complete Buddha, Precious Victory Banner, I prostrate. Recite the holy name mantra of Buddha Rinchen Tsugtor Chen : (x 3 ) Tibetan: Chom D e n D ay De Zhin Sheg Pa Dra Chom Pa Yang Dag Par Dzog P e i Sang Gy a Rin c hen Tsug Tor Ch e n La Chag Tsh a l Lo English: To Bhagavan, Tathagata, Arhat, Perfectly Complete Buddha, Precious Ushnisha, I prostrate.

3. Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty - Five Buddhas 3 In the third row are seven buddhas, yellow in colo u r and in the aspect of Ratnasambhava . (His left hand is in meditative equipoise, and his right hand is in the gesture of giving ) In the fourth row are seven buddhas, red in colo u r and in the aspect of Amitabha . ( B oth of his hands in meditative equipoise on his lap) In the fifth row there are seven buddhas, green in colo u r and in the aspect of Amoghasiddhi . ( His left hand is in meditative equipoise and his right arm is bent at the elbow with the palm facing outwards) These are the thirty - five Confession Buddhas. Each one is in the posture of that particular dhyani buddha. In the final row are the Medicine Buddhas . Think that each one of these buddhas is the embodiment of all three times’, ten directions’ Buddha, Dharma , Sangha, and all statues, stupas, and scriptures. Think they embody all holy objects, whose essence is the Guru. Have complete faith that each one has the power to purify all your negative karmas and imprints, accumulated since beginningless time. Now ima gine that you emanate numberless bodies, and that as you prostrate, all these bodies prostrate along with you from all directions, covering every atom of the earth.

6. Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty - Five Buddhas 6 Recite the holy name of Glorious Conqueror Shakyamuni and the mantra for prostrating to holy objects : (x 3 ) Tibetan: La Ma T o n Pa Chom D a n D a De Zhin Sheg Pa Dra Chom Pa Yang Dag Par Dzog P a i Sang Gy a P a l Gy a l Wa Sha Kya Thub Pa La Chag Tsh a l Lo Sanskrit: O ṃ Namo Da s hadik Trik a la Sarva Ratnatray a ya / Nama h Pradak s h a Supradak s h a Sarva P a pa m Vi s hodhani Sv a h a English: To Guru, Teacher, Bhagavan, Tathagata, Arhat, Perfectly Complete Buddha, Glorious Conqueror Shakyamuni, I prostrate. Twelve manifestations of Guru Rinpoche: 1) To Guru Gyalwe Dungdzin, I prostrate. 2) To Guru Mawe Senge, I prostrate. 3) To Guru Kyechok Tsulzang , I prostrate. 4) To Guru Dukyi She chen , I prostrate. 5) To Guru Dzamling Gyenchok, I prostrate. 6) To Guru Pema jungne , I prostrate. 7) To Guru Kyepar Phakpe Rigdzin, I prostrate.

11. Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty - Five Buddhas 11 The Confession Prayer All those (you thirty - five b uddhas ) and o thers, as many tathagatas, arhats, perfectly completed buddhas as there are existing, sustaining, and residing in all the world systems of the ten directions ; all you b uddha - bhagavans , please pay attention to me. I n this life and in all the states of rebirth in which I have circled in samsara through out beginningless lives, whatever negative actions I have created, made others create , or rejoiced in the creation of ; whatever possessions of stupas, possessions of the Sangha, or possessions of the Sangha of the te n directions that I have appropriated, made others appropriate, or rejoiced in the appropriation of; whichever among the five actions of immediate (retribution) I have done, caused to be done, or rejoiced in the doing of; whichever paths of the ten non - vir tuous actions I have engaged in, caused others to engage in, or rejoiced in the engaging in: whatever I have created, being obscured by these karmas causes me and sentient beings to be born : • In the hell realms , • In the a nimal realm, • In the preta realm, • In irreligious countries , • As Barbarians , • As l ong - life gods • With imperfect faculties, • Holding wrong views • Or not being pleased with Buddha ’s descent. In the presence of the b uddha - bhagavans , who are t ranscendent al wisdom, who are eyes, who are witnesses, who are valid , and who see with omniscient consciousness, I am admitting and confessing all these

2. Confession of Downfalls to the Thirty - Five Buddhas 2 Begin by visualizing the Thirty - Five Confession Buddhas in the space in front of you. Think of all the negative karma you have created in this and in all previous lives and generate the four opponent powers in your mind. The four opponent powers used to purify non - virtuous imprints on the mindstream. They are: 1) the power of the object , taking refuge in the Three Rare Sublime Ones and generating bodhicitta; 2) the power of regret , feeling deep regret for the negativity committed; 3) the power of resolve , determining not to repeat that negativity; and 4) the power of remedy , a practice such as Vajrasattva that effectively acts as an antidote to the negativity. Visualization at the be ginning of the practice Visualize in the space in front of you your Guru in the aspect of Shakyamuni Buddha, with thousand - arm Chenrezig at his heart. At the heart of thousand - arm Chenrezig is the syllable H rih, from which beams of light emanate, forming s ix rows in the space below. At the end of each beam is a throne supported by elephants and adorned with pearls. On each throne is seated a buddha. In the first row are six buddhas, blue in colo u r and in the aspect of Akshobhya , ( T he left hand in his lap in the gesture of meditative equipoise, the right hand in the earth - touching gesture ) with the exception of the third buddha, King Lord of the Nagas , who has a blu e - colo u red body, but a white head . ( B oth of his hands are folded together at his heart) In the second row, there are seven buddhas, white in colo u r and in the aspect of Vairochana . ( B oth of his hands at the heart, the index fingers extended)


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